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The Big Four

detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,


Gakkou no Yuurei (School Ghosts), volume 4

More ghostly doings in Japanese schools. Gakkou no Yuurei ( School Ghosts) , volume 4, is much like volume 3: six segments of about the sa...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Hanime on Anime Special Review: X-Men ‘97Background image for Hanime on Anime Special Review: X-Men ‘97

Hanime on Anime Special Review: X-Men ‘97

Greetings, fabulous people of the Internet!  Hanime on Anime here, and welcome to a very special and unique review.  If you looked at the title and saw what…

Hanime on Anime

Featured image for 2024 DanielSonic AwardsBackground image for 2024 DanielSonic Awards

2024 DanielSonic Awards

This is an award ceremony for everything I got to experience in 2024. This was a lot easier to write than I expected. The “Griffith was WRONG actually”…

DanielSonic Talks About Stuff

Ichigatsu ni wa Christmas

Orphan doesn't often do holiday releases and has never done a Christmas show, as best I can remember, so here's a first: the 1991 shoujo OVA...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Reader’s Corner: Wanted! Eiichiro Oda Before One Piece, Solo Leveling (Vol. 10), X-Men: The Manga: Remastered (Vol. 1), and Oshi no Ko (Vol. 6)Background image for Reader’s Corner: Wanted! Eiichiro Oda Before One Piece, Solo Leveling (Vol. 10), X-Men: The Manga: Remastered (Vol. 1), and Oshi no Ko (Vol. 6)

Reader’s Corner: Wanted! Eiichiro Oda Before One Piece, Solo Leveling (Vol. 10), X-Men: The Manga: Remastered (Vol. 1), and Oshi no Ko (Vol. 6)

This week’s Reader’s Corner is full of really cool releases, including a new edition of a classic X-Men manga; one-shots from Oda Eiichiro; the newest volume of Steel…

Beneath the Tangles

Featured image for Manga the Week of 11/13/24Background image for Manga the Week of 11/13/24

Manga the Week of 11/13/24

SEAN: So. Manga. The debut from Viz Media is Wanted! Eiichiro Oda Before One Piece. It is what it sounds like, a collection of stories Oda wrote before…

Manga Bookshelf

Normally How Ice Works

The Desmond Family "enjoys" a family dinner together, Astro Royale has the villains come together for a big combo attack, and Quinn attempts to crowbar in as many…

Weekly Manga Recap

Ushiro no Hyakutaro

Ushiro no Hyakutaro ( Hyakutaro Behind or Hyakutaro in Back ) is a two-volume OVA from 1991. Based on a eight-volume manga by Tsunada Jir...

Collectr's Blog

Just Like the X-Men!

9:55 - Undead Unluck 221 24:54 - Blue Box 163 41:05 - Astro Royale 20 54:21 - Hima-Ten! 9 1:06:06 / 66:06 - Ichi the Witch 1 1:24:07 / 84:07 - Ultimate Exorcist…

Weekly Manga Recap

Featured image for God Loves, Man Kills | An Essential X-Men StoryBackground image for God Loves, Man Kills | An Essential X-Men Story
Featured image for Going Full Circle - From X-Men to Manga and Back AgainBackground image for Going Full Circle - From X-Men to Manga and Back Again

Going Full Circle - From X-Men to Manga and Back Again

Before I got into anime, I got into a cartoon series that became a huge hit in the Western world and was based off one of the most…

Drop-In to Manga - Manga, Mental Health & Community

503 – Twiple Dip 10 – #DRCL midnight children 2, Innocent 2, Chainsaw Man 17

Join us as we read the next volumes of #DRCL midnight children, Innocent, and Chainsaw Man for another installment of Twiple Dip! We also talk about the American…

Manga Machinations

Anivision Podcast: Episode 346

The Anivision Hosts gather to discuss X-Men 97, give their thoughts on Square Enix's decision for multi-platform games, look at the Future of Final Fantasy, give updated…


Featured image for X-Men '97 and the Superhero Soap OperaBackground image for X-Men '97 and the Superhero Soap Opera

X-Men '97 and the Superhero Soap Opera

Another woman stumbles over the threshold. Everybody yells: “Jean?!” It was at that moment that I realized X-Men ‘97 was a superhero soap opera.


Dysfunctional Families

No matter if you're a hardcore X-MEN fan, or just a fan of the classic 1993 animated series, XM97 will completely blow you away with how much its…

I can't believe it's not Shoggy! Viz Media's Marvel Multiverse of Madness

 Hey all! Sakaki here with some big news from our manga lords at Viz media!! They've locked in and Marvel'd up, and we're here to tell you a...

Weekly Shounen Sunday Edition

495 – Shojo Showdown 7 – Neighborhood Story, Yakuza Lover, A Sign of Affection

On this episode we discuss X-Men '97, Kohri no Joheki, I'm a Wolf, but My Boss is a Sheep!, and more! Then we get ready for a Shojo…

Manga Machinations

492 – One Shot 72 – Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths

This week we talk about X-Men '97, The End of Evangelion, The Three-Body Problem, Fujou wo Nuguu Hito, and more! Then we discuss how war is bad with…

Manga Machinations

Page Me Wolverine

In this action-packed, [CYCLOPS_VISOR_NOISE_97.WAV]-buzzing two-episode premiere, Marvel Animation Studios reminds you whose the fucking boss of superhero cartoons in the greatest comic franchise to be animated. Again. For…

An Uncanny Revival

Fill your largest bowl up with the most American sugar-laden cereal you have and drench it with whole milk. The X-MEN are back, bub, and you don't want…

Featured image for Voice Actor Steve Blum on AI in Voiceover, Connecting with Spike, and the Value of VulnerabilityBackground image for Voice Actor Steve Blum on AI in Voiceover, Connecting with Spike, and the Value of Vulnerability

Voice Actor Steve Blum on AI in Voiceover, Connecting with Spike, and the Value of Vulnerability

For many fans of a certain age, Steve Blum is more than just a prolific voice actor; he’s the very voice of their childhood and adolescence. As the…

Beneath the Tangles

Featured image for Ep. 104 – Blood Blockade Battlefront vol 1 by Yasuhiro NightowBackground image for Ep. 104 – Blood Blockade Battlefront vol 1 by Yasuhiro Nightow

Ep. 104 – Blood Blockade Battlefront vol 1 by Yasuhiro Nightow

David recommends Blood Blockade Battlefront, manga meets X-Men: Inferno! But will CHip agree? Only one way to find out, listen to the Mangasplaining Podcast!

| Mangasplaining:

How to Fix the MCU's Content Issue - Categories!

An anime and manga blog, devoted to all kinds of amazing things from Japan. Reviews, articles, lists and more!

Otaku Nuts

Featured image for THIS manga is about a famous marvel character!! #manga #mangarecommendations #otaku #wolverineBackground image for THIS manga is about a famous marvel character!! #manga #mangarecommendations #otaku #wolverine

THIS manga is about a famous marvel character!! #manga #mangarecommendations #otaku #wolverine

This manga is about the Wolverine! Yes, the marvel superhero from the X-Men comics. The creator of Blame!, Tsutomu Nihei created this dark and gritty manga. Logan A.K.A…


My Ranking of Marvel's Phase 4

An anime and manga blog, devoted to all kinds of amazing things from Japan. Reviews, articles, lists and more!

Otaku Nuts

Malevolent Spirits #05 — Enhanced Interrogation

  Long conversations repeating themselves. Impressions: Like High Card, this episode was mainly focused on introducing some side factions that will be the League of Evil Mutants to the…

Tenka Seiha

Featured image for Makima Scares Me NowBackground image for Makima Scares Me Now

Makima Scares Me Now

Chainsaw Man Ep 9 Review To paraphrase Wolverine from the X-Men comics, “All right, Yakuza bastards. You took yer best shot. Now it’s my turn!”  That was the exact…

D&A Anime Blog

Featured image for My Hero Academia Anime 117-118 and Chapter 371Background image for My Hero Academia Anime 117-118 and Chapter 371

My Hero Academia Anime 117-118 and Chapter 371

Welcome to episode 226 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week  Kendra (@sniperofmyheart) is joined by special guest writer, cosplayer and panelist Simply Scarlet (@scarlet_simply). We cover…

My Hero Academia Podcast

Kimami ni Idol

Kimama ni Idol (Free-Spirited Idols) is a 1990 comedy OVA based on a manga by Kotani Kenichi. It tells the madcap tale of three teenage girl...

Collectr's Blog

Nana Toshi Monogatari

Here's another project that BlueFixer asked Orphan to redo: the two-part sci-fi OVA Nana Toshi Monogatari: Hokkyokukai Sensen ( A Tale of S...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for 079 - I'll Give It My All... Tomorrow vol. 1Background image for 079 - I'll Give It My All... Tomorrow vol. 1

079 - I'll Give It My All... Tomorrow vol. 1

Continuing with our season of manga about being a manga artist, we talk about the first volume of Shunju Aono’s fictional story ‘I’ll Give It My All.. Tomorrow’,…

We Appreciate Manga

Sotsugyou: Graduation

There are lots of OVAs with Graduation in the title. This one is the two episode OVA from 1995. It is based on a dating sim game and…

Collectr's Blog

Cameos: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Sonic

An anime and manga blog, devoted to all kinds of amazing things from Japan. Reviews, articles, lists and more!

Otaku Nuts

Featured image for The Otakusphere: Wonder Egg, Dino King and can anyone stop GokuBackground image for The Otakusphere: Wonder Egg, Dino King and can anyone stop Goku

The Otakusphere: Wonder Egg, Dino King and can anyone stop Goku

Good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are in the world. It’s Sunday in my corner of the hinterlands, which means it’s time for another trip around the…

In Search of Number Nine — An anime blog

Featured image for Sensou Douwa: Boku no BoukuugouBackground image for Sensou Douwa: Boku no Boukuugou

Sensou Douwa: Boku no Boukuugou

Sensou Douwa ( War Tales or War Fables ) was a series of TV specials by Shin-Ei Animation that ran annually from 2002 to 2009. In…

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Maetel kills them all?Background image for Maetel kills them all?

Maetel kills them all?

One of the most famous pieces of X-Men lore revolves around the death of Jean Grey at the end of the Dark Phoenix Saga. During the Dark Phoenix…

In Search of Number Nine — An anime blog

Featured image for Still Don’t Like That Faceplate: Fighting Armor WolverineBackground image for Still Don’t Like That Faceplate: Fighting Armor Wolverine

Still Don’t Like That Faceplate: Fighting Armor Wolverine

Last week, Sen-Ti-Nel teased the next figure in the Fighting Armor line, none other than mister Weapon X himself, Wolverine. And now, they have opened solicitations along with…


Featured image for A Certain Scientific RailgunBackground image for A Certain Scientific Railgun

A Certain Scientific Railgun

A Certain Scientific Railgun is a much better counterpart to Magical Index that feels like an intriguing cop show set in an X-Men-like universe. It’s still got a…

At a Glance Anime

VA Macy Anne Johnson Talks Akudama Drive, Star Wars, and Recording Remotely

Check out our video interview with voice actress Macy Anne Johnson (Smile Down the Runway), who voices Ordinary Person / Swindler in the Funimation dub of Akudama Drive,…

Beneath the Tangles

Featured image for Top 20 Fairy Tail FightsBackground image for Top 20 Fairy Tail Fights

Top 20 Fairy Tail Fights

An anime and manga blog, devoted to all kinds of amazing things from Japan. Reviews, articles, lists and more!

Otaku Nuts

Still Thinking About Devilman Crybaby

Devilman Crybaby wasn’t my favorite show. In fact, about a year after its release, I was surprised to find that I gave it a 6/10 on I…

Sakura Sunrise

Geeky Challenge Day 30: The End

  Lita did it. . . SHE MADE IT to the end people.!!!       Most Obsessed – Over Fandom?     I reached the end. .…


Spiraken Manga Review Ep 238: Chronos Rulers Deceleration Age, Acceleration Intrigue

In this episode, Xan wonders about time, wishes and action as he reviews not a manga but a Chinese Manhua. So enjoy as he reviews the action series…

Spiraken Review Podcast

Popcorn Pulse 70: Police Panda

What happens when you take the guy who played Angel in X-Men 3 and put him in a film that is a spiritual adaptation of Dead Space? Nothing…

Anime Pulse

Wolverine – Episode 1 (2011)

This is the first episode of the second of the four Marvel anime TV series (Iron Man, Wolverine, X-Men, Blade). Directed by Hiroshi Aoyama (Top Secret ~The Revelation~), story by…


Featured image for The coming Apocalypse (of Fox’s Marvel movies)Background image for The coming Apocalypse (of Fox’s Marvel movies)

The coming Apocalypse (of Fox’s Marvel movies)

So I saw the leaked trailer for X-men Apocalypse (you can view it here). I honestly was pretty excited about this movie. After all this is my favorite…

Famous Rose

Featured image for Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo episode 5Background image for Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo episode 5

Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo episode 5

I should fix my I can go back to hell. A night full of posts continues! I am super tired and thought about eating ice cream...

Tenchi's Thoughts

Featured image for Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo episode 2Background image for Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo episode 2

Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo episode 2

I know I know folks. I know what you are going to say. How can I be so behind on anime but still make an effort to watch…

Tenchi's Thoughts

Featured image for OtakuGeneration (Show #375) Space BrothersBackground image for OtakuGeneration (Show #375) Space Brothers

OtakuGeneration (Show #375) Space Brothers

  Shownotes :: (show 375) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Space Brothers, recorded live August 12th, 2012. This week we finally talked about Space Brothers. Plus…

otakugeneration's Podcast