While all clashing fragments of eroticism, horror, and comedy come sort of together in the twisted finale, it is not enough to wash away the sourness left by the ill-fitting theatrical performances…
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Review: The Possessed (2016)
The Possessed 中邪 China, 2016, colour, 16:9, 110 mins. Director: Ma Kai 马凯. Rating: 3/10. Low-budget horror, shot in fake-documentary style, about two student film-makers and a possessed…
Spiraken Con Review: Otakon 2016
In this episode of the Spiraken Con Review, Xan talks about his experiences and adventures attending Otakon 2016 For it's last convention at Baltimore before it goes to Washington DC So…
Review: Free and Easy (2016)
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![Background image for Shin Godzilla (2016) [Tokusatsu Review]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211023/1634981555.23759.50222.jpg)
Shin Godzilla (2016) [Tokusatsu Review]
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Review: Free and Easy (2016)
Free and Easy 轻松+愉快 China, 2016, colour, 2.35:1, 98 mins. Director: Geng Jun 耿军. Rating: 4/10. Phlegmatic black comedy set in bleak northeast China gradually runs out of…

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Boogiepop Phantom Review (Spoiler Free)
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![Background image for [Review] Phantom of the Idol](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220913/1663104540.43590.74060.png)
[Review] Phantom of the Idol
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Phantom: Requiem For The Phantom
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Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!
Doukyusei -Classmates- Review (2016, Shouko Nakamura)
Throughout the history of of artistic expression, many works covering LGBT themes have been made, reacting against the status quo of society. In the short time that cinema…
Nova Seed Review (2016, Nick DiLiberto)
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Suffering of Ninko (2016) [Film Review]
Suffering of Ninko; or, Carnal Visions Sexual indulgence is sinful for monk. The decade of the 2010s has undeniably shown to us that t...

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Review #8 – Myriad Colors Phantom World
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AKA: JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Supernatural Studio: Toei Animation Episodes: 9 Seasons: 1 Available On: Crunchyroll, Netflix There are very few anime that…
Boogiepop Phantom
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Boogiepop Phantom
By Andrew Osmond. Boogiepop Phantom is a teenage Twilight Zone. Contrary to popular anime depictions, being an adolescent in Japan isn’t all comedic love triangles, eccentric school clubs…
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Bonklive 2016 Reports
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Sekko Boys (2016)
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Sakura Con 2016
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S2E3 - Hana-bi (1997)
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