In this, the 47th episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan reviews a series that has is strange violent, cute ahd has a teacher with gigantic boobs! This series is Mahoromatic ----more---- Again due to time constraints, Xan was unable to do the review of The Color of Water, the second in the 3 Part Manwah Series by Kim Dong Hwa, but he will do it by episode 48, he promises. Anyway In this episode, Xan is excited about the new rumiko series Rinne as well as the new anime magaizine future anime. Xan also reveals that he will be attending the Sakura Matsui at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens on Saturday May 2nd ( If you are able to find Xan, you will get a free manga and/or a spiraken manga review armband. How can you find him? Listen to next week's episode and find out The final part of "The Top 50 Anime OP/Cl/BGMs of All Time" will be released this saturday and it will be glorious. What will the top ten be. Download it and find out . Also check out John Paul's Podcast, the Fightbait Anime & Gaming Podcast and check out where Xan is now writing articles and reviews about anime and manga. And finally, we are still looking for the voice of THE WHEEL OF MANGA. Send an mp3 or a voice mail of you saying Wheel of Manga and see if you can become the wheel of manga voice. Contest ends June 1st Music For Episode: Intro Music-Mahoro no Mambo by Yumi Kikuchi (Mahoromatic OST),Ending Music -Triomatic Ran Ran Ran By Triomatic (Asami Sanada, Manabi Mizuno, Yumi Kikuchi)(Mahoromatic OST 2) Our Website Our Forum Our Email My Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Voicemail 206-426-6665 (monk) Random Question of the Week: What is the surface area of an average-sized brick?

Spiraken Review Podcast