The gold color scheme means it's special. That’s right! AWO isn’t the only podcast doing a “decade in review” podcast months after everyone else did one! We’ve got one too! Although ours is a little different. Basil, Eric, Kevin, and Rail worked up our each individual Top 10s and then we talk about them in a monolithic almost two hours ironcaged deathmatch of DEATH. While wearing audio-tuxedos. Because we’re classy. OSMnotes Hopefully you have found something you liked! If not, that only means you are _already _us relistening to ourselves talk. So cut it out, will ya?! As always, comment, email, voice mail! If anyone wants a full listing, I know that I (Basil) have my list that I can post, and I’m pretty sure so does Kevin, and probably Eric and Rail, too. Or I guess we could listen and jot everything down manually…_ Nah…_ Next time, something from the wacky fun-filled world of OHAYOCON!

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