I question the sustained land speed of a burdened hippo. Tribe Nine's second episode was evenly split between infodumping, batting practice, and eating. It wasn't until the last five seconds that a dude dropped out of a jet in ugly CGI monster trucks to announce "I officially challenge you to state sanctioned baseball." Not […]
Jan 17, 2022 • Subscribe
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Sabikui Bisco – 03
「タッグ」 (Taggu) "Tag Team" If she leaves you for another, there’s always her brother.
Sabikui Bisco – 01
「八十万日貨の男」 (Hachijuuman Nikka no Otoko) "The Man Worth 800,000" Get ready for the oddest and most inventive dystopian action show of the season.

Sabikui Bisco – 03
Sabikui Bisco isn't exactly spellbinding yet, but it's solidly entertaining and it scratches an itch. Read more

Sabikui Bisco – 04
First time I've seen a panda ride a crab. Read more

Sabikui Bisco – 05
I believe there's still a place for this sort of series in anime, but we certainly go through seasons without anything filling it sometimes. Read more

Sabikui Bisco – 09
I didn't know that was going to happen when I wrote the tagline to last week's post... Read more
Sabikui Bisco – 08
「外道の罠」 (Gedou no Wana) "Fiendish Trap" I used to be a Mushroom Keeper like you. But then I took an arrow to the arm.
Sabikui Bisco – 07
「奪われた錆喰い」 (Ubawareta Sabikui) "The Stolen Rust Eater" That's such a Blood Type B thing for you to say, Bisco.
Sabikui Bisco – 04
「蟹に乗る」 (Kani ni Noru) "Ride the Crab" “My saddle's! Waitin’! Come and jump on it!.”

Sabikui Bisco – 08
I almost feel in watching Sabikui Bisco as if it's a series I saw in 2007 and am just catching up with again after a long absence. Read…
Sabikui Bisco – 11
「 おれがビスコだ!」 (Ore ga Bisuko da!) "I'm Bisco!" “I’ll hit it, Bisco.”

Sabikui Bisco – 10
Where’s the Lance of Longinus when you need it? Read more
![Featured image for [Review] Sabikui Bisco](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220403/1649003314.33920.62224.png)
![Background image for [Review] Sabikui Bisco](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220403/1649003314.33920.62224.png)
[Review] Sabikui Bisco
As an avid lover of eating mushrooms, I don’t think I’ll ever look at them the same again after watching this season’s Sabikui Bisco. Equally fantastic and ridiculous,…

Sabikui Bisco – 11
So much for those Gurren-Lagann parallels. Read more
Sabikui Bisco – 06
「道連れと獲物」 (Michizure to Emono) "Companions and Prey" Shoot that poison arrow!

Sabikui Bisco – 07
One by one all the bubble series have come off the fence. Read more
Sabikui Bisco – 10
「 復活のテツジン」 (Fukkatsu no Tetsujin) "Tetsujin Revived" The ending theme wasn’t a duet this time around…
Sabikui Bisco – 09
「きみを愛してる」 (Kimi o Ai Shiteru) "I Love You" Hasta la Vista, baby.

Sabikui Bisco – 06
Mostly the series has tracked in a relatively narrow band quality-wise, and this ep was more of the same. Read more
Sabikui Bisco – 05
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Desert of Namibia (2024) review [Japannual 2024]
Yoko Yamanaka delivers a cinematic masterpiece of subjectivity.