In this podcast episode, Xan gets an insider look at married life with a unique twist. So enjoy as he reviews the seinen gag sci fi manga comedy series, "Oh My Sweet Alien" by Kouji Miyata. Besides discussing the great relationship the protagonist has with his alien bride, our host also discusses the diverse character designs of the aliens and why this fun series works. hope you enjoy this episode. ----more---- Music For Episode: Ending Music - Kare No Shift Wa BUNBUNBUN feat. Super Boins- by James Shimoji (Redline OST) Our Instagram Our Email Xan's Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Amazon Store Random Question of the Day: Would you date a super hot alien if you could (also if all the parts were the same?
Mar 7, 2018 • Subscribe
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