What’s it like to work as a nanny for an expat family in a big city? When I arrived in Tokyo eight months after quitting my publishing job and traveling around the world, I had one objective — to do something I hadn’t done before. But I didn’t expect to learn as much as I did.
Sep 22, 2021 • Subscribe
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5 Things I Learned From Writing 111 Blog Posts at JAPAnime Talks
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Essential Things I’ve Learned From Raising Kids in Japan
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5 Things I Notice More In Anime
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I Walked From Kyoto to Tokyo… Despite Being Legally Blind | Japan Station 115
JapanKyo – Interesting news on Japan, podcasts about Japan & more

I Walked From Kyoto to Tokyo… Despite Being Legally Blind | Japan Station 115
JapanKyo – Interesting news on Japan, podcasts about Japan & more

Three Things I Learned About Innovation As Crunchyroll's First Business Hire
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What I’ve Learned In The 30 Years Since I Became A Reporter: The 12 Rules Of Being A Good Journalist In Japan
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What I Learned from Watching the Ghost Stories Dub
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The Biggest Lesson I’ve Learned from Blogging
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10 Japanese Words I Learned from ANIME | Japan Station 127
JapanKyo – Exploring Japan today via videos, podcasts, and articles

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10 Japanese Words I Learned from ANIME | Japan Station 127
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Being in a Creative Community
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Greetings! Today I wanted to ramble on something that might not be prevalent to some of you. And it’ll be somewhat personal but I’ll try to make it…

"I Don't Think Being Direct in Japanese is a Problem" #learnjapanese
Learn Japanese with Me - https://bit.ly/4drmyU2

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She Learned Japanese By Being On Japanese TV (Jessica Gerrity) | Japan Station 111
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JapanKyo – Interesting news on Japan, podcasts about Japan & more

She Learned Japanese By Being On Japanese TV (Jessica Gerrity) | Japan Station 111
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