Writing Prompt: Is it better to have a protagonist with a bad personality… or no personality at all?
Now here’s an interesting question that I should have some thoughts on, given how often I point out when the protagonist in an anime is boring or feels copy-pasted from countless other series…
Dec 4, 2022 • Subscribe
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Writing Prompt: Is it strange to not rate based on enjoyment at all?
In the mood for some writing, and decided to search for a writing prompt. Luckily for me, the “recent discussions” on MyAnimeList caught my eye, and that is…

Writing Prompt: Is anime better than Hollywood?
Now here’s an interesting one. I could see this being a difficult question for some, but not for me!

Writing Prompt: Do you watch one anime at a time, or have many ongoing series at once?
Here’s a pretty simple one, but seeing as I’ve been slacking with writing posts in advance lately, it’ll do perfectly for a short one.

Writing Prompt: Getting bitten by anime girls: Good or bad?
I know, this one is a bit goofy. But if I’m going to pile on the questions here, I may as well include some of the strange ones…

Writing Prompt: When an anime is constantly talked about all the time, does that make you want to watch it or avoid it?
Long one, approaching LN title length here. But the question itself is quite simple, and I’ve sort of touched upon this topic before with prompts like the recent…

Writing Prompt: Would you rather an anime with bad characters but an amazing plot, or an anime with a bad plot but amazing characters?
Time to steal another prompt from MAL. This one seemed interesting, and even as I write this intro blurb, I’m not sure what my choice will be yet!

Writing Prompt: Would you rather have your favourite anime be mainstream or unpopular?
Let’s get another easy one out there with this prompt. Would you rather have your favourite anime be mainstream or unpopular?

Writing Prompt: Has the quality of anime discussion gotten better or worse over time?
Welcome back for another prompt, this time something quite general about anime discussion. Which I feel like could be a decent prompt for some discussion!

Writing Prompt: Do you watch anime with friends and/or family?
This is going to be a quick one, and a part of me is more interested in your answers than actually writing my own. So you could say…

Writing Prompt: Is it OK to review an anime before it’s finished airing?
An interesting question to think about. And there are many different ways to think around this one, too.

Writing Prompt: Have you ever watched an anime you didn’t like just so you could better relate to & interact with others?
In other words, have you ever watched an anime just so you wouldn’t feel left out? I thought this one could bring out some interesting answers, but I…

Is Censored Anime Better than None at All?
Sure we would all prefer if anime didn't get censored at all, but is it better to see a censored version than no version?

Writing Prompt: How good is your ability to enjoy an anime directed at a different audience?
Some of these questions are pretty meta, I typically don’t think about this when deciding what anime to watch next! But that’s precisely what makes it an interesting…

Writing Prompt: What anime took a concept or idea too far?
There certainly are a lot of ecchi anime that would probably qualify as answers for this question, as well as isekai considering many series are moving into “reincarnated…

Writing Prompt: Which anime character would do a better job with the Death Note than Light Yagami?
While Light Yagami tried so hard and got so far… perhaps it would have been best for someone else to pick up the Death Note. As to who,…

Writing Prompt: Is it OK to rate an anime entirely based on its entertainment value?
When I first typed this question out, I was thinking that I may not use it, as it seems like a very easy one to answer. But then…

Writing Prompt: Why is anime so behind with multi-ethnic representation?
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Writing Prompt: Have you ever shilled for an anime studio?
I’ve got time to take a crack at another prompt, so let’s have at it.

Is it Better to Learn Japanese in the US or in Japan? #learnjapanese
Learn Japanese with Me - https://bit.ly/4drmyU2

Writing Prompt: What would it take to “ruin” an anime for you?
To clarify, since I didn’t want the post title to be super long, this prompt is referring to an anime being ruined due to external factors. Like you…

Writing Prompt: Does it bother you when a character’s voice actor changes?
Every once in a while you get that situation where the voice actor / actress of a character changes, but I’ll admit it’s not all that common. I…

Writing Prompt: Should Evangelion get a remake?
I’m going to assume this is referring to the original series, and not something newer as I know there’s a bunch of Evangelion content out there. I’ve personally…

Writing Prompt: What is the most misunderstood genre?
Original question on MAL was just outright claiming that isekai is the most misunderstood, a bold claim to be sure, but I thought this question would be better…

Writing Prompt: What is your favourite generic anime?
As a fan of fantasy anime, and by extension, isekai (primarily because of the shift from mecha to fantasy isekai), I should be overjoyed to think up an…

Writing Prompt: What is your biggest anime fear?
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"Is it Better to Say Ramen Tabenai?" #learnjapanese
Learn Japanese with Me - https://bit.ly/4drmyU2
Maybe Saihate no Paladin is a better book than it is an anime
Does the ghost actually see better with his monocle?

Writing Prompt: What is your favourite one of a kind anime?
Here we go with a nice easy question to answer!
Is It Cake or Is It A Winter Season Rundown?
Snow? What's snow? There's only rain. Tis the season for half-assed action. Don't worry, there's still an ungodly number of cheat power reincarnations, both in and out of…

Writing Prompt: How have significant anime influenced your perspective on anime?
Daily writing promptHow do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life?View all responses I do admit it makes me laugh to take…

Writing Prompt: Do you find anime hard to enjoy when it feels predictable?
Here’s another prompt from MAL I wanted to take a look at. I guess these are kind of more like discussion prompts than writing prompts, as I’m not…

Sakugan | Episode Five: It could have been better.
This Bureau guy doesn’t seem so bad after all. In the words of Gagumber, they (Merooro and Memenpu) are both “nerds”. Which for once worked against Gagumber because…
The Protagonist is a _______ but _______.
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Writing Prompt: Do you want to be isekai’d?
I’ve just finished rewatching an isekai anime, Re:Zero, so it feels like a good time to tackle this question. We often see characters getting spirited away to fantasy…

18 Anime With No Romance At All
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Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, Bungo Stray Dogs, Buddy Daddies, MUSHI-SHI, Saga of Tanya the Evil

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (#5)
Been a while since I’ve done one of these. Sometimes the prompts just don’t merit a full post, and other times they’re just ridiculous. The users on MAL…

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (1)
There are a lot of questions that I see on the Internet that I like to answer on my blog, often because I feel like my answer would…

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (3)
It’s time to power through a bunch of questions that I don’t think would merit an entire post to themselves! Round 3!

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (4)
It’s time for another rapid fire edition of writing prompt, where I choose to be lazy and answer questions without much elaboration!

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (2)
Let’s power through another one of these, because just like before, I’ve got some questions that I can’t see myself writing a full post for. That, and because…

Writing Prompt: What genre(s) do you feel are done better with live action rather than anime?
There’s a joke to be made here which involves Netflix… I actually had a student when I was teaching in Japan that told me many times not to…

Writing Prompt: Is “plot fanservice” worse than typical fanservice?
I don’t know if this “plot fanservice” is really a thing or not, but this question was asked on MAL and I thought it was strange enough to…

Writing Prompt: What’s the anime you’re most scared to watch? What would it take to get you to watch it?
Bloganuary writing promptWhat’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?View all responses Yep, I’m hijacking this prompt for…

Writing Prompt: What idea have you never seen depicted in anime before?
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Writing Prompt: Have you ever stereotyped someone based on their favourite anime?
There’s the prompt, courtesy of MAL once again. What had me interested was actually less the prompt itself, but something related to the prompt…

Not a bad week at all! – Winter 2022 – Week 7
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Anime to the Letter: What’s up with all this Writing?
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But is it Better than Frieren?
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Writing Prompt: Is there any merit to reviewing anime of a genre that you actively dislike?
This one is actually a question I thought of personally, as opposed to one I got from MAL or somewhere else, based on many reviews that I’ve read…

Writing Prompt: Which anime was most relatable to you?
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