Reading about Japanese grammar in Japanese - How to Japanese - October 2021
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Exploring the literary world - How to Japanese - May 2024
Gohatto (御法度, Nagisa Oshima, 1999)
A beautiful boy becomes an existential threat to the fracturing integrity of the Shinengumi in Nagisa Oshima’s iconoclastic final film
The State of 文芸誌
The newsletter is online, which means so is the podcast: This month I wrote about the 文壇 (bundan, literary world), which is most easily accessible in monthly literary…
Every Trick In The Book (鳩の撃退法, Hideta Takahata, 2021)
A down on his luck writer finds himself at the centre of a mystery only how much is truth and how much fiction in Hideta Takahata’s literary mystery.
OZLAND (オズランド 笑顔の魔法おしえます。, Takafumi Hatano, 2018)
A snooty young woman from Tokyo rediscovers a sense of magic in the everyday when dispatched to a rural theme park in Takafumi Hatano’s cheerful workplace dramedy
Weekly Magazine WOMAN, Volume 3 Summer (週刊文春WOMAN 夏号)
In September 2019, when I was in Japan for the 100 Years of Yuri Tour, I had an item on my to-buy list that I honestly expected to…
Zerogo: Yuri Literary Magazine (零合 : 百合総合文芸誌)
In recent years, I have reviewed two kinds of Yuri short story collections here on Okazu: The Pixiv+Yuri Hime Yuri Bungei Shousetsu Contest ((百合文芸小説 コンテスト セレクション) collections and…
UNBOXING | Shakugan no Shana 電撃文庫 FIGHTING CLIMAX SEGA Prize Figures
It’s been ages since I last got in any Shana figure for my collection. The last time I did get one in was about 3 or 4 years…
Yuri Bungei Shousetsu Contest Selection 2019 (百合文芸小説 コンテスト セレクション)
This story begins somewhere in the middle of itself. I was online one day and saw an announcement for the 2nd Yuri Literary Short Story Contest on Pixiv,…
Yuri Bungei Shousetsu Contest Selection 3 (百合文芸小説 コンテスト セレクション)
Once again, today’s review requires a bit of context. In 2019, Pixiv and Comic Yuri Hime ran a Literary Yuri Short Story contest. I finally managed to read…
Yuri Bungei Shousetsu Contest Selection 3 (百合文芸小説 コンテスト セレクション)
Once again, today’s review requires a bit of context. In 2019, Pixiv and Comic Yuri Hime ran a Literary Yuri Short Story contest. I finally managed to read…
Yuri-Ota ni Yuri ha Gohattodesu!, Volume 1 (百合オタに百合はご法度です!)
In U-temo’s Yuri fantasy, Yuri-Ota ni Yuri ha Gohattodesu!, Volume 1 (百合オタに百合はご法度です!), Yuri is the law by which Yuri otaku Watanabe Fuyu lives. When she transfers to a…
Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei (転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命)
Here’s a phrase I’m using more and more these days: “Ahead of the English language edition.” Yesterday, Mariko gave her impression of a book that will be heading…
Stand-in Companion by Kazufumi Shiraishi (Review) スタンドイン・コンパニオン(代替伴侶)白石一文
Being a cheapskate, I read the 40-page novel while at the bookstore. The author was not familiar to me, and I went in not knowing what to expect.…
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) OP - I Am Reading (よんでいる)
Sung by (歌): Mitsuko Horie (堀江美都子) Lyrics (作詞): Eriko Kishida (岸田衿子) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Seiichirō Uno (宇野誠一郎) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this record!
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) May ED (5月の歌) - The Skylark (雲雀)
Sung by (歌): Suginami Junior Chorus (杉並児童合唱団) Lyrics (作詞): Rofū Miki (三木露風) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Nobuyoshi Iinuma (飯沼信義) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this record!
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) April ED (4月の歌) - Chick (ひよこ)
Sung by (歌): Yoshiko Mari (真理ヨシコ) and the Suginami Junior Chorus (杉並児童合唱団) Lyrics (作詞): Akahiko Shimaki (島木赤彦) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Akihiro Komori (小森昭宏) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for…
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) February ED (2月の歌) - Camellia Buds (椿の莟)
Sung by (歌): Yoshiko Mari (真理ヨシコ) Lyrics (作詞): Akahiko Shimaki (島木赤彦) Composition (作曲): Rō Ogura (小倉朗) Arrangement (編曲): Akihiro Komori (小森昭宏) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this…
漫画で「迫力ある動き」を描く方法を解説します。How To Draw a Dynamic Movement in Manga
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「Happy!」電子版解禁に合わせて、漫画における迫力ある動きの描き方について説明しました。 “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. In commemoration of the digital distribution of “Happy!”, Naoki Urasawa explains how to draw a dynamic…
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) September ED (9月の歌) - Coral Reef (さんご礁)
Sung by (歌): Kumiko Ōsugi (大杉久美子) Lyrics (作詞): Tetsuzō Komura (古村徹三) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Seiichirō Uno (宇野誠一郎) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this record!
もうすでに20年前の判決文です。しかしながらこれからも色々参考になるところがが多いと思います。 2002年のアシュクロフト対表現の自由連合裁判は色々な影響を残しましたが、実在しない未成年に対して実在する未成年と同じ保護を与えるのは表現の自由を歪めるという判断は画期的であり、なおかつ内心の自由なる古い権利を再確認する重要な判決だったと今なお思っています。 この翻訳は弁護士の山口貴士、兼光ダニエ…
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) August ED (8月の歌) - The Fountain (ふんすい)
Sung by (歌): Koorogi '73 (こおろぎ'73) Lyrics (作詞): Futabako Mitsui (西條ふたばこ) Composition (作曲): Takekuni Hirayoshi (平吉毅州) Arrangement (編曲): Nozomi Aoki (青木望) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this…
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) November ED (11月の歌) - The Flowing Chair (ながれ椅子)
Sung by (歌): Mitsuko Horie (堀江美都子) Lyrics (作詞): Yaso Saijō (西條八十) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Seiichirō Uno (宇野誠一郎) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this record!
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) Bonus Song - Come the Day After Tomorrow (あさっておいで)
Sung by (歌): Columbia Yurikago-kai (コロムビアゆりかご会) Lyrics (作詞): Eriko Kishida (岸田衿子) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Seiichirō Uno (宇野誠一郎) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this record!
定規を使って線を引く方法をご紹介します。The most basic of basics, how to draw a line with a ruler.
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。線を引くための特訓方法や普段使用しているペン、線を綺麗に引く秘密兵器などをご紹介します。 “Urasawa Channel”, a Youtube channel by a Japanese Manga artist Naoki Urasawa. Urasawa sensei demonstrates a special training he imposes on new disciples, introduces a pen he always…
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) December ED (12月の歌) - The Candy Train (お菓子の汽車)
Sung by (歌): Kyōko Ishige (石毛恭子) Lyrics (作詞): Yaso Saijō (西條八十) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Teruyuki Noda (野田暉行) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this record!
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) January ED (1月の歌) - The Snow is Falling (ゆきがふる)
Sung by (歌): Kumiko Ōsugi (大杉久美子) and the Columbia Yurikago-kai (コロムビアゆりかご会) Lyrics (作詞): Michio Mado (まどみちお) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Shūkō Mizuno (水野修孝) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring…
浦沢流、手描き色塗りの方法をお見せします。How to color by hand in Urasawa style: Drawing and Coloring "PLUTO" 's Gesicht
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「PLUTO」電子版解禁を記念し、アナログ色塗りでゲジヒトを描いてみました。 “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. To celebrate the release of the digital version of “PLUTO“, Naoki Urasawa draws an illustration and…
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) October ED (10月の歌) - The Scarecrow and the Sea (案山子と海)
Sung by (歌): Yoshiko Mari (真理ヨシコ) Lyrics (作詞): Yaso Saijō (西條八十) Composition (作曲): Minao Shibata (柴田南雄) Arrangement (編曲): Akihiro Komori (小森昭宏) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this…
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) June ED (6月の歌) - Lullaby of the Rain (雨のこもりうた)
Sung by (歌): Naoko Watanabe (渡辺直子) Lyrics (作詞): Tomoko Koike (小池知子) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Tokuhide Niimi (新実徳英) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this record!
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) July ED (7月の歌) - Lullaby of the Zoo (どうぶつえんのこもりうた)
Sung by (歌): Kumiko Kaori (かおりくみこ) Lyrics (作詞): Tomoko Koike (小池知子) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Nobuyoshi Koshibe (越部信義) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this record!
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) March ED (3月の歌) - Little By Little, Spring Arrived (ちょびっとちょびっと春がきた)
Sung by (歌): Kumiko Ōsugi (大杉久美子) Lyrics (作詞): Hachirō Satō (サトウハチロー) Composition (作曲): Masaharu Kikuchi (菊地雅春) Arrangement (編曲): Akihiro Komori (小森昭宏) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this…