This week Zenshu breaks its usual pattern of having the animation battle at the end of the episode, and starts us off with a succession of decisive, easy Natsuko wins. Luke, Unio, Memmeln, and QJ d…
Feb 4, 2025 • Subscribe
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Zenshuu. – 02 – Natsuko Circus
A refreshed Natsuko wakes up after three straight days of rest, and learns that Luke is a hell of a cook. Luke tries to learn more about her…

Zenshuu. – 06 – Climbing the Steps
After a flashback to when all nine Nine Soldiers were still around and Justice and Luke were best buds, we and Natsuko get a recap of what’s happened.…

Zenshuu. – 03 – Friends with Destiny
At this point in A Tale of Perishing, Last Town should be mourning the destruction of most of its crops and the deaths of many townsfolk, including Unio,…

Zenshuu. – 10 – Bad to Worse
With the heroic but tragic loss of QJ, the Nine Soldiers are back down to just four, but might as well only be three, because Natsuko can’t draw.…

Flipping the script in Zenshuu
Zenshu is a very interesting concept of being incarnated in an anime, whilst creating an anime

Zenshuu. – 07 – Four First Loves
The primary reason Hirose Natsuko worked herself to death-by-spoiled-bento is because she fundamentally could not understand the love story central to the anime film she had been tasked…

Zenshuu. – 09 – Something to Fight For
This week begins by re-telling the story so far, only from Luke’s perspective. He had not been doing well since losing five of the Nine Soldiers over various…
Zenshuu. – 01 (First Impressions) – The Animator
Well now, that was fun. Anna Nagase (of Summertime Render) voices animation director Hirose Natsuko, made famous by her tv anime debut, Sukeban Magical Girl Dark Academy. But now she’s…

Zenshuu. – 08 – Not Just 3B Lines
Natsuko can’t ignore the weird-looking bird who keeps telling her “it’s no use” every time they cross paths. Fortunately, even a bird that surly is no match for…
The Road To DECA-DENCE: Project History & Production Notes 01-05
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The History of Mushi Pro – 05 – Farewell to Tezuka (1970-1972)
From a Tezuka-centered perspective, the legacy of the Animerama films is difficult to assess. They were certainly pioneering, but the studio had to pay a heavy toll for…

Zenshuu. – 04 – Not Quite Ready for the End
Natsuko is suspicious of Memmeln, since in the movie she’s revealed to be the true form of the Ultimate Void killed by Luke. Natsuko follows her, but Luke…

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Beastars – 05
Beastars is a brainworm of the highest order. Every time I watch an episode I just can't stop thinking about it. Read more The post Beastars –…
Gleipnir – 05
「ヤバイ敵」 (Yabai Teki) "Crazy Enemies" "You wanna hug it out?"
Plunderer – 05
「謝るな、謝れ」 (Ayamaruna, ayamare) "Don't Apologize, Apologize" Yes, pudding can indeed break iron beams.
Oooku – 05
"Episode 5" At heart, this is a tale about identity
Horimiya – 05
「それは、言えないこと。」 (Sore wa, ienai koto.) "I Can't Say That" An anime doesn't have to reinvent the wheel to be great. It just has to make a really great wheel.
Pet – 05
One of the measures I judge my engagement with a series by, certainly, is how quickly an episode seems to pass by. Read more The post Pet –…

Horimiya – 05
An anime doesn't have to reinvent the wheel to be great. It just has to make a really great wheel. Read more
BNA – 05
「Greedy Bears」 "Who would watch baseball with no money involved?"

Dandadan – 05
Well, never a dull moment as they say - and rarely a lull moment - where Dandadan is concerned.
Listeners – 05
「ビートに抱かれて (When Doves Cry)」 (Bīto ni Idakarete) "In the Embrace of the Beat" Is anyone else wondering whether music plays a part in this show?
Overtake! – 05
Flame Runner would've been a cooler name for the movie.
SSSS.Dynazenon – 05
「恋人みたいって、なに?」 (Koibito mitai tte, nani?) "What's Lover-Like Mean?" Churro scene still going…
Overtake! – 05
「炎のランナー -It`s just luck.-」 (Honoo no Runner: It`s Just Luck) "Chariots of Fire -It`s just luck.-" Flame Runner would've been a cooler name for the movie.
Jigokuraku – 05
「侍と女」 (Samurai to Onna) "The Samurai and the Woman" The more Jigokuraku indulges the thoughtful side of its personality, the more I suspect I'm going to like it.
Sakugan – 05
"NO WORK, NO LIFE" Praise the wind gods!

Overtake! – 05
With only 12 eps I kind of hate to see one spent like this, and if it were to be repeated I'd start to get a little worried.

SK∞ – 05
Adam is the sort of character that will drag any series into the nether reaches of ridiculousness, that's for sure. Read more

Revenger – 05
When it's time to leap, you just have to leap and hope that ledge is as sturdy as it looks. Read more
Noblesse – 05
Sometimes the zeitgeist misses the boat on a series, and I’m starting to think Noblesse may be one such case. Read more
Babylon – 05
This sort of feels like the three-episode rule coming into play here. Read more The post Babylon – 05 appeared first on Lost in Anime.

Jigokuraku – 05
As with so much else about it the gender politics of Hell's Paradise are a bit schizoid. Read more

Pluto – 05
I can't help but wonder what inspired Urasawa to take something that was already seminal in Japanese culture and reimagine it like this.

Abortion In Japan: A History
A look at how abortion in Japan evolved throughout the ages, from a financial necessity to a call for the acknowledgment of women's rights.