I tend to see that most reviews, whether it is on each episodes or a whole show, seem to be more positive reviews rather than negative reviews. The negative posts I’ve read are usually completed se…
Mar 4, 2021 • Subscribe
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Ask Tomino: Why Do People Tweet Negative Things?
Eina • 16 • Tokyo Q. Hello, Mr. Tomino. I was given a smartphone when I entered high school. I don’t use it all that much yet, but…

Do I Prefer Writing Essays or Reviews
I have been writing for a while, but what do I prefer to write, and why? I try my best to explain it here.

Slow Start and Why I Watch Genres I Dislike
With so many wonderful anime to watch out there, why would I waste my time watching something I may not like. I don't know, to be honest.
Slow Start, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Toradora!, Guilty Crown, Hatena Illusion

Why Do People Glomp?
The Cringe History Of Glomping and why people glomp

Answerman - Why Do Some Anime Releases Have a "Content Japan" Logo On Them?
Kim explains this specific anti-piracy measure and how it came to be used.

Why do anime fans dislike Japan Sinks: 2020?
I’ve read more than a few people describe this anime as a “dumpster fire”, but I don’t think that’s fair. In my opinion, it’s one of the best…

Why Do People Hate Tokyo?
When so many people want to live in one place, there are bound to be some drawbacks. So, why do people hate Tokyo? Here are a few reasons.

Okay, let me clear some things. I don’t “hate” training arms, I just don’t enjoy training them, especially biceps. It isn’t that I have inferior strength or development,…
I Try Not To Write Negative Reviews
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Letters from Japan: “Why Do I Have To Pay?”
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Reading and Writing Blog Comments
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Abstraction in game combat: turn-based systems and why I don’t have a problem with them (probably)
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Why Do I Write? A Personal Post
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Bakacast #394 – Wait, Do I Have a Podcast?
iTunes | Direct Download | Current RSS | Archive RSS (Episodes 0-323) Hey, folks. It’s, uh, been a while. As you may notice, this episode about the end…
Fire Force, Fruits Basket, GRANBELM, Carole & Tuesday, Cop Craft
Why Do Anime Characters Always Get Colds [and Collapse from Them]?
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Writing Prompt: Do you watch one anime at a time, or have many ongoing series at once?
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A Self Reflection: Reading and Watching for Reviews
Being someone who makes content centered on anime and manga on the internet can be a difficult thing to do sometimes. Especially seasonal anime reviewers. People who watch…

Do you even have the time anymore?
That’s a question I’ve been asking a lot recently. I’ve recently returned to full-time work, and though I know that is no excuse whatsoever, my time spent with…

Why do I feel this…
I don’t know if it is normal to be kinda sad whenever I finish an anime series.. I finished another anime. I started with Fruit Of Grisaia. At…
Why do I Watch Anime?
I think I’ve written at least half a dozen variations on why I started to blog about anime but I’ve never really tackled the question of why I…

Seven Random Characters I Adore, and the Foods I Would Have Them Eat
Food is one of the best things about life. Some people love trying all kinds of foods. Other people like me take pride in certain types of foods.…

Why Did I Ever Stop Reading Fanfiction?
I don’t really read fanfiction these days, but that hasn’t always been the case. My very first internet community was a video game fanfic site, and I spent…

Why do people prioritise task-taking skills in Japanese?
Learn Japanese with Yuta: https://bit.ly/3hyXcYh Support me on Patreon: https://goo.gl/aiWNd5 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatYuta Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatyuta/ Facebook: https://bit.ly/381qpHS Blog: http://www.yutaaoki.com/blog/

I Have NO idea why I like Chobits
Chobits is a cute anime , it is old but watch it , the chobits op is also really good .

Writing Prompt: How often do you watch anime outside of your comfort zone? And how do you rate them?
It’ll be a quick and easy prompt this time around!
I should have dropped Dungeon People and that Quality Assurance isekai anime
I did enjoy the game's dumb bugs.

My Most Negative Reviews of the Decade!
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LOVE FLOPS, Girls Beyond the Wasteland, Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, Steins;Gate, Violet Evergarden

Writing Prompt: Do you find anime hard to enjoy when it feels predictable?
Here’s another prompt from MAL I wanted to take a look at. I guess these are kind of more like discussion prompts than writing prompts, as I’m not…

Do you have a controlling mother
Imagine if you mom was an obsessive person and would do anything to protect you? This is the story of blood on the tracks Seiichi Osabe is a only child…

I Have a Secret
Information for the novel I Have a Secret. The book is being released officially in English by Seven Seas.

Kuroshitsuji — A small rant on why I should really stop reading Manga
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Why I Find Most Anime Reviews Boring
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Gatchaman Crowds – Why Do I Like This?
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![Featured image for Why Do People Interpret Matters to Suit Themselves? [Blue Literature Series]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210103/1609686866.511.21947.png)
![Background image for Why Do People Interpret Matters to Suit Themselves? [Blue Literature Series]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210103/1609686866.511.21947.png)
Why Do People Interpret Matters to Suit Themselves? [Blue Literature Series]
Anime: Blue Literature Series/Aoi Bungaku Series Episode 1 – No Longer Human I wanted to talk about a scene in particular. It’s the scene where Oba Yozo tells…

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Seasonal Previews and Why I’m Terrible at Them
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Bara Influences in Anime and Shows that Have Them
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Top 5 Things I find Difficult About Writing Episode Reviews
As a new anime season is dawning (isn’t it poetic? I hope so, I tried to make it sound poetic…) I find myself in the familiar position of…
Why do I Finish Anime I’m not Enjoying?
No I’m asking! (Extra points if you figure out why I used that gif) Tell me, has this ever happened to you. You start a series and it’s…

Why Do We (I) Hate Certain Anime Characters
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A Hokkaido Aquarium Loans Free Baby Strollers. People Are Stealing Them
Many netizens are blaming the aquarium for handing out fancy strollers with zero guarantees, such as an address or deposit.
The goriest manga out there and the people who create them
Got some nominees of your own?
CHRISTMAS TIME! Reviews, Giveaways, and More!
It's that time again. It's the holiday season, which means it's time for another round of the Manga Test Drive's annual Holiday Reviews, wh...
CHRISTMAS TIME! Reviews, Giveaways, and More!
It's that time again. It's the holiday season, which means it's time for another round of the Manga Test Drive's annual Holiday Reviews, wh...

I Miss Hard Science Fiction: A Rant
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Why People Don’t Watch Anime
This video will convince your parents to watch anime . How do you get people to watch anime ? Why do people not want to watch anime ?…
Why you shouldn’t trust Kyon and why you have to
Blogger’s note: Yes I did take an extended hiatus. I may explain why someday, but for now, I just want to get back to writing about Haruhi. One…

Seven Random Characters I Adore, and Can I Beat Them in a Fight?
I am not pugnacious, but I sometimes have the thought that I could beat a lot of my favorite anime characters in a fight. Today, I’ll go on…

Mechanical Anime Reviews Podcast Episode 2: Mecha and People
Hello everyone, I am back with another episode of my so called monthly podcast. Somehow, I recorded this one last night and had another free time to edit…