As we celebrate our tenth anniversary on Beneath the Tangles, we want to take some time each month to look into the past, not only to commemorate our ten years, but also to see where we were and how far we’ve come as a site and collectively as anime fans. For most months this year,… Read More 10 Year Retrospective, Month #5: Throwback to May 2014
May 21, 2020 • Subscribe
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10 Year Retrospective, Month #3: Throwback to March 2012
As we celebrate our tenth anniversary on Beneath the Tangles, we want to take some time each month to look into the past, not only to commemorate our…
10 Year Retrospective, Month #7: Throwback to July 2016
As we celebrate our tenth anniversary on Beneath the Tangles, we want to take some time each month to look into the past, not only to commemorate our…
10 Year Retrospective, Month #4: Throwback to April 2013
As we celebrate our tenth anniversary on Beneath the Tangles, we want to take some time each month to look into the past, not only to commemorate our…
10 Year Retrospective, Month #6: Throwback to June 2015
As we celebrate our tenth anniversary on Beneath the Tangles, we want to take some time each month to look into the past, not only to commemorate our…
10 Year Retrospective, Month #2: Throwback to February 2011
As we celebrate our tenth anniversary on Beneath the Tangles, we want to take some time each month to look into the past, not only to commemorate our…
10 Year Retrospective, Month #1: Throwback to January 2010
As we celebrate our tenth anniversary on Beneath the Tangles, we want to take some time each month to look into the past, not only to commemorate our…
10 Year Retrospective, Month #8: Throwback to August 2017 (FINAL)
Throughout our tenth anniversary year, we’ve been taking time each month to look into the past, not only to commemorate this decade in blogging, but also to see…
Kino's Journey, The Ancient Magus' Bride, Tsukigakirei, Attack on Titan

2006: A Year-End Retrospective
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OSMcast! Godzilla (2014 Movie) 5-26-2014
I GUESS you could see it in 3D but we didn’t! So. Podcast. Gozilla. 2014. What else is there to say? Well a bunch actually as this is a pretty packed…
12 Days of Stuff #5: 2014, the Year of Interesting Adaptations
Most anime is made as an adaptation of something. Usually this means that the anime is made as an advertisement, because TV anime is free and manga/books/games aren’t.…

Year End Gaming Reflections for 2014
I was going to skip doing this this year, but then I felt sort of sad about not reminising about what I’d played, so even if this post…

Game of the Month: May 2021
This month, the game I want to feature is a sequel to a title that was originally released around two decades ago. Any more and I’ll probably give…

Game of the Month: May 2022
Arr, we be sailin’ the seven seas this month! And that’s enough of the pirate-talk shtick, let’s just focus on a video game. I don’t have any honourable…

Game of the Month: May 2024
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Game of the Month: May 2023
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Gunslinger Girl – 10 [Amare (To Love)] – Throwback Thursday
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Winter 2013/2014/whatever year it is
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Episode 105 - September 5, 2014
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Top 5 Anime of 2014
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Top 5 Movies of 2014
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10 Year Anniversary!
It was 10 years ago to the day that I launched this blog, with the four line ‘Under construction…‘ post. The intention was to try something new in…

10 Year Anniversary
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Kory’s Top 10 Movies of 2014
2014 was a really good year for movies. Like a really fucking good year. I love all the movies on this list, but I’m excluding a TON that…
Kory’s Top 10 Anime of 2014
There was a literal metric crap ton of good anime in 2014. Like, holy cow. 10 on this list hardly does it justice. There were several sports series…
Kory’s Top 10 Anime of 2014
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Kory’s Top 10 Movies of 2014
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OSMcast! Samurai Flamenco 5-12-2014
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OSMcast! Anime, Games, Interviews, & More!
Listeners, Samurai Flamenco, Conception, Legend of the Crystals: Final Fantasy

#2014 / S.H.Figuarts / Iron Man Mark 5
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Princess Tutu – 9/10 – Throwback Thursday
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Throwback Thursday: BtT’s Top 10 Anime
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Princess Tutu – 5/6 – Throwback Thursday
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Anime Power Rankings: Spring 2014 Week 10
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Natsunagu!, The Golden Bird, Kaiketsu Zorori, Haguregumo, ISEKAI QUARTET

Author Journey (May 10, 2021)
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![Featured image for Welcome to the NHK – 5/6 [Welcome to Counselling!/Welcome to the Classroom!] – Throwback Thursday](
![Background image for Welcome to the NHK – 5/6 [Welcome to Counselling!/Welcome to the Classroom!] – Throwback Thursday](
Welcome to the NHK – 5/6 [Welcome to Counselling!/Welcome to the Classroom!] – Throwback Thursday
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Spiraken Book Club: May 2014 Part 2- The Grapes of Wrath
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5 Anime I am Looking Forward to Next Year
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Makoto Shinkai Retrospective: 5 Centimeters per Second
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Twelve Kingdoms – 10/11/12 – Throwback Thursday
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Neon Genesis Evangelion – 9/10 – Throwback Thursday
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![Featured image for Black Lagoon – 9/10 [Maid to Kill/The Unstoppable Chambermaid] – Throwback Thursday](
![Background image for Black Lagoon – 9/10 [Maid to Kill/The Unstoppable Chambermaid] – Throwback Thursday](
Black Lagoon – 9/10 [Maid to Kill/The Unstoppable Chambermaid] – Throwback Thursday
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![Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 10 [Prelude to Chaos]- Throwback Thursday](
![Background image for Now and Then, Here and There – 10 [Prelude to Chaos]- Throwback Thursday](
Now and Then, Here and There – 10 [Prelude to Chaos]- Throwback Thursday
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Twelve Kingdoms – 4/5/6 – Throwback Thursday
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News Update - Mon, 10 May 2021
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