"there is an art to 'so bad that it's good', and Brothers Conflict hones the craft"
Nov 16, 2019 • Subscribe
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The Observation Deck: Brothers Conflict
A review of the worst series I have seen this year, and a contender for worst I have seen period.
There aren't as many manga out there about brothers as there are about sisters, but a series like this doesn't make the best case for why th...
There aren't as many manga out there about brothers as there are about sisters, but a series like this doesn't make the best case for why th...

Techno Brothers (2023) review
An amazing blend of arthouse minimalism and weird deadpan comedy.
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Summer Anime 2013 ~ Reviews ~ Part 1 [Watamote, Sunday Without God, Silver Spoon, Brothers Conflict, Free!]
Watamote [Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!]: Social anxiety and awkwardness is something we can all pretty m...
Cely_belly nonsense | Anime blog
WATAMOTE ~No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys Fault I’m Not Popular!~, Brothers Conflict, Diabolik Lovers, Silver Spoon, Swimming

A trio of tight knit siblings, two of them cyborgs, lend their strength for hire in tonight’s show and tell, as they revisit their tragic World War II…
Techno Brothers (2023) [Film Review]
Techno Brothers; or, A Musical Oddity The greatest musicians of our time. Genius comparable to Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Miles Davis and...

Review #24 – Nerima Daikon Brothers
Name: Nerima Daikon Brothers (Oroshitate Musical Nerima Daikon Brothers)Format: DVDRelease Date: January 2006Age Rating: 15+Themes: comedy, family, goals, money, musicLanguage Watched: English Dubb…
“Blood” Brothers
Have you ever been to New York City, so great, they had to name it twice? I was there recently and it is everything they say it is…
Space Brothers
A manga about an older brother pursing his childhood dream of becoming an astronaut by following in his younger brother's footsteps. Continue reading →

Black Clover Chapter 326 Review – Brothers
People are finally starting to fall down. As the battle reaches its final stages, Yuno, Yami and Nacht find themselves powerless against Lucifero. Even a combo spell by…

Mobseka 08 – More Conflict
Carla is going to be the focus for this episode it seems. Over the last few episodes she’s kept on briefly appearing with hints that she will need…
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 436: Space Brothers
In this episode, Xan reviews the perfect example of a "Dad Manga". Is it worth checking out? Well sit back and enjoy as he reviews the science fiction,…

Anime Talk: Space Brothers Anime Review Discussion
I share my thoughts on the anime Space Brothers. The anime has 99 episodes. #spacebrothers #anime — Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dadneedstotalkpodcast/support

Delicious Party Precure Episode 9 Review – When Opposites Conflict
Sometimes, friends disagree with things and that’s okay.

Nerima Daikon Brothers
I am sure that many of the famous singers and musicians we know today have their humble beginnings. They start off with lots of struggles, hardships and after…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

*insert crows cawing in the background* The backstory for Takeda’s “stagefright” wasn’t a grand, traumatic event but it made his fear more believable. My poor baby :,(

Blue Lock Episode 33 Review – The Itoshi Brothers
I lost count how many times Rin said Nii-chan in this episode.

Scarlet Nexus Episode 22 Review – The Sumeragi Brothers
Kaito sucks; I don’t like him.

Pokemon Horizons Episode 53 Review – How To Annihilape The Conflict
Primape evolves into Annihilape when it’s too angry to die…wait, does that mean…?

How Do Japanese Companies Handle Conflict?
Learn to navigate conflict in Japanese companies. Explore culture, communication and effective strategies for workplace disputes.
Man vs. Duty – The Eastern Conflict
In 335 BC, the Greek philosopher Aristotle in his book Poetics wrote that drama was based around four central conflicts: Man vs. Man Man vs. Self Man vs.…

Man vs. Duty – The Eastern Conflict
In 335 BC, the Greek philosopher Aristotle in his book Poetics wrote that drama was based around four central conflicts: Man vs. Man Man vs. Self Man vs.…
Episode 595, "The Yeti Toole Brothers" (with Michael Toole & David Brothers)
On this special episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Steve, Alex on with special guests Michael Toole (Anime News Network & Discotek Media) and David Brothers (Editor, VIZ), each come on…
Episode 595, "The Yeti Toole Brothers" (with Michael Toole & David Brothers)
On this special episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Steve, Alex on with special guests Michael Toole (Anime News Network & Discotek Media) and David Brothers (Editor, VIZ), each come on…

Older and Younger Brothers –Ousama Ranking Ep 11 Review
Just as Bojji and Kage venture home, multiple coup d’etat rise against the Kingdom of Bosse. This is a review and discussion for Ousama Ranking Episode 11.

Mobseka 11 – Awakened powers and resolved conflict
Olivia asks Leon to go rescue Angelica. He was already going to do just that as she well knew so it was more emphasising her trusting him with…
Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs

Black Blood Brothers: Episode 4!
Welcome to my new series of anime review posts covering Black Blood Brothers! If you’re not familiar with this older shonen series from the early 2000’s, it’s an…

Black Blood Brothers: Episode 5!
Welcome to my new series of anime review posts covering Black Blood Brothers! If you’re not familiar with this older shonen series from the early 2000’s, it’s an…

Black Blood Brothers: Episode 6!
Welcome to my new series of anime review posts covering Black Blood Brothers! If you’re not familiar with this older shonen series from the early 2000’s, it’s an…

OtakuGeneration (Show #375) Space Brothers
Shownotes :: (show 375) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Space Brothers, recorded live August 12th, 2012. This week we finally talked about Space Brothers. Plus…
Kaleido Star, Shakugan no Shana, Shangri-La, Ergo Proxy, Iron Man

Black Blood Brothers: Episode 3!
Welcome to my new series of anime review posts covering Black Blood Brothers! If you’re not familiar with this older shonen series from the early 2000’s, it’s an…

Black Blood Brothers Episode 2
Welcome to my new series of anime review posts covering Black Blood Brothers! If you’re not familiar with this older shonen series from the early 2000’s, it’s an…

The Yuzuki Family’s Four Brothers Episode 1 Review – They’re Family
Adorable show, awful subtitles.

PACKGOD Face Reveal & Exploring The Conflict With Leg
Learning more PACKGOD: Drama, Face Reveal, and Explosive Rivalries - The internet's most electrifying YouTube controversy!

Communication & Conflict – My Impressions of A Silent Voice
Last week I had a rare opportunity to catch a cinema screening of the recent anime movie release A Silent Voice with some friends and while I don’t usually…

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Episode 38) – Conflict at Baschool
Edward and Alphonse track Scar to an abandoned mining town, but it’s going to take forever to find him. If only he would come looking for them! Meanwhile,…

The Super Mario Brothers Movie Review: A Superstar of a Movie
As a long-time fan of all things Nintendo, I was eager to see an animated Super Mario movie as it has been something I’ve been curious to see…

Mania by Brothers Without a Tomorrow
You know those ship dynamic preference memes going around on social media recently? They look something like this: There are a lot of these, but I have not…

Youtooz Launches Kuriboh Brothers Stickie Plushies
Check out these new plushies of the Kuriboh Brothers, unveiled today by Youtooz. Part of the company’s “Stickies” line, these nine-inch, furry companions have four magnets sewn in…

Anime Like The Four Yuzuki Brothers
The Yuzuki family is a family of four brothers. After their parents died, the oldest brother, Hayato, put himself through college and became a teacher, all
Kotaro Lives Alone, Minami-ke, My Roommate is a Cat, Bunny Drop, Baby and Me
283 – Saikyo Selections 12 – Space Brothers
This week Darfox talks about Masaaki Yuasa’s Ride Your Wave and dakazu is saddened by the abrupt ending of Oni Shine. Then we examine the long running popular…

Techno Brothers (テクノブラザーズ, Hirobumi Watanabe, 2023)
Hirobumi Watanabe has sometimes cast himself in his films as a misunderstood, struggling filmmaker at the mercy of his own thwarted ambitions and the vagaries of the Japanese…

MANZAI Conflict (令和対俺, Kenya Okubo, 2021)
A thoroughly unpleasant manzai comedian undergoes a psychotic break when asked to switch from funny guy to straight man in Kenya Okubo’s darkly absurdist drama

A Conflict: Ogiue Maniax Status Update for February 2025
I feel of two ways about still using Twitter in any capacity. Its owner is a Nazi and a piece of shit, and I hate the way he…

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 - The Conflict
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 - The Conflict is currently streaming on Hulu and Disney+....

Getter Robo Arc Episode 6: A World Wide Conflict
This anime knows no rest. Usually, a slow down episode would be the name of the game for anime series because it allows animators some time to rest…

Super smash Brothers DLC: Timmy Reveal Trailer
Please do not slander our timmy, he was not aware he was murdering bloods. Follow UpBoiKyuhi on his Instagram art page kitsunesrage_page. He does great drawings that are…

Planet With Episode 11 Review: The Power of Mercy and Two Younger Brothers
Planet With Episode 11: The dragon is about to awaken on the far side of our moon. Sensei, Generalissimo, and others have a plan.