At the beginning of 2023, I vowed to post one review or essay per month, a goal I met for the first half of the year. Then work got busy, and my husband and I started doing home improvement projects we’d been putting off, making it harder to find the bandwidth for reviewing. The reviews I did publish, however, seemed to have found an audience, so I’m setting the same goal for myself in 2024, with the aim of writing more in-depth essays about older titles like Furari and BL Metamorphosis, as well as more reviews of classic, indie, and overlooked manga. My other major goal for 2024 is to revive The Manga Review, though the upheaval on Twitter has made me wonder whether I’d reach more people with a newsletter than... The post The Manga Critic’s Year in Review: 2023 first appeared on Manga Bookshelf.

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