The 2014 OSMawards for Most Awesome Manga and Anime February is almost over! And as everyone agrees that Febuaray is the best month for looking back at the previous year, it’s time to wrap up the 2014 OSMawards! This time, it’s all about the wonders of Japanese comics and cartoons. You know, the good stuff. Stuff such as, does Gundam the Origin keep the throne for Most Baller Manga in 2014? So how DID Viz Media get their groove back? Watch anime shows has Basil still yet to watch, even though he knows what’s good for him? All these burning questions are answered! But don’t worry! We also talk about some video games, as well as some… books?! Yeah, reading words is hard! We have no idea why people would do such a thing. Reading. Geez. OSMnotes Since we have already established that no one reads anything, why do we even both with Time Cues? The world may never know…! We start the OSMcast!ing – 0:00 General Gabbing – 00:40 OSMresolutions – 02:03 Dragon Quest Minute! – 03:22 Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn) Minute! – 05:33 Moments of OSM – 21:09 BoJack Horseman – 21:32 Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle that Defined a Generation – 24:25 Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson- 26:51 The 2014 OSMawards! Manga World Trigger – 30:10 Raqiya – 35:03 What Did You Eat Yesterday? – 36:52 Insufficient Direction – 40:50 My Little Monster & Say “I love you” – 41:50 My Love Story!! – 43:25 How VIZ Manga Got Their Groove Back – 44:35 The Heroic Legend of Arslan – 47:31 Final Mentions – 49:27 The Seven Deadly Sins – 50:28 Twitter Mentions – 55:49 Anime During 2014 Space Dandy – 61:22 Kuroko’s Basketball – 62:46 Haikyu!! – 63:44 Free! – 64:51 Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers – 65:09 Mushishi – 65:56 Sailor Moon Crystal – 66:32 Sega Hard Girls – 67:43 Gundam Build Fighters – 69:30 Rage of Bahamut: Genesis – 70:40 Hunter x Hunter Brotherhood – 71:30 Log Horizon (1st Season) – 72:21 Silver Spoon (2nd Season) – 74:28 Captain Earth – 76:58 Ace of Diamond – 78:37 Yowamushi Pedal – 81:03 Nobunagun – 83:07 More Anime During 2014! Robot Girls Z – 85:42 Fate/stay night – 87:30 Samurai Flamenco – 93:56 Ping Pong The Animation – 95:40 Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun – 98:27 Blue Blazes AKA Aoi Honō – 102:03 Kill la Kill – 103:08 Anime That Started in 2014, But Still Kickin’ It in 2015 Watch Garo The Animation – 105:23 JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders – 109:41 Parasyte -the maxim- – 112:12 Gundam Reconguista in G – 113:15 Aldnoah.Zero – 116:15 Log Horizon (Season 2) – 117:31 Final Thoughts – 118:30 And in case anyone is in Birmingham this weekend, it’s Kami-con time! We’ll be there! Not running any panels… But we’ll be there! We’ll be going to other people’s panels and various other events. Like Vertical Comics’ panels! Chances are, you’ll be hearing all about it. But just don’t talk about it, be about it! Go to Kami-con! Check out the vertical panels and tell them how baller their manga is. That way, they’ll know we sent you.
OSMcast! Anime, Games, Interviews, & More!
Feb 24, 2015 • Subscribe
Parasyte -the maxim-, Rage of Bahamut: Genesis, Samurai Flamenco, Space Dandy, The Heroic Legend of Arslan
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