Two women struggle to free themselves from the abuses of a patriarchal and conservative society in Toru Kamei’s tragic lesbian romance
Feb 3, 2025 • Subscribe
More like this

The Shootout (凶弾, Toru Murakawa, 1982)
A trio of teenage boys end up on the run after an altercation with a needlessly authoritarian police officer in Toru Murakawa’s empathetic social drama.

5 Facts to Know About Hagakure Toru
While we don’t know what Hagakure looks like, she claims that she looks like a cross between Yang Guifei and Francis Xavier.Toru’s favourite food is caramel, her favourite…

Best of 2016
Is 2016 fucking over yet? I said recently that my pre-election social mediaverse looked like that sweet first date video camera footage that they accidentally recorded an alien…

Bonklive 2016 Reports
This is a backup of existing posts I’ve made elsewhere, detailing my experience at Uezu Makoto’s signature Bonklive event.
Sekko Boys (2016)
A lot of good anime aired in 2016, more than I am used to. In comparison, it feels like 2017’s new launches are underwhelming. However, when I go back…

Winter 2016 Decisions
Ok, we aren’t gonna try to even excuse our output lately. With school starting up again and other interests on the side, we just haven’t found the time…

Threshing Spring 2016
From Wikipedia: “Threshing is the process of loosening the edible part of cereal grain (or other crop) from the scaly, inedible chaff that surrounds it. It is the…
Sakura Con 2016
As someone who is an anime fan as well as some who has gone the convention for almost every year since it's founding, I went to Sakura con…

Target (薔薇の標的, Toru Murakawa, 1980)
A young man seeks justice for a fallen friend in Toru Murakawa’s grimy neo-noir.

Dead Angle (白昼の死角, Toru Murakawa, 1979)
A narcissistic conman takes ironic revenge on the post-war society in Toru Murakawa’s nihilistic crime drama.

Summer 2016 – First Impressions
This post reviews: Berserk (2016), Rewrite, Orange, Tales of Zestiria the X, Amaama to Inazuma, Taboo Tattoo, New Game!, Amanchu!, 91 Days, Hitori no Shita: The Outcast, Time…
Berserk, Mirai, Qualidea Code, 91 Days, Sweetness & Lightning
Top Anime of 2016
We’re back again with the end of the year podcasts! First up is the top five anime...
Top Anime of 2016
We’re back again with the end of the year podcasts! First up is the top five anime...
Special - Shin Godzilla (2016)
Hello everyone, In this special episode of Heroic Purgatory, we discuss the 2016 kaiju movie, Shin Godzilla, as well as the franchise's various other incarnations that followed it. We…

Canola (계춘할망, Chang, 2016)
A sullen young woman gains the confidence to step into herself thanks the unconditional love of a Jeju grandmother in Chang’s emotional drama
Review: The Possessed (2016)
The Possessed 中邪 China, 2016, colour, 16:9, 110 mins. Director: Ma Kai 马凯. Rating: 3/10. Low-budget horror, shot in fake-documentary style, about two student film-makers and a possessed…

Autumn 2016 – Season Preview
Every season has its defining features. Autumn, for example, is known for its bountiful harvests and leaves falling to the ground. Likewise, every anime season has its distinguishing…
Girlish Number, HAIKYU!!, Long Riders!, Tiger Mask, Wagnaria!!

Fall 2016 Anime Reflections
So this is a little different, a short summary of my thoughts on all the shows I watched over the Fall season. It probably won’t become a regular…
Ninja Girl & Samurai Master, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Super, Flip Flappers
#5 — Flip Flappers (2016)
In my Yuri!!! On Ice post, I mention how difficult it is for me to watch currently-airing series during the fall season due to my job. Yuri!!! On…
2016: Don't Look Back
We are not doing an annual look back piece this year, because nothing really happened in Japan. But maybe that is what makes Japan so great right now.
Spring 2016 Anime Preview!
Hiya! I’m not dead~! (It’s getting to be something of a tradition to start these posts this way I swear). So, I ended up taking the (rather good)…
2016: Don't Look Back
We are not doing an annual look back piece this year, because nothing really happened in Japan. But maybe that is what makes Japan so great right now.

Summer 2016 – Season Preview
Tis the season for new anime, fa la la la la la la la la la. Hopefully all the shows are okay, fa la la la la la…
BATTERY the animation, Fate/stay night, 91 Days, Berserk, Majestic Prince
Top Movies of 2016
We’re back with the top movies of 2016! The gang’s all here; my two co-hosts, Corey (@coreyzone)...
Fellowship Programme FY 2016...
Fellowship Programme FY 2016 The application f...
Top Movies of 2016
We’re back with the top movies of 2016! The gang’s all here; my two co-hosts, Camellia and...
OSMcast! FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2016 Las Vegas 10-29-2016
Oh hi! The OSMcast (and friends!) went to the latest Final Fanatsy XIV Fan Festival in Las Vegas, to check out all the sweet surprises they had in store!…

東京战争戦後秘話’ OST - Toru Takemitsu
The Man Who Left His Will on Film [Tokyo Senso Sengo Hiwa] Directed by: Nagisa Oshima 1970 Download
Spiraken Con Review: Otakon 2016
In this episode of the Spiraken Con Review, Xan talks about his experiences and adventures attending Otakon 2016 For it's last convention at Baltimore before it goes to Washington DC So…

Summer 2016 Season Wrap-Up!
Now that the summer anime season is pretty much over and a new season is getting ready to start, it’s time for the wrap-ups and previews to commence…
2016 BL Webcomic Rec List
Whether it’s raining or I’m burning under the summer sun, I will not miss out on this year’s rec list! […]
Review: Free and Easy (2016)
Free and Easy 轻松+愉快 China, 2016, colour, 2.35:1, 98 mins. Director: Geng Jun 耿军. Rating: 4/10. Phlegmatic black comedy set in bleak northeast China gradually runs out of…

2016 Anime Year in Review
Anime 2015 was a fairly decent year, but it came off the heels of a garbage year for anime. 2016 seems so much better now. I’d say 2016…
Ace Attorney, Hundred, Phoenix, Sailor Moon Crystal, Flying Witch

Sechskies Yellow Note Concert 2016
I didn’t think I’ll ever go for a kpop concert, seriously, considering my age and all. Then I read online about their reunion, and I knew I had…
Review: Free and Easy (2016)
Free and Easy 轻松+愉快 China, 2016, colour, 2.35:1, 98 mins. Director: Geng Jun 耿军. Rating: 4/10. Phlegmatic black comedy set in bleak northeast China gradually runs out of…
Top 5 Movies of 2016
We’re back with the top movies of 2016! The gang’s all here; my two co-hosts, Corey (@coreyzone) and Chris (@gokuffy), are where they should be: In the co-host…

Seasonal Anime Reviews: Fall 2016
Seasonal Thoughts: Well, I guess the “One good season per year” curse seems to be broken for now, as this was a fairly good season. I was about ready…
Izetta: The Last Witch, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, Lostorage incited WIXOSS, Occultic;Nine
Top 5 Anime of 2016
We’re back again with the end of the year podcasts! First up is the top five anime of 2016 list. Joining Chris (@gokuffy) and me this time are…

Fanime 2016 – Experience and Haul
Rider Henshin! This post is coming a bit… sorta… uh, this post came too late. Fanime was over a month ago, and unlike other years, Fanime 2016 was…

Fall 2016 Season Kick-Off!
Fall is hands down my favorite time of year. After the insufferable heat of summer, to me there is no feeling in the world like stepping outside into the…

Top 5 anime of 2016
The following list only contains series which ended in 2016, thus Sangatsu no Lion and Iron Blooded Orphans are not eligible (split cour series are acceptable). I will…
#6 — Yuri!!! On Ice (2016)
I love figure skating. My childhood was full of attempts to copy Yuka Sato or Surya Bonaly before I was told — admittedly in the kindest way possible…

Zubat’s Top Anime of 2016
This post may be two months late has been in the works for the past two months, and now it’s finally time to share it with you all!…
The Best of Winter 2016!
I kind of took most of the season off from the internet, so more or less watched stuff in a vacuum – which is an interesting experience, but…

Winter 2016 Anime Episode 1s
At least it’s more eventful than last season.
Haruchika - Haruta & Chika, Pandora in the Crimson Shell Ghost Urn, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
Spiraken Con Review: Animenext 2016
In this episode of the Spiraken Con Review, Xan and Baz tells you about his experiences and adventures attending Anime Next 2016 at it's now home in Atlantic…

Anime Season Overview: Summer 2016
Given how it is too early in the season to write detailed and individual reviews for most of the shows I have chosen to watch, with the exception…
Berserk, Berserk, Taboo Tattoo, 91 Days, Alderamin on the Sky

Hana Dama Phantom (2016) review
While all clashing fragments of eroticism, horror, and comedy come sort of together in the twisted finale, it is not enough to wash away the sourness left by…
![Featured image for Shin Godzilla (2016) [Tokusatsu Review]](
![Background image for Shin Godzilla (2016) [Tokusatsu Review]](
Shin Godzilla (2016) [Tokusatsu Review]
Shin Godzilla; or, You Can (Not) Remake Man is more frightening than Godzilla. It has been 5 years since the release of Shin Gojira , T...