Yuri reviews, news and interviews are the primary function here at Okazu. Over the years, I’ve also sneakily (sometimes not very sneakily) found a way to include art, music, dance, photography, literature and the like into my reviews in hope that I can encourage you to experience things outside manga and anime…and because Okazu readers […]
Apr 16, 2020 • Subscribe
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Koisuru Meiga (恋する名画), Volume 2
In 2020, I reviewed Volume 1 of a series that overtly connects Yuri with fine art. Today I want to take a look at the sequel, Koisuru Meiga,…
Parasite in Love (恋する寄生虫, Kensaku Kakimoto, 2021)
A pair of exiles from mainstream society develop a bond that allows for mutual evolution, but are their feelings genuine or the result of a love bug and…
Summer Wedding 恋がする Director: Azusa Hieda [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2022]
Summer Wedding is a unique and strong take on pandemic isolation. Summer Wedding 恋がする Director: Azusa Hieda [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2022]
Summer Wedding 恋がする Director: Azusa Hieda [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2022] V-Cinema
Summer Wedding is a unique and strong take on pandemic isolation. Summer Wedding 恋がする Director: Azusa Hieda [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2022]
suru する - Meaning in Japanese
What suru means in Japanese. Grammar and examples.
Koi To Yobu Ni Wa Ao Sugiru, Volume 1 (恋と呼ぶには青すぎる)
Right now on Yuri lists across the Internets, there are a number of Yuri + Food stories. If you are a regular reader here you know two things…
~ku suru ~くする - Meaning in Japanese
What is ~ku suru ~くする in Japanese? Examples and grammar.
~ni suru ~にする - Meaning in Japanese
What ni suru にする means in Japanese. Grammar and examples.
you ni suru ようにする - Meaning in Japanese
What you ni suru ようにする means in Japanese. Examples. Grammar.
~koto ni suru ~ことにする - Meaning in Japanese
The meaning of ~koto ni suru ~ことにする in Japanese. Examples and grammar.
~koto wo suru ~ことをする - Meaning in Japanese
What is ~koto wo suru ~ことをする, ~koto ga dekiru ~ことができる in Japanese? Examples and grammar.
Koisuru Asteroid Anime Review
I had always been a fan of Studio Doga Kobo's works. They welcome this new decade with a new anime piece, Koisuru Asteroid.
Koisuru Asteroid Anime Review
I had always been a fan of Studio Doga Kobo’s works. They welcome this new decade with a new anime piece, Koisuru Asteroid. Unlike the other […]
Koisuru Asteroid Anime Review
I had always been a fan of Studio Doga Kobo's works. They welcome this new decade with a new anime piece, Koisuru Asteroid.
A Wife Confesses (妻は告白する, Yasuzo Masumura, 1961)
A young widow finds herself on trial not exactly for her husband’s murder but the fact of her survival in Masumura’s noirish courtroom drama
SQ Kimi no Namae kara Hajimaru (SQ 君の名前から始まる)
SQ: Begin With Your Name by Tanjiu is an absolutely delightful webcomic that runs on Chinese social platform Weibo. I’d heard about it some some time ago but,…
漫画で「迫力ある動き」を描く方法を解説します。How To Draw a Dynamic Movement in Manga
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「Happy!」電子版解禁に合わせて、漫画における迫力ある動きの描き方について説明しました。 “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. In commemoration of the digital distribution of “Happy!”, Naoki Urasawa explains how to draw a dynamic…
Koisuru Asteroid – Episode 1 Review
"The actual astrology elements are mere window-dressings, coming across as well written quirks of the leads personalities that draw them together and to distract from the eventual physicality…
「漫画は顔が命」漫画における表情とは?"Face is the Essence of Manga". Facial Expressions in Manga
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「あさドラ!」第8集発売を記念して、主人公・浅田アサの4つの表情を描きます。 “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. To celebrate the publication of "Asadora!" Volume 8, Urasawa draws four patterns of facial expressions by…
NovelAI Stable Diffusion Midjourney 画像:2022年10月の段階で三つの作画AIに「女の子、キツネ耳、白耳、白尻尾、ぴっちりボディスーツ、だぼだぼジャケット、秋葉原、夜の街、雨、路面に反射」などと入力した出力した結果。絵柄は指定しておらずそれぞれの作画AIのデフォルトスタイルである。 ■今回の騒動の背景を少々…… 作画AIが及ぼす影響について日本のクリエー…
Alien’s Daydream (地球星人(エイリアン)は空想する, Yoshiki Matsumoto, 2023)
Assigned to investigate a possible alien abduction, a jaded journalist uncovers a completely different story in Yoshiki Matsumoto’s surreal dramedy.
いる vs ある #learnjapanese
Learn Japanese with Me - https://bit.ly/4drmyU2
TV 『咲うアルスノトリア すんっ!』ノンクレジットED/cluppo(くるっぽ)「With you」
■公式サイト:https://www.arsnotoria-anime.com/ ■公式Twitter:@arsno_anime(https://twitter.com/arsno_anime) ■推奨ハッシュタグ:#アルスノ #すんすん ❀エンディングテーマ❀ cluppo「With you」 各音楽サービスにて、配信中! https://lnk.to/withyou_ 魔法(べんきょう)のあとは とっておきのティータイム  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ニトロプラス原作のTVアニメ『咲う(わらう) アルスノトリア すんっ!』 2022年7月6日(水)より放送中❀ 【 あらすじ 】 ここは全寮制の魔法学園都市《アシュラム》 ペンタグラムと呼ばれる少女たちが〈真の淑女〉を目指し、教養や礼儀作法、そして魔法を仲良く学んでいます。 生徒のひとりである少女・アルスノトリアは、同じ第五寮に所属するムードメーカーのメル、無口でマイペ―スな小アルベール、委員長気質のピカトリクス、クールなアブラメリンといつも一緒。 授業を受けたり、係活動をしたり、"あの部屋"で放課後のお茶会を開いたり…… 少女たちが送る、楽しく・賑やかな日々をお届けします! 【 放送情報 】 2022年7月6日(水)TV放送開始 TOKYO MX…毎週水曜23:00~ BS日テレ…毎週水曜24:00 ~ AT-X…毎週水曜21:30~ ※リピート放送 毎週(金)9:30 ・毎週(火)15:30 その他配信情報はこちら:https://arsnotoria-anime.com/onair/ ※放送時期は予告なく変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください 【 STAFF 】 原作 ニトロプラス 原案 一…
Smile of the Arsnotoria the Animation, Asura, Marchen Awakens Romance
The Tyrant Falls in Love (Koisuru Boukun)
Attention, DramaQueen! Here am I doing wonderful publicity for you guys, so when The Tyrant Falls in Love is finally released, I expect to get a free copy,…
Koisuru Asteroid- Love is a Shooting Star
Koisuru Asteroid is a Doga Kobo anime based off of a 4-koma manga. I’ve talked about Doga Kobo a few times before. They were behind Yuru Yuri, New…
Asteroid in Love, Three Leaves, Three Colors, YuruYuri, Yuru Yuri,
Hidden Blade (无名, Cheng Er, 2023)
Ideologically victorious but emotionally ruined, sleeper agents of a coming revolution find themselves lonely exiles in Cheng Er’s melancholy espionage drama.
Mixing direct and distal styles - How to Japanese - December 2024
Sumikkogurashi: Good To Be In The Corner (映画 すみっコぐらし とびだす絵本とひみつのコ, Mankyu, 2019)
The adorably neurotic San-X characters head off on a series of fairytale adventures to help a lost duckling figure out where they belong in a charming animated feature
Spinning Action Sakuga 作画 MAD
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIW0n36TUSQ I was recently thinking about a certain kind of action shot that I enjoy, and after hours of searching through my memory & sakugabooru I had assembled…
漫画家・浦沢直樹、YouTube始めます。Hello YouTube from Naoki Urasawa, a Japanese Manga artist
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」始めます!今回はYouTubeバナー&アイコンに使用するイラストを描いてみました。 A Japanese Manga artist Naoki Urasawa has launched his own YouTube called ”Urasawa Channel”! Now he draws some pictures for its banner and icon. Don’t miss it! #浦沢直樹 #NaokiUrasawa #あさドラ! ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ◆浦沢直樹新作「あさドラ!」最新第5集購入はコチラ https://www.shogakukan.co.jp/books/09861078 ◆【無料試し読み】「あさドラ!」第1話はコチラ https://bigcomicbros.net/work/6398/ ◆浦沢直樹公式Twitter https://twitter.com/urasawa_naoki ◆『浦沢直樹の漫勉neo』新シーズン決定!! 毎週水曜日…
Are です・ます Always Polite and Formal? #learnjapanese
Learn Japanese with Me - https://bit.ly/4drmyU2
Movie Review: You Name (君の名は)
Your Name (Kimi no Na wa / 君の名は) is honestly one of the best Japanese movies I’ve seen – ever. It is engaging, funny, clever, interesting and brilliantly…
Brute forcing difficult words - How to Japanese - January 2023
Alien’s Daydream 地球星人(エイリアン)は空想する (2023) Director: Yoshiki Matsumoto [Nippon Connection 2024]
Yoshiki Matsumoto’s Alien’s Daydream 地球星人(エイリアン)は空想する (2023) is a low-budget movie but goes from a mockumentary and multimedia flood aesthetic to utterly beautiful imagery that hints at…
Basic Japanese Sentence Structure 13 有名 Famous #learnjapanese
Learn Japanese with Me - https://bit.ly/4drmyU2
Mistress Dispeller (以爱之名, Elizabeth Lo, 2024)
A mistress dispeller acts with unexpected empathy and wisdom in trying to defuse an extramarital affair in Elizabeth Lo’s thoughtful documentary.
Basic Japanese Sentence Structure 12 有名 famous #learnjapanese
Learn Japanese with Me - https://bit.ly/4drmyU2
「全部磯チルドレンでいいんじゃないかと思っています」- 沓名健一インタビュー
The post 「全部磯チルドレンでいいんじゃないかと思っています」- 沓名健一インタビュー appeared first on Full Frontal.
Boy, Sprouted 少年、なにかが発芽する Director: Yuko Watanabe [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2022]
Boy, Sprouted is an off-beat family film that everyone can watch. 少年、なにかが発芽する Director: Yuko Watanabe [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2022]
Bringing things together - How to Japanese - February 2024
~ru ~る Verb Suffix
ググる, サボる, テンパる: the ~ru ~る suffix used to create new verb words in Japanese.
Koisuru Keigo 24ji – Oh what I do for Iwamoto Hikaru
This is one of those titles that I followed on a weekly basis greedily, and then towards the end I fell off of following it. The subber hasn’t…
Koisuru Gokudou Onii-san / Mobsters in Love by Origami Chiyoko
This is my weird thing rearing its irresistible head again! If I didn’t have a very strict policy of reviewing EVERYTHING I read, I would probably keep this…
The Seven Great Detectives / 7人の名探偵
Yukito Ayatsuji ’s The Decagon House Murders was published in 1987, and is credited with kick-starting the shin-honkaku (new orthodox) mov...
Ayaka-chan ha Hiroko-sempai ni Koishiteru, Volume 3 (彩香ちゃんは弘子先輩に恋してる)
We left Ayaka in full “hitting on Hiroko-sempai” mode in Volume 2. In Ayaka-chan ha Hiroko-sempai ni Koishiteru, Volume 3 (彩香ちゃんは弘子先輩に恋してる), we finally get some backstory on why…
Ayaka-chan ha Hiroko-sempai ni Koishiteru Live-Action (彩香ちゃんは弘子先輩に恋してる)
Ayaka works in a fairly typical Japanese office where the star of the company is Hiroko, a very competent, caring career woman. After a gaffe early in her…
Ayaka-chan ha Hiroko-sempai ni Koishiteru (彩香ちゃんは弘子先輩に恋してる), Volume 1
Ayaka-chan is fashionable and cute. As a result, she’s super popular with her male colleagues. Unfortunately for them, she isn’t interested. Ayaka only has eyes for her cool,…
What’s です desu ます masu in Japanese? (polite/formal/respectful/keigo/honorifics)
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