Welcome back for another prompt, this time something quite general about anime discussion. Which I feel like could be a decent prompt for some discussion!
Sep 14, 2024 • Subscribe
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Writing Prompt: Is anime better than Hollywood?
Now here’s an interesting one. I could see this being a difficult question for some, but not for me!

Writing Prompt: Is “plot fanservice” worse than typical fanservice?
I don’t know if this “plot fanservice” is really a thing or not, but this question was asked on MAL and I thought it was strange enough to…

Writing Prompt: What’s the best time of day to watch anime?
Figured I’d toss in a short and easy one here, since not every question has to be all that thought-provoking.

Writing Prompt: Which anime character has that SIGMA grindset??
I saw this one and it made me laugh so I figured I’d give it a shot. But before I can even get into my answer, I may…

Going Beyond Limits, for Better or for Worse: Anime NYC 2021

Writing Prompt: Getting bitten by anime girls: Good or bad?
I know, this one is a bit goofy. But if I’m going to pile on the questions here, I may as well include some of the strange ones…

Writing Prompt: Has anyone ever changed your opinion about an anime?
If there’s one thing I’ve learned on the Internet, it’s that trying to change someone’s opinion on something is often a fruitless endeavor, and a waste of time.…

Writing Prompt: What anime took a concept or idea too far?
There certainly are a lot of ecchi anime that would probably qualify as answers for this question, as well as isekai considering many series are moving into “reincarnated…

Writing Prompt: Do you watch anime with friends and/or family?
This is going to be a quick one, and a part of me is more interested in your answers than actually writing my own. So you could say…

Writing Prompt: Will AI kill anime?
Lot of drama these days involving AI, it’s certainly upheaving many different industries in different ways. So it’s natural that fans of anime would worry about this same…

Writing Prompt: Random Anime Interaction(s)
Here’s another prompt by myself. I know, shamelessly prompting myself here on the blog… what can I say, I get an idea and decide to just turn it…

Quantity over quality, product over art
A few days ago, one James Yu unveiled a new AI writing tool. Sudowrite, according to Mr. Yu, can give advice on and even write long-form stories. AI…

Writing Prompt: Do you watch one anime at a time, or have many ongoing series at once?
Here’s a pretty simple one, but seeing as I’ve been slacking with writing posts in advance lately, it’ll do perfectly for a short one.

TONIKAWA: Over the Moon For You – S2 08 – Spousal Quality Time
When Tsukasa asks if Nasa loves her, he says of course he does, but later wonders if he said the right thing. Kaname tells him his wife was…
TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You, TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2

Writing Prompt: Discovering My Ideal Anime Mentor
Which anime character would make a good mentor to me?

Writing Prompt: Would you rather have your favourite anime be mainstream or unpopular?
Let’s get another easy one out there with this prompt. Would you rather have your favourite anime be mainstream or unpopular?

Writing Prompt: Is it better to have a protagonist with a bad personality… or no personality at all?
Now here’s an interesting question that I should have some thoughts on, given how often I point out when the protagonist in an anime is boring or feels…

Writing Prompt: Which anime character would do a better job with the Death Note than Light Yagami?
While Light Yagami tried so hard and got so far… perhaps it would have been best for someone else to pick up the Death Note. As to who,…

Writing Prompt: What character do you think inspired the design of another, or other characters?
This one seemed interesting, I’m sure people have mentioned this sort of thing before here and there in other posts. It could even be as simple as a…

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (#5)
Been a while since I’ve done one of these. Sometimes the prompts just don’t merit a full post, and other times they’re just ridiculous. The users on MAL…

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (1)
There are a lot of questions that I see on the Internet that I like to answer on my blog, often because I feel like my answer would…

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (3)
It’s time to power through a bunch of questions that I don’t think would merit an entire post to themselves! Round 3!

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (4)
It’s time for another rapid fire edition of writing prompt, where I choose to be lazy and answer questions without much elaboration!

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (2)
Let’s power through another one of these, because just like before, I’ve got some questions that I can’t see myself writing a full post for. That, and because…

Writing Prompt: Why Are Anime Eyes So Distinct?
Welcome to Anime Rants. I haven’t done a random writing prompt in a while, but this week I’ve had a little more focus and motivation. The trouble was…

Writing Prompt: What makes an anime age well?
We’ve already talked about what could make an anime age poorly, so let’s flip that around and talk about what makes an anime age well!

Writing Prompt: What is your favourite generic anime?
As a fan of fantasy anime, and by extension, isekai (primarily because of the shift from mecha to fantasy isekai), I should be overjoyed to think up an…

Writing Prompt: What is your biggest anime fear?
We’re back with another anime question that’s somewhat vague. But that just gives me the opportunity to answer it from multiple angles!

Writing Prompt: Are some shonen anime too long?
Here’s an interesting one, which is a simple enough question but there are a few different angles from which to look at it!

Writing Prompt: What’s the worst anime scene you’ve ever seen?
When I initially wrote this question down I thought it’d be difficult, because it’s a pretty specific thing to have to remember. But after a few minutes it…

Writing Prompt: What is your favourite one of a kind anime?
Here we go with a nice easy question to answer!

Writing Prompt: What genre(s) do you feel are done better with live action rather than anime?
There’s a joke to be made here which involves Netflix… I actually had a student when I was teaching in Japan that told me many times not to…

Writing Prompt: What’s your favourite JRPG?
Another day, another prompt. This time around, it’s quite simple, except for the part about having to choose my favourite of something, which is always difficult for me.

Writing Prompt: When an anime is constantly talked about all the time, does that make you want to watch it or avoid it?
Long one, approaching LN title length here. But the question itself is quite simple, and I’ve sort of touched upon this topic before with prompts like the recent…

Writing Prompt: How seriously do you take anime critics?
Not even going to re-word or re-work this one, taking it straight from the MAL forums. Should be short and sweet. How seirously do you take anime critics?

Writing Prompt: Which anime was most relatable to you?
I’ll admit, as an avid fantasy anime watcher this question puts me at a bit of a disadvantage. But surely there’s something I found relatable…

Writing Prompt: What’s your preferred length for an anime?
The answer here? It depends on the anime. Seems simple enough. But of course, that’s not very satisfying, so I’ll try my best to come up with an…

Writing Prompt: Novels you’d like to see in anime.
This one comes up every so often in tag posts, but I wanted to answer it again, because why not? Once again, I’ve got my music, I’ve got…

Writing Prompt: What is the most misunderstood genre?
Original question on MAL was just outright claiming that isekai is the most misunderstood, a bold claim to be sure, but I thought this question would be better…

Writing Prompt: What anime did you started the new year with?
Or if you haven’t watched any yet in 2024, I guess what anime will you start with? Surely anyone reading this has watched something though, right?

Writing Prompt: What are some of your favourite school clubs in anime?
This one seemed fun to think about. As we all know, clubs are a pretty glorified part of any school anime. And to be fair, I’d say they…

Writing Prompt: How have significant anime influenced your perspective on anime?
Daily writing promptHow do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life?View all responses I do admit it makes me laugh to take…

Writing Prompt: Do you think anime can change someone’s life?
For once I found an interesting question to write about. It’s something I’ve thought about before, and I’ve seen this sort of concept mentioned several times as well,…

Writing Prompt: What are some tips to avoid anime burnout?
Here’s a good one, and I’m sure many of you could offer some advice here as well. I know that many people can end up feeling burnt out…

Writing Prompt: Who was Your First Favorite Character in Anime?
Welcome to Anime Rants. Today we have a writing prompt taken from a discussion in r/anime: “Who was your first favorite character in any anime?” I like this…

Writing Prompt: Can a fandom ruin an anime for you?
One interesting phenomenon that has sprouted out of seemingly nowhere over the past decade or so is the creation of very specific “fandoms”. Does liking something automatically enroll…

Writing Prompt: Would you watch an anime that is endless?
Let’s take a crack at another one that I feel like is pretty straightforward, but then I do think there’s opportunity for some interesting perspectives.

Writing Prompt: What “unimportant” anime character did you really like?
Here’s another prompt that I thought seemed interesting to think about.It’s also a difficult one I had to think about for a bit!

Writing Prompt: Have you ever shilled for an anime studio?
I’ve got time to take a crack at another prompt, so let’s have at it.