Between watching the new season of That Metal Show on VH1 Classic, blasting Black Country Communion late at night to stay awake, and the usual end-of-semester scramble, the so-called “12 days…
Dec 23, 2011 • Subscribe
More like this

VTuber Face Reveal | 12 Famous VTubers’ Faces Revealed
We have listed 12 VTubers that revealed their faces, but do they look like their VTuber character? Let's find out.
Girls' Frontline - Episode 12 [END] - AR-15 Faces Mastermind
AR-15 went as far as she could to accomplish her personal mission of protecting M4A1 from Sangvis. Girls' Frontline - Episode 12 [END].
OSMcast: Otakon 2011 8-22-2011
Continuing our Otakon podcast extravaganza, on the OSMcast proper we are joined by Hisui of Reserve Thieves fame as we talk about Otakon on a Saturday. The sights,…

Regular Rabbits and Thousands of Faces
Plus: animation news.

BLACK HAIRED KANEKI The Kaneki we are introduced to. As well as the one that becomes a Half-Ghoul. This Kaneki oozes the shy guy persona. Soft-spoken, meek, as…
Victoria of Many Faces, Vol. 1
By Syuu and Nanna Fujimi. Released in Japan as “Tefuda ga Ōme no Victoria” by MF Books. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Andria McKnight.…
Otakuthon 2011
As usual we will be at Otakuthon , although this year it will not be as a guest but simply as exhibitors. The convention will be…

Spring 2011
The magnificent nelson☆彡 and The Cart Driver provide a preview of Spring 2011, for those interested. Praise their enthusiasm.
2011: The Year of the 'Dokes
Patrick George Jones (@ Whats_Ur_Name ) is just another guy on the planet Earth living in the Milky Way. He puts the "Pat" in "Psychopath...
The Golden Ani-Versary of Anime (1963-2013)
Bunny Drop, Future Diary, Mobile Suit Gundam, Sailor Moon R, Sweet Blue Flowers

The Eternal Flame of Alchemy (2011)
A blog focused on gaining experience about art. Writing in particular.

THE BLACK REAPER Perhaps, one of Kaneki’s most unfiltered personas, Black Reaper Kaneki was a direct result of Haise remembering everything about his past. This Kaneki was unhinged,…

Man of Many Faces Raspberry Ginger Rendezvous
For Man of Many Faces, we wanted something light and fun, but also inspired by the lavish lifestyles of the characters.
OSMcast: Anime Weekend Atlanta 2011 10-17-2011
Anime Weekend Atlanta, September 28th - 30th, 2012 It’s that time again! The OSMcast continues it’s tradition of being a podcast where we cover conventions lately and occasionally some…
Octave (2008 – 2011)
Written and Drawn by Akiyama Haru Link This is actually one of my favorite manga’s. The story revolves around a former idol of a not-so-popular group when she…
Un-Go (2011)
Un-Go (2011) This series was fascinating. It’s hard for me to accurately describe why I found it so – probably because of the contradictions within. On one hand…

Spring 2011 – *Update*
April is approaching, so here are the updated versions of the Spring 11 preview charts, provided by the superb nelson☆彡 and The Cart Driver respectively. Remember that the…

Saimecha 2011 Nominations!
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Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Anime of 2011
Welcome to this week’s Sunday Select, where we’ll look at my seven favorite anime series from 2011. Movies, OVAs, or anime continuing from previous years are not included.…

Pick of the Week: Pretty and Haunting Faces
SEAN: Obviously my pick this week would be Short Game: Mitsuru Adachi’s Baseball Short Story Collection, except we know that Amazon date is wrong. So instead I will…

The many faces of Hanako Honda (Asobi Asobase)
I feel like Asobi Asobase deserves more love! It’s easily one of the best comedy anime/manga out there. And because Hanako is my favorite character, I decided to…
OSMcast: House of Five Leaves 7-25-2011
Because a house certainly cannot have four, or six leaves. That just wouldn't do. What’s this?! A podcast releasing on schedule?! Why yes… yes it is! The OSMcast_!_ once…

Faces of Anne (แอน, Kongdej Jaturanrasmee & Rasiguet Sookkarn, 2022)
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The Daughter of Twenty Faces (Nijū Mensō no Musume)
The Daughter of Twenty Faces (Nijū Mensō no Musume) 2008 This (loose?) adaptation of Edogawa Ranpo’s ‘Kogoro Akechi’ detective stories really becomes two different shows for me, with…

Episode 4: Man of Many Faces – A Midnight Snack
If you were tired of blood and gore, you’re in luck! This week Lucy and Robin dig into sweet ruminations on love, the worth of a man, and…
#1 — Mawaru Penguindrum (2011)
Seizon senryaku, bitches. (I don’t usually spoiler tag things because I expect people to realize that this is a very spoilery blog, but just in case, MAJOR CONTENT…
Wolverine – Episode 1 (2011)
This is the first episode of the second of the four Marvel anime TV series (Iron Man, Wolverine, X-Men, Blade). Directed by Hiroshi Aoyama (Top Secret ~The Revelation~), story by…
In Defense of the 2011 Adaptation of Hunter x Hunter
Hunter x Hunter recently made its long awaited return to JUMP serialization. As such, there's no better time than the present to look back on its pair of…

Dragon Ball Faces Are Confusing
Anatomically accurate Goku is not real, and cannot hurt you. Edited/Written by @TeeHallumsYT SUPPORT US ON PATREON: FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK:

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch – Episode 12 (END) – Milquetoast Noble’s Son Faces Yuna’s Wrath
Episode impressions of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch Episode 12 as Farrengram family nobles, especially their son, are up to no good. Of course, their son did the…

Lupin III: Blood Seal of the Eternal Mermaid (2011)
Lupin specials are notorious for being some of the most middle of the road things which exist to keep the Lupin franchise alive. Imagine my surprise when stumbling…

An Unseen Blossoming – A Review of Hanasaku Iroha (2011)
People often go about Google with curious search terms such as ‘underrated anime’ or ‘obscure but good anime’. This results in often dubious lists in forums and other…

Daughter of A Thousand Faces Season 2 Premieres on Tapas
"Daughter of A Thousand Faces" by Eisner-nominated creator Velinxi returns to Tapas for Season 2 on Dec. 20, with new episodes every Friday.
Wolverine – Episode 2 – Yukio (2011)
For a near half hour of television, very little happens in “Yukio”. The duel I thought was about to kick off last episode ends with a whimper when…

OtakuGeneration (Show #321) OTAKON 2011
Shownotes :: (show 321) :: () :: () :: () :: () With the OTAKON 2011, recorded live August 1st, 2011. This week we talked about our highlights at…
Beyblade: Metal Fusion, Casshern Sins, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Night Raid 1931

Winter Season 2011 Anime preview
So after neglecting this blog for two months due to being incredibly busy, I guess it’s already time for a next season preview again, even though I’m…
Orders shipped 2011/02/11
All new orders for back issues of the magazine were shipped today. They should be received within a week (for Canada & USA) or two (for over...

Holy crap, it's time again! Halloween is upon us and like every year I wanna know... is anyone dressing up as anything horror-manga related?...
Spiraken Con Review: AnimeNext 2011
As Oppose to making this a supplimental episode, Xan decided to create a whole new section for Con Reports/reviews, so here is Xan, Timbo and Bell Chan's Review…

OtakuGeneration (Show #324) InterventionCON 2011
Shownotes :: (show 324) :: () :: () :: () :: () With InterventionCON 2011, recorded live August 21st, 2011. This week we talked with Oni and Hark…
Sgt. Frog, Spice and Wolf, Beyblade, Beyblade: Metal Fusion, Colorful

#2011 / Fighting Armor / Iron Man
I’ve been on a renewed Iron Man kick lately following weeks of focusing on Transformers when I decided to change my office desk display pieces to some Iron…

2011 Sendai Earthquake/Tsunami Relief
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Japan Blog List : Feb 2011
February has been another busy month for submissions. The list has reached almost 300 blogs as of this evening and more come in every day. Here's my…
The Japan Blog List - Japan related blogs which are written in English
Review: Faces in the Crowd (2023)
Faces in the Crowd 暴风 China, 2023, colour, 2.35:1, 101 mins. Director: Chen Jiashang 陈嘉上 [Gordon Chan]. Rating: 5/10. Wang Qianyuan’s playing elevates this standard KMT vs CCP…

DB Faces Arent All The Same!
We must dispell this myth, for the good of mankind. Edited/Written by @TeeHallumsYT SUPPORT US ON PATREON: FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK:
Anime Faces: VTuber vs. Horror Games
Horror games are a staple of the Youtuber. Between the sense of anticipation and the payoff of screams of terror, it’s been a classic stepping stone for many…
Healer Girls #02 — Angry Stupid Faces
What a mix on the formula. Onipan!'s turned out to be a somewhat odd duck. It's five 4 minute shorts aired each weekday plus a 'full episode' compilation.…

The Many Faces of the Magical Girl: A Breakdown of Types and Subgenres
If you ask the average nerd what a magical girl is, the default response might be to point to the ‘90s animated adaptation of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.…
In the Land of Leadale #01 — Silly Faces and Status Screens
Please don't yell at me, opening song. Impressions: Going straight into cacophonic screaming as the opening notes of your opening is certainly a choice. And like most…
Assault Lily Bouquet – Episode 11 – Yuyu Faces the Specters of Misuzu
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