Sorry I kind of neglected this blog because I’ve been working on making it look nicer. I like the theme I have now and a lot of other wordpress blogs I frequent use the same one. I also mad…
Jan 18, 2010 • Subscribe
More like this
Can A Blog be an Island
That title is a bit unclear. I was trying to resume a complex thought in a few words and I failed. Today I want to think a bit…

Witches of the Sphinx 4 to be sold online soon.
…and my fanboying over Strike Witches continues. With the dust of Winter Comiket settling, I got an email back from MangaPal: Dear customer, Thank you for your inquiry.…

Here’s hoping to see more of SHOJO and Lisa Remar soon!
See You Soon from SHOJO ft. Lisa Remar snuck into my playlist like a light sprinkling of some summertime snow. Maybe it’s the music video being shot somewhere…

Spooky Season Coming Soon: An October Blog Update
Spooky season is upon us once again.

A Condition Called Love Episode 2 Review – To Be More Like A Girlfriend
Hotaru puts in effort to be more like a girlfriend until the trial dating is over.
There's really going to be more Gundam SEED
There's a blue one now.

D&A Anime Blog: Returning To Conventions, What’s New For 2022, and More!
So here we are just six weeks away from 2022, and it’s pretty obvious that going through a world-changing experience (like the pandemic) really makes you think about…

Top 5 Ways to Get More Content for Your Blog
We all want to give our readers all the content they can possibly enjoy but how can we possibly do that? Here are 5 tricks that could help.
I’m moving to a new blog!
It has been such a long time, over two years, since I last wrote a post here. During that time, I’d occasionally queue up a post, scribble a few…

Notes from AX 2022 Coming Soon! (No blog post today)
Visit the post for more.

Anime Should Be More Political
Visit the post for more.

There may yet be more
So it’s been a long time since I last visited this project. The short story, is my life’s more or less been turned upside down since I started,…
Coming Soon: A-Yokai-A-Day 2023!
Hello readers and yokai lovers! It's been nearly a year since I've posted here, as I've been more active on various social media sites, Patreon, and these…
Coming Soon: A-Yokai-A-Day 2024!
Hey everyone! It's the end of the September, and that means Halloween season is almost upon us! Personally I think that all of September should just be called…
A Mystery to be Revealed…What Could it be?
Getting recognized as a mysterious blogger.
Super Discount Updated
S u p e r D i s c o u n t ! Pick any 30 B&W issues for $45.00 ! OR Pick any 5 …
Keeping You Updated ~
Just a quick check in of where things are at. It’s been a minute. But we’re still alive over here and resilient.

A Perfect Day to Be Alone
Nanae Aoyama’s novella A Perfect Day to Be Alone chronicles a year in the life of a young woman named Chizu who moves in with an elderly relative…
Episode 48, "To Be A Man…"
On this hiatus, spoilerfree, episode of the One Piece Podcast we are joined by Firecrouch and EvilGamerX as we break down the Top 5 moments of One Piece.…

The Need to Be a Hunter
Solo Leveling Ep 8 Review After the recap episode from last week, Solo Leveling is back. Sadly, anyone looking forward to more action will be disappointed with this episode. Instead,…
Episode 48, "To Be A Man…"
On this hiatus, spoilerfree, episode of the One Piece Podcast we are joined by Firecrouch and EvilGamerX as we break down the Top 5 moments of One Piece.…

Disney and Studio Ghibli: Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You...
Blog about anime and manga
Princess Mononoke, Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, Ponyo, Porco Rosso

We’re making a game! | Project: Beast | Coming soon to Kickstarter, 2025
Sweet & Spicy founder, Oona Tempest, is now also the founder of Grimamour Games, and director of their debut game, Project: Beast…
Coming Soon
So! Despite me managing to hold things up at every turn over the last few weeks, I’m happy to say that my second collaboration will soon be on…

Coming soon
This is The Accidental Otaku - The Official JMaz Anime Substack.

Coming soon
This is Above Anime: The Beneath the Tangles Newsletter.

Coming Soon
The future home of One Podcast Prevails. The podcast dedicated to the manga and anime Detective Conan, also known as Case Closed. From the creators of the SSAA…
One Visual Novel Coming To US Soon?!
So for anyone not familiar with the history of visual novels, one of the pioneering games in the medium, simply titled One , popularized VNs that prioritized storytelling…
D&A Anime Blog: Nerdz of the Decade, Anime REvisited, and More!
2020 has been a challenging year in the Anime Industry; as with every other industry in the U.S. as well as overseas. Even so, this year has also…
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 511: The invisible Man & His Soon-To-Be Wife/Lazy Dungeon Master
In this episode, Xan reviews not one but two different manga. One is about an odd couple with a unique situation, the other is a generic isekai that…
The Steps to Run a Successful Anime Blog
A while back, I wrote a guide on how to start an anime blog on a virtual private server. Regardless of choice of hosting you made, you might…

Consistency (or how to keep a blog alive)
Happy missed one year hiatus anniversary! Heads up for rambling about One Room Angel and how episodic reviews maybe are not all that bad. Man, is it hard…

Does Toradora Deserve to be a Classic?
I love romcom anime. Kaguya-sama and Horimiya rank among my favorite manga of all time, and I even came around on Oregairu when it recovered from a disappointing…

How to Be a Princess Manhua Review
Another reincarnation into the body of a princess but our protagonist, Elsa, is fated to be sacrificed to her brother, Ossa. Until one day, Elsa’s life changed upon…

Pokémon: To Be a Pokémon Master Streaming
So this is it, the end of an era.
Pokémon: To Be a Pokémon Master: Ultimate Journeys: The Series, Pokémon

So You Want To Be A Chainsaw
Chainsaw man is an anime that's airing in Fall 2022. Chainsaw man is about a chainsaw guy with a chainsaw dog doing chainsaw things with his chainsaws. you…
Marunouchi To Nagatachō page created plus updated map bookmarks
I have created a new page for the web supplement to Tokyo Stroll for the Marunouchi To Nagatachō chapter. Presently it only has one new en...

We've Updated Our Patreon!
We've Updated Our Patreon! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to Ryoko's voice actor : Noa Kurase Translator: Garrett James Hudspeth Translator: Maggie Jennings Video Editing: KevinVG207 Illustration: KAPPA-KUN Composer: Mason Lieberman English Horn: Kristin Naigus Script : Jun Sugawara/Noa…
Tokyo Stroll bookmarks updated
I have just uploaded the updated the bookmark filess for the MapsMe and Google Maps applications to the Tokyo Stroll web supplement. You ca...

TRianThology Official Site Updated
07th Expansion’s official site for TRianthology has just updated, with story descriptions, characters, and more. We now finally know the official name of all three stories: Vespio 2438:…
Updated Impressions: Kingdom 3
After giving Kingdom 3 a few episodes to really get in its full swing, I figured it was time to discuss my initial impressions and how closely they…
Tokyo Stroll Bookmarks updated.
I have updated the bookmarks files for Tokyo Stroll. These are .kmz files which can be imported into the MapsMe app, and a few other mappin...

Updates to the blog!
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you guys will enjoy 2021 better than what 2020 turned out to be. Here's to hoping that this year will be bet...
Back to Anime Blog!
Hey everyone! I am back from an almost 2 week exam break…yay! It has been exhausting but anime kept my mood uplifted all the anime, thank you anime!…
Updates to the blog!
Here we are again with another update post! I am so very sorry that it took me this long to post this but unfortunately life hit me like…
There Can Be Stranger Things Than Two Shining Suns (a blog tag compilation)
It’s these kinds of posts that show how bad I am at this (xD) Now, it’s been a while since I’ve talked about something other than Japanese music…

D&A Anime Blog: ‘Nerdz’ is Back and New Filler Posts Are Coming Soon…ner than You Think!
Winter is coming! Oh wait, it’s already here. Well guys, the last several weeks have been quite troublesome on our end – in terms of getting content up…

“Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway” Coming Soon to Netflix!
Same posters with new English logo. I find the use of condensed typeface for “Mobile Suit Gundam” in English odd as the Japanese version isn’t. June 11 appears…