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"Would it Be これがいりますか?" #learnjapanese
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Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu! Volume 7 ( 私の百合はお仕事です!)
When we left Volume 6 of Miman’s “Yuri concept cafe” series, Hime has rethought her desire to stay at the cafe, throwing the rest of the staff into…
Watashi No Yuri Ha Oshigoto Desu!, Volume 11 (私の百合はお仕事です)
A whole bunch of volumes ago, when Liebe cafe was having it’s Blume competition, Sumika pulled Hime and Kanako aside and told then a story. It was a…
Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu!, Volume 12 (私の百合はお仕事です!)
Quite recently, we had a wonderful review on Okazu by Christian LeBlanc on Yuri is My Job!, Volume 11. That review motivated me to reach right into the…
Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu! Volume 10 (私の百合はお仕事です!)
Now that an anime for Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu! is in our future, I think it’s important that we stop and evaluate just how far we’ve…
Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu! Volume 8 ( 私の百合はお仕事です!)
Phew. For a manga that started as a light-hearted romp through Yuri tropes, this series sure has got intense. Hey, wait, I’m sure I’ve said that about other…
Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu! Volume 9 (私の百合はお仕事です!)
When Miman-sensei created a series about a concept cafe based on a popular novel series about ‘S’ relationships at a mission school, I was hooked right away. I…
Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu!, Volume 13 (私の百合はお仕事です!)
Many lifetimes ago, I was writing a fanfic and I found that after about 4 hours straight of slamming words onto a screen, I had written myself into…
Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu! Volume 6 (私の百合はお仕事です!)
Liebe Academy is a “concept cafe” set in the world of a popular series of Yuri novels. When cafe manager Mai broke her arm, high school student Hime…
漫画家・浦沢直樹、YouTube始めます。Hello YouTube from Naoki Urasawa, a Japanese Manga artist
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」始めます!今回はYouTubeバナー&アイコンに使用するイラストを描いてみました。 A Japanese Manga artist Naoki Urasawa has launched his own YouTube called ”Urasawa Channel”! Now he draws some pictures for its banner and icon. Don’t miss it! #浦沢直樹 #NaokiUrasawa #あさドラ! ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ◆浦沢直樹新作「あさドラ!」最新第5集購入はコチラ ◆【無料試し読み】「あさドラ!」第1話はコチラ ◆浦沢直樹公式Twitter ◆『浦沢直樹の漫勉neo』新シーズン決定!! 毎週水曜日…
Otogirisou 弟切草 (2004) Dir: Ten Shimoyama
Otogirisou 弟切草, by Ten Shimoyama, is a solid horror film adaptation of a same-name visual novel. Don’t expect anything frightening, just something mildly entertaining. Otogirisou 弟切草 (2004) D…
Pierce (刺心切骨, Nelicia Low, 2023)
A young man finds himself conflicted when his older brother is released from prison in Nelicia Low’s intense fraternal drama.
Mixing direct and distal styles - How to Japanese - December 2024
お久しぶりですね。 I was so disheartened by the untimely demise of my...
お久しぶりですね。 I was so disheartened by the untimely demise of my comment system that I couldn't bear to update this tumblr for almost a year. OK maybe my embarrassment…
Are です・ます Always Polite and Formal? #learnjapanese
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We’re Millennials. Got a Problem? International (ゆとりですがなにか インターナショナル, Nobuo Mizuta, 2023)
Seven years on from the hit TV series, the guys are in a very different place.
【MV】浦沢直樹「It's Because I Love You」
浦沢直樹「あさドラ!」主人公の浅田アサが口ずさんでいる"あの歌"「It's Because I Love You」のミュージックビデオがついに公開! 楽曲が収録されたニューアルバム「Love Songs」も2025年2月発売予定ですのでお楽しみに! "It's Because I Love You," the song that Asa Asada hums in "Asadora!" by Naoki Urasawa has finally been released! Additionally, the new…
The Seppuku Pistols 切腹ピストルズ (2022) Dir: Yo Umezaki
The Seppuku Pistols 切腹ピストルズ (2022), by director Yo Umezaki, provides the perfect portrait for a band whose Edo-era style and sound is surprisingly truly punk in its anti-establishment…
In the newsletter this month I wrote about 角ハイ (kakuhai). This is a combination of 角瓶 (kakubin), Suntory’s flagship whiskey, and ハイボール (highball), a mixed drink made from…
Private ha Honnin-tachi ni Makasete Orimasu (プライベートは本人たちに任せております)
I picked up a copy of Private ha Honnin-tachi ni Makasete Orimasu (プライベートは本人たちに任せております) (translated in English on the frontispiece as Private Life Is Left To Them, Yuri Talext…
I Go Gaga, Welcome Home Mom (ぼけますから、よろしくお願いします。~おかえりお母さん~, Naoko Nobutomo, 2022)
In a followup to her hugely popular documentary, Naoko Nobutomo follows her parents as her mother’s health continues to decline.
「MASTER キートン」風なコマ割りをお見せします。How to draw a “MASTER KEATON”-esque layout
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「MASTER キートン」電子版解禁を記念して、花鳥風月を感じる"キートン風コマ割り"を描く様子をお見せします。 “Urasawa Channel” by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. To celebrate the digitalization of “MASTER KEATON”, Naoki Urasawa shows how to draw a “MASTER KEATON”-esque layout, which…
What’s です desu ます masu in Japanese? (polite/formal/respectful/keigo/honorifics)
Learn Japanese with Yuta: Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Blog:
The Perennial Weed / 昭和枯れすすき / Showa kare susuki (1975)
Obscure Japanese Film #157 Kumiko Akiyoshi and Hideki Takahashi Harada (Hideki Takahashi) is a young police detective assigned to the Nish...
TV 『咲うアルスノトリア すんっ!』ノンクレジットOP/ハナウタ(第五寮)「はじまりへと続く場所」
■公式サイト: ■公式Twitter:@arsno_anime( ■推奨ハッシュタグ:#アルスノ #すんすん オープニングテーマ ❀タイトル:「はじまりへと続く場所」 ❀歌唱:ハナウタ(第五寮)[アルスノトリア CV:久野美咲、メル CV:花井美春、小アルベール CV:富田美憂、ピカトリクス CV:幸村恵理、アブラメリン CV:松井恵理子] ❀7月7日各音楽サービスにて、配信開始 魔法(べんきょう)のあとは とっておきのティータイム  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ニトロプラス原作のTVアニメ『咲う(わらう) アルスノトリア すんっ!』 2022年7月6日(水)より放送中❀ 【 あらすじ 】 ここは全寮制の魔法学園都市《アシュラム》 ペンタグラムと呼ばれる少女たちが〈真の淑女〉を目指し、教養や礼儀作法、そして魔法を仲良く学んでいます。 生徒のひとりである少女・アルスノトリアは、同じ第五寮に所属するムードメーカーのメル、無口でマイペ―スな小アルベール、委員長気質のピカトリクス、クールなアブラメリンといつも一緒。 授業を受けたり、係活動をしたり、"あの部屋"で放課後のお茶会を開いたり…… 少女たちが送る、楽しく・賑やかな日々をお届けします! 【 放送情報 】 2022年7月6日(水)TV放送開始 TOKYO MX…毎週水曜23:00~ BS日テレ…毎週水曜24:00 ~ AT-X…毎週水曜21:30~ ※リピート放送 毎週(金)9:30 …
Smile of the Arsnotoria the Animation, Asura, Marchen Awakens Romance
浦沢直樹より重大なお知らせ。YouTube更新が止まっていた理由… Important Notice from Naoki Urasawa
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。1981年に新人賞を受賞してから2021年でちょうど40年の節目に、〇〇を解禁します。 The year 2021 marks exactly 40 years since I won the Rookie Award in 1981, so I will be starting XX for my very first time. #浦沢直樹 #NaokiUrasawa #重大発表 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ◆浦沢直樹電子書籍特設サイト Naoki…
Atsuhiro Yoshida’s 2018 linked short story collection おやすみ、東京 chronicles the adventures of a cast of slightly odd characters with subtle connections to one another. Each of the stories…
suru する - Meaning in Japanese
What suru means in Japanese. Grammar and examples.
Author & Artist: ぢゅん子 (Junko)Released March 2012 by Kaiohsha’s Gush ComicsGenre: Drama, Romance
Ikemen Sugidesu Shiki-senpai!, Volume 2 (イケメンすぎです紫葵先パイ! )
File today’s review under “Wow Erica, took you long enough!” But wait, I had an excuse! Remember when I ordered some stuff from Japan and it took 2…
Real-life Japanese vs Textbook Japanese #1 ですから・ますから
Learn Japanese with Yuta: Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Blog:
Love Conquers All (爱情征服一切, Tan Chui Mui, 2006)
A naive young country girl is drawn into a web of abuse and exploitation after falling for a city tough guy in Tan Chui Mui’s romantic drama.
Remembering Every Night (すべての夜を思いだす, Yui Kiyohara, 2022)
A series of women wander around Tama New Town each searching for something in Yui Kiyohara’s wistful drama.
Koisuru Meiga (恋する名画)
Yuri reviews, news and interviews are the primary function here at Okazu. Over the years, I’ve also sneakily (sometimes not very sneakily) found a way to include art,…
Missing (さがす, Shinzo Katayama, 2021)
A young woman finds herself in the crosshairs of a serial killer while looking for her missing father in Shinzo Katayama’s dark mystery drama.
帰り道 ~The long road home~
Myself;Yourself concerns a city boy and the country girl. Both are people who grew up in the same place but went separate ways just before the edge of…
Author & Artist: マミタ (Mamita)Released April 2020 by Tokuma Shoten Publishing’s Chara ComicsGenre: Romance, Drama
Suizou Ga Kowaretara, Sukoshi Ikiyasuku Narimashita. (膵臓がこわれたら、少し生きやすくなりました。)
In her last book about her physical health, My Alcoholic Escape From Reality, Nagata Kabi-sensei explained the circumstances that landed her in the hospital with alcoholic pancreatitis. We…
Oshigoto x Buddy Yuri Anthology Comic (お仕事×バディ 百合アンソロジーコミック)
Last year I had the pleasure of reviewing a Yuri anthology by a new-to-me imprint, LatteComi. TheJoshi-kou no Ouji-sama ha Watashi Shika Ganchuninairashi Yuri Anthology Comic (女子校の王子様は私しか眼中にないらしい 百合アンソロジーコミック)…
~ni suru ~にする - Meaning in Japanese
What ni suru にする means in Japanese. Grammar and examples.
Men Men Musubi ( 麺面むすび)
I am very much enjoying Maitsuki Niwatsuki Ooyatsuki – Monthly With Ooya, which is a relatively new series from Yodogawa-sensei, so when I saw Men Men Musubi (…
~ku suru ~くする - Meaning in Japanese
What is ~ku suru ~くする in Japanese? Examples and grammar.
Bushido (碁盤斬り, Kazuya Shiraishi, 2024)
A stoical ronin’s peaceful life is disrupted by a face from the past in Kazuya Shiraishi’s elegantly lensed period drama.
Shigoto no Nochi Dakishimete (仕事の後は抱きしめて)
Aota Yui is a young woman with a dream – she wants to be a chef. To get there, she needs to be accepted by the restaurant’s Taisho.…
野獣死すべし OST - Akihiko Takashima
The Beast to Die [Yajû Shisubeshi] Directed by: Toru Murakawa 1980 (Thanks eternally H2O) (Also, s orry for…
Hitogoto Desukara, Volume 3 (ヒトゴトですから!)
The life of an employee in Human Resources is a never-ending push for making things better, at least according to Yuni’s Hitogoto Desukara, Volume 3 (ヒトゴトですか)ら! This whole…
Hitogoto Desukara!, Volume 2 (ヒトゴトですから!)
In Volume 1 of Yuni’s office life drama, we met Komori Mio a woman who has been transferred into Human Resources instead of getting promoted in sales, at…
The Language of Job Hunting - How to Japanese - August 2022