General Information Unit type: truck Lineart Rear view
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Cargo Plane (Brilliantly Shining Heresy)
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General Information Unit type: truckOriginal mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara Lineart N/A
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General Information Unit type: shuttle Lineart Rear view
Shining “Star”
I have a problem with long-format shows and that is: when do I give the review? When I reviewed “Toriko”, I ended up giving the reviews after 52…

Crazy Food Truck
Crazy Food Truck is a manga that follows a food truck driver, Gordon, as he journeys around a post-apocalyptic desert with Arisa, a girl he found sleeping in…
Large Trailer Truck
General Information Unit type: transport truckOriginal mechanical designer: Kunio OkawaraNote: This design, minus the container, is a reuse of the LTR-62 Trailer Truck from Fang of the Sun Dougram.…
Container Truck (Chirico’s Return)
General Information Unit type: cargo truck Lineart Rear view
Books: One Shining Moment
By Shelley Pallis. Book-length studies of anime TV shows are rare indeed. Critics tend to favour the shorter hours and wider footprint of writing about single anime movies.…
Crazy Food Truck, Vol. 1
Crazy Food Truck isn’t the worst manga I’ve read this year, but it’s one of the most disappointing, marred by lazy writing, paper-thin characterizations, and excessive fan service.…

Crazy Food Truck GN 2
Despite the 'Crazy' right there in its title, Crazy Food Truck, by this second volume, really does seem to have settled into an easier, exploratory, travelogue-style story.
Troop Transport Truck (Pailsen Files)
CG version Lineart version CG version Lineart version General Information Unit type: troop transport truck Lineart Interior (Lineart version) Rear view (CG version) Rear view (Lineart version)

Crazy Food Truck GN 1
Violence, nudity, and some of best BLTs on the block! Gordon Goliath's food truck gets about as many customers as you could expect for one driving around a…
Truck (The Witch From Mercury)
General Information Unit type: truck Lineart Rear view

Crazy Food Truck GN 3
In its final volume, Crazy Food Truck hones in on a 'live fast, die young' approach that seems at odds with the mood of the previous volumes.
Akudama Drive – 09 [The Shining]
For all the sex and murder featured in this episode, it left me a little cold. Last week’s focus on Swindler didn’t just make her more sympathetic, it…

Fanart Friday: Konosuba’s Shining Darkness
Darkness, the crusader who joins the main party in Konosuba, is quirky, to say the least (if you know, you know). She’s also brave and lovable, a perfect…

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Episode 3) – City of Heresy
Edward and Alphonse are investigating a priest that can create matter out of nothing. Could these be actual miracles or is he using a philosopher’s stone? Either way,…

Warhammer: 40,000 – The Horus Heresy Series – Quick Primer
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Parallel World Pharmacy Episode 6 — Hooray for Heresy!
Things are heating up in this week’s episode of Parallel World Pharmacy. I actually thought at first that we were gonna get a beach episode. I guess we…
Blue Archive #01 — Lack of Military Intelligence
That's far too much bad anime for one day. I've had past enough for now. I'll deal with the crow show from yesterday later. I need to……
![Featured image for [Genre Analysis] Mechas & Military Science Fiction Readings](
![Background image for [Genre Analysis] Mechas & Military Science Fiction Readings](
[Genre Analysis] Mechas & Military Science Fiction Readings
Source: By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting This maybe does not need to be stated, but just in case you didn’t know: Mecha and Military Science Fiction readings…

Cute Reporter Tries to Assassinate Military Commander
Venus Senki is an anime movie from 1989, directed by renowned animator Yoshikazu Yasuhiko. Music credit to: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio anime recaps, retro anime, anime recapped, anime…
VG Pulse 302: Truck Break Dancing
This week on VG Pulse, we have a bit of a longer show, but we found Kas, so there’s that! We start out with side notes of tech…

Truck-Kun, The Godfather of Isekai
Truck-Kun is responsible for every single Isekai anime so i thought it was time to show you guys why he is the number 1 contender for strongest anime…

The Truck That Launched 1,000 Isekai
Get 20% OFF + Free Shipping @MANSCAPED with promo code BONSAIPOP at! #ManscapedPartner #TCSociety Visit to learn more about how to check yourself, or make a…
Super Cub hits like a truck
I don't know why she doesn't use a spoon.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
As a fan, it pains me to see an entry to one of my favorite franchises fall to such low lows. But what exactly are the decisions that…
Review: Shining for One Thing (2023)
Shining for One Thing 一闪一闪亮星星 China, 2023, colour, 2.35:1, 105 mins. Directors: Chen Xiaoming 陈小明, Zhang Pan 张攀. Rating: 4/10. Good-looking but nonsensical teenage romantic fantasy spun off…
Fruits Basket – 42 – Softly Shining Memories
Tooru’s been so busy (justifiably) thinking about “various things” that she forgot about their class trip to Kyoto. When we begin the episode she’s already there, making hai…

Roshidere – 09 – Shining Rays of Positivity
The opening scene this week is deeply, deeply unpleasant, as Yuki is forced to endure the lecturing of her asshole grandfather, telling her she may not be as…
![Featured image for [Genre Analysis] Mechas & Military Science Fiction Readings](
![Background image for [Genre Analysis] Mechas & Military Science Fiction Readings](
[Genre Analysis] Mechas & Military Science Fiction Readings
Source: By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting This maybe does not need to be stated, but just in case...

Tucker Carlson Says Lolis “Unfit” for Military Service
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has received condemnation for negative comments he made on loli military service members during his latest television segment. The talk show host openly…

Manga Talk: Crazy Food Truck Volume 1
A food truck, a wasteland and a mysterious girl with a huge appetite? Whats going on in this series. — Support this podcast:
Go! Go! Loser Ranger! #01 — Truck Power
Why are there so many Sunday shows this season? There's seven shows today, plus the crow thing from yesterday. This will take a while. Impressions: I really…

Manga of the Month: Crazy Food Truck
Crazy Food Truck by Rokurou Ogaki This month’s manga is filled with action, a wasteland, humor, and food. Learn more! Read a free sample! Get it! Join our…
Akudama Drive Episode 9 Review: The Shining
Kansai descends into chaos as vigilante justice runs rampant and the crowds grow increasingly fearful of the still at large S-rank Akudama. With the police and executioner forces…

Warhammer: 40,000 – The Horus Heresy – Horus Rising by Dan Abnett
Welcome all, to the first book of my Warhammer 40k book club and our introduction to the Horus Heresy, Horus Rising! I wasn’t sure what to expect from…

Warhammer: 40,000 – The Horus Heresy – False Gods by Graham McNeill
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Kakkou no Iinazuke - Episode 14 - Erika Military Uniform Cosplay
Erika needed to study for her makeup exams and thought military cosplay would keep her disciplined. Kakkou no Iinazuke - Episode 14.

MamaKhalees shimmers brilliantly with the dawn of their Brand New Day/FILM_SONG.
MamaKhalees releases a warm, radiant, retro rock and roll rarity, with its new track Brand New Day/FILM_SONG. Listening to their older tracks, I definitely got a sense that…
Level 99 Villainess #01 — Return of the Truck
Feels like these things have been avoiding that particular cliche lately. Impressions: Sorry this took a bit. I got fed up with it and just… didn't want…
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 468: Crazy Food Truck
In this special extra episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan reviews a post apocalyptic food manga about a guy who runs a food truck. Is it violent…

Truck-Kun’s Impact Hurts Transportation Industry, Says Manager
Concerns raised by a transportation manager in Japan, over truck portrayal in media.

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Miracle Romance: Shining Moon Powder 2024 Limited Edition
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