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Tanjou: Debut

Tanjou: Debut ( Birth: Debut ) is a two-episode shoujo OVA from 1994. It was originally subbed in the VHS-fansub era. Its two stories revol...

Collectr's Blog

Staff Picks: The Best Anime of 2024

Welcome to the second post in our annual Staff Picks series, and the final one available for free on the main Ani-Gamers blog! Check out our first post…


Featured image for Dear Brother – Episode 9Background image for Dear Brother – Episode 9

Dear Brother – Episode 9

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today the sun is shining and bells are tolling atop Seiren Academy, as we return once more to the…

Wrong Every Time

Featured image for Dear Brother – Episode 8Background image for Dear Brother – Episode 8

Dear Brother – Episode 8

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am delighted to be returning to the operatic and perpetually thrilling Dear Brother, as Nanako continues her…

Wrong Every Time

Jack Jeanne OST

Rating : 70/100 Shoujo stuff tends to get the short end of the stick when it comes to getting ported to the US, but in some circles that…


Top Anime of 2023 (And Year in Review)

Another year has come and gone, leaving us undeniably older and presumably wiser, though at this point it’s hard for me to tell if each new year of…

Wrong Every Time

Featured image for Anime OVAs You Missed - Boyfriend (1992)Background image for Anime OVAs You Missed - Boyfriend (1992)

Anime OVAs You Missed - Boyfriend (1992)

To be real.. An anime titled boyfriend would never be my first choice of an anime to watch. And actually.. It wasn’t. I’ve seen over 500 before I got to this. All jokes…


Featured image for Transmasculinity and queer sexuality in the works of Ikeda RiyokoBackground image for Transmasculinity and queer sexuality in the works of Ikeda Riyoko

Transmasculinity and queer sexuality in the works of Ikeda Riyoko

Unlike many other gender-bending stories of the time, which often fall back on a “born in the wrong body” story, or a Mulan-style passing narrative, Ikeda acknowledges a…

Anime Feminist

Featured image for Dear Brother – Episode 7Background image for Dear Brother – Episode 7

Dear Brother – Episode 7

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to dive back into the nest of vipers that is Seiran Academy, as we bear witness…

Wrong Every Time

Featured image for Dear Brother – Episode 6Background image for Dear Brother – Episode 6

Dear Brother – Episode 6

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m delighted to be returning to the tangled drama of Dear Brother, wherein Nanako has found herself isolated…

Wrong Every Time

Featured image for Obsession: Dear BrotherBackground image for Obsession: Dear Brother

Obsession: Dear Brother

Minor spoiler warning. 0:00 Introductory AMV "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? 2:38 The Self Healing Messages Of Dear Brother 3:55 Nanako (Tomoko is goofy) 5:12 Rei (Tomoko is goofy 2) 5:59 AMV:…

Spirit Chaser

Featured image for Anime Like Yuri is My Job!Background image for Anime Like Yuri is My Job!

Anime Like Yuri is My Job!

With a cute face, good grades, and a flawless friendly facade, Hime Shiraki hopes to land herself a rich husband by being the picture of perfection.

Recommend Me Anime

Featured image for What I Watched This Week – 6/4-6/10Background image for What I Watched This Week – 6/4-6/10

What I Watched This Week – 6/4-6/10

Dear Brother Ep.1-20 – I’ve wanted to watch this classic shoujo yuri for a long time, but the only place it was streaming was Retro Crush and their…

The Romantic Goldfish

Featured image for My First Blogger Tag!?Background image for My First Blogger Tag!?

My First Blogger Tag!?

Hi friends! I hope you’re all doing well! Today, in lieu of missing a post last week due to me being sick and honestly just not having anything…

mosaicboy's Interest Nook

Featured image for Dear Brother – Episode 5Background image for Dear Brother – Episode 5

Dear Brother – Episode 5

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am feverishly impatient to get back to Dear Brother, and continue Nanako’s descent into the vicious rivalries…

Wrong Every Time

Featured image for Balmy Wind (Dear Brother AMV)Background image for Balmy Wind (Dear Brother AMV)

Balmy Wind (Dear Brother AMV)

Made this mostly for fun while working on the next two big videos. Support me: Donate: My Anime List: Anilist: #anime #animeedit #dearbrother #oniisamae #amv #amvedit #amvanime

Spirit Chaser

Featured image for Dear Brother – Episode 4Background image for Dear Brother – Episode 4

Dear Brother – Episode 4

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am absolutely beyond eager to get back into Dear Brother, and at last find out however Nanako…

Wrong Every Time

Featured image for Dear Brother – Episode 3Background image for Dear Brother – Episode 3

Dear Brother – Episode 3

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to dive back into Dezaki’s majestic Dear Brother, whose last episode presented us with a dizzying…

Wrong Every Time

Featured image for Dear Brother – Episode 2Background image for Dear Brother – Episode 2

Dear Brother – Episode 2

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m delighted to announce we’re returning to Dear Brother, and continuing to explore its fusion of Ikeda’s propulsive…

Wrong Every Time

Featured image for Dear Brother – Episode 1Background image for Dear Brother – Episode 1

Dear Brother – Episode 1

Hello folks, and welcome to Wrong Every Time. Today I am delighted to announce we’re checking out one of the most essential anime series I’ve yet to see,…

Wrong Every Time

Featured image for Weekly Round-Up, 28 December 2022 – 3 January 2023: Dear Brother Out of Print, Otome Localization Survey, and Year’s Best YuriBackground image for Weekly Round-Up, 28 December 2022 – 3 January 2023: Dear Brother Out of Print, Otome Localization Survey, and Year’s Best Yuri

Weekly Round-Up, 28 December 2022 – 3 January 2023: Dear Brother Out of Print, Otome Localization Survey, and Year’s Best Yuri

AniFem Round-Up Nonconforming in the ‘90s: How Pokemon’s gender variance caught the hearts of a generation With Ash’s time in the anime coming to an end, it’s worth…

Anime Feminist

Anime Openings of 30 Years Ago title list

 Thanks so much to everyone who came to my panel "Anime Openings of 30 Years Ago" at Anime Frontier 2022! For those who wanted a complete li...

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast

Laughing Target

Orphan concludes (for now) its Rumiko Takahashi festival with the third Rumic World OVA, 1987's Warau Hyouteki ( Laughing Target ). This is...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for A Couple of Cuckoos – 16 – Full Throttle SachiBackground image for A Couple of Cuckoos – 16 – Full Throttle Sachi

A Couple of Cuckoos – 16 – Full Throttle Sachi

Sachi wants to know more about this Segawa Hiro girl her dear brother loves so much he’s willing to date her even while engaged to Erika. Rather than…

RABUJOI – An Anime Blog

Hayou no Tsurugi

Hayou no Tsurugi was a series of forty (!) light novels by Maeda Tomiko, published between 1989 and 2017. (A spinoff series, Hayou no Tsuru...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Chatty AF 164: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 32-39Background image for Chatty AF 164: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 32-39

Chatty AF 164: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 32-39

Vrai, Mercedez, Chiaki, and special guest Diana check in on the kids one last time, grit their teeth through some tragic lesbians, and give a warm send-off to…

Anime Feminist

Featured image for Chatty AF 163: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 24-31Background image for Chatty AF 163: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 24-31

Chatty AF 163: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 24-31

Vrai, Mercedez, Chiaki, and special guest Diana finally find out what exactly Fukiko's Deal is and talk about how the leftist protests of the 1960s may have influenced…

Anime Feminist

Featured image for Weekly Round-Up, 13-19 April 2022: Gunbuster Influences, Marriage Equality Film Festival, and Nintendo Labor ComplaintBackground image for Weekly Round-Up, 13-19 April 2022: Gunbuster Influences, Marriage Equality Film Festival, and Nintendo Labor Complaint

Weekly Round-Up, 13-19 April 2022: Gunbuster Influences, Marriage Equality Film Festival, and Nintendo Labor Complaint

AniFem Round-Up 2022 Spring Premiere Digest All of this season’s premieres, listed with content warnings. Chatty AF 160: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 16-23 The classic shoujo retrospective…

Anime Feminist

Featured image for Chatty AF 160: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 16-23Background image for Chatty AF 160: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 16-23

Chatty AF 160: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 16-23

Vrai, Mercedez, Chiaki, and special guest Diana dig into Nanako's love confession, the series' influence on Class S stories, and what makes the series such a potent depiction…

Anime Feminist

Featured image for Chatty AF 158: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 8-15Background image for Chatty AF 158: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 8-15

Chatty AF 158: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 8-15

Vrai, Mercedez, Chiaki, and special guest Diana continue their watchalong with episodes 8-15 of the quintessential anime melodrama, Dear Brother!

Anime Feminist

Featured image for Chatty AF 158: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 1-7Background image for Chatty AF 158: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 1-7

Chatty AF 158: Dear Brother Watchalong – Episodes 1-7

Vrai, Mercedez, Chiaki, and special guest Diana begin their watchalong of the quintessential anime melodrama, Dear Brother!

Anime Feminist

Featured image for Anime Review 231 Dear BrotherBackground image for Anime Review 231 Dear Brother

Anime Review 231 Dear Brother

Disclaimer the show that I’m going to talk about contains sensitive topics of suicide and heavy drug use. Therefore, if you’re not comfortable with these subjects, feel ready…

TakaTempest Reviews

Baby Love

Baby Love is such a familiar shoujo romance that it seemed like a refugee from the Margaret Video Series, but it was actually made somewhat ...

Collectr's Blog

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - Guest Episode: Dear Brother Part 2: The Spoilercast! with The Anime is Lit Podcast

Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode! Happy New Year, everyone! This mon...

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - Guest Episode: Dear Brother with The Anime is Lit Podcast

  Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode! This month on the podcast, celeb...

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast


I could have done an entire month's worth of reviews just of yuri manga just from 2021 - that's how popular the genre has become.  I've got ...

The Manga Test Drive

Featured image for Oniisama e…  and the Role of Girl’s Love in Founding Modern ShoujoBackground image for Oniisama e…  and the Role of Girl’s Love in Founding Modern Shoujo

Oniisama e… and the Role of Girl’s Love in Founding Modern Shoujo

12 Days of Aniblogging 2021, Day 3 I finished Dear Brother/Oniisama e this year! Everything I brought up in my 2020 blog post on the series remains true. It’s…

Floating Catacombs

Featured image for Anime Review 223 Kageki Shoujo!!Background image for Anime Review 223 Kageki Shoujo!!

Anime Review 223 Kageki Shoujo!!

If someone were to ask what was my most anticipated anime of summer 2021 anime season barring squeals, it would be Kageki Shoujo!!. When I saw the trailer…

TakaTempest Reviews

Featured image for Anime Series Like Opera GirlBackground image for Anime Series Like Opera Girl

Anime Series Like Opera Girl

After being forced out of her idol group due to a stalker fostering her discomfort with men, Ai Narata seeks to use her talents at the prestigious Kouka…

Recommend Me Anime

This Is Where I Came In...

I just had the pleasure of editing the Blu-ray version of episode 58 of Yawara! - the last one I had never touched (or seen) before -…

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Sensou Douwa: Kiku-chan to OokamiBackground image for Sensou Douwa: Kiku-chan to Ookami

Sensou Douwa: Kiku-chan to Ookami

Sensou Douwa ( War Fables or War Tales ) was a series of TV specials by Shin-Ei Animation that ran annually from 2002 to 2009. In…

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Guest Spot: "Dear Brother" part 2 with Anime Is LitBackground image for Guest Spot: "Dear Brother" part 2 with Anime Is Lit

Guest Spot: "Dear Brother" part 2 with Anime Is Lit

  Part 2 my guest spot on the Anime is Lit podcast on Dear Brother is now up ! This episode is ALL spoiler talk, so make…

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast

Featured image for Ep 17 - Dear Brother - Part 2 "The spoilers... they just won't stop flowing"Background image for Ep 17 - Dear Brother - Part 2 "The spoilers... they just won't stop flowing"

Ep 17 - Dear Brother - Part 2 "The spoilers... they just won't stop flowing"

Continuing part 2 of our discussion on the classic shoujo masterpiece Dear Brother (Oniisama e), now no-holds-barred, all-spoilers-all-the time. Dawn and Diana are with us to go in-depth…

Anime is Lit

Featured image for Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode #04Background image for Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode #04

Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode #04

Well you look at that, seems that Miyuki Shiba is dressing up for style towards her dear brother Tatsuya. Then again, it’s not like Tatsuya-niisama has romantic feelings…

The Anime Rambler – By Benigmatica

Featured image for Guest Spot: "Dear Brother" part 1 with Anime Is LitBackground image for Guest Spot: "Dear Brother" part 1 with Anime Is Lit

Guest Spot: "Dear Brother" part 1 with Anime Is Lit

  While you wait for this month's episode of my podcast (which will be out probably sometime later this week), you can listen to my guest sp...

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast

Featured image for Ep 16 - Dear Brother - Part 1 (Spoiler-Free Edition!)Background image for Ep 16 - Dear Brother - Part 1 (Spoiler-Free Edition!)

Ep 16 - Dear Brother - Part 1 (Spoiler-Free Edition!)

We’re back with a supercast on the unmissable classic shoujo masterpiece Dear Brother (Oniisama e)! Joined by our friends Dawn (of the Anime Nostalgia podcast) and Diana, we…

Anime is Lit

Featured image for How Watching Dear Brother Can Hurt YouBackground image for How Watching Dear Brother Can Hurt You

How Watching Dear Brother Can Hurt You

This post is the spoiler filled companion piece of the post that came out yesterday and it’s a very personal piece as well. If you want more context…

Mechanical Anime Reviews

Featured image for Dear Brother: When the Walls FellBackground image for Dear Brother: When the Walls Fell

Dear Brother: When the Walls Fell

Well, it’s time to discuss this Dezaki directed anime adaptation of Riyoko Ikeda’s Girl’s Love manga from years ago. You know, pretty much the same crew and creator…

Mechanical Anime Reviews

OSMcast! Show #175: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Ever wonder what's next in life? Perhaps even in the next life? Sure, reincarnation is a possibly, but have you ever considered reincarnating into a JRPG? Chances are…

OSMcast! Anime, Games, Interviews, & More!

OSMcast! Show #175: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Ever wonder what's next in life? Perhaps even in the next life? Sure, reincarnation is a possibly, but have you ever considered reincarnating into a JRPG? Chances are…

OSMcast! Anime, Games, Interviews, & More!