In this episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan regains his sense of justice as he reviews the tattoo inspired action adventure seinen series Taboo Tattoo by Shinjiro   Xan goes over the basics of this series and why it is so similar to other series. He also promotes his upcoming appearance at Anime NYC in New York City in November of this year. you should check it out. Either way, Hope you enjoy ----more---- Music For Episode: Intro Music - Belief  by May'N (Taboo Tattoo OST),  Ending Music -Egoistic Emotion by TRIGGER (Taboo Tattoo OST)  Our Website Our Forum Our Email Xan's Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Amazon Store Random Question of the Week: What power would you want a power crest to have?

Spiraken Review Podcast