The best way to grab a weeb’s attention is to put too many bowties on yourself. Get more silly pieces of advice by listening to the…
Sep 9, 2024 • Subscribe
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AniTAY Podcast S9 E16: Too Much Sugar
Sometimes Romcoms can be too sweet for the grumps in the AniTAY Podcast! Back again with more takes on the Summer 2024 Anime Season is…

Too Many Losing Heroines!
by Takibi Amamori Support Group for Sore Losers The popular girls in Nukumizu Kazuhiko's class seem to have it all--good looks, lots of friends, and the hearts of…
Too Many Losing Heroines! Makeine
Too Many Losing Heroines!, also known as Makeine takes a different perspective on the usual romantic-comedy story. In a normal shonen romantic-comedy (Notice that young men, the main…

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!
Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....
Too Many Losing Heroines!, Vol. 3
By Takibi Amamori and Imigimuru. Released in Japan as “Make Heroine ga Ōsugiru!” by Gagaga Bunko. Released in North America by Airship. Translated by Matthew Jackson. Adapted by…
Too Many Losing Heroines!, Vol. 1
By Takibi Amamori and Imigimuru. Released in Japan as “Make Heroine ga Ōsugiru!” by Gagaga Bunko. Released in North America by Airship. Translated by Matthew Jackson. Hoo boy.…
Too Many Losing Heroines!, Vol. 2
By Takibi Amamori and Imigimuru. Released in Japan as “Make Heroine ga Ōsugiru!” by Gagaga Bunko. Released in North America by Airship. Translated by Matthew Jackson. Adapted by…

Too Many Losing Heroines!, Vol. 3
By Takibi Amamori and Imigimuru. Released in Japan as “Make Heroine ga Ōsugiru!” by Gagaga Bunko. Released in North America by Airship. Translated by Matthew Jackson. Adapted by…

We caused enough mischief while discussing the end of the Summer animes that we might provoke Protonstorm to be on the next podcast.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E8: Stressful in Dungeon
Don’t you just hate it when you use dark magic and it comes back to bite you immediately? Welcome to the 2nd half of Delicious in Dungeon.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E13: Dick Fight Island
Join DocKev, Gugsy (AKA Coach), Lia, Reikaze and Reqiuem as they talk about sweaty dudes hitting each other and other things in relation to…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E17: Barbie Doll Anatomy
The AniTAY crew discusses the most horrifying anime trope, characters with Barbie Doll Anatomy and other actually scary anime tropes.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E9: Skeleton Murder Bunny
It is known that the most fearsome animal is the bunny. So, if someone is said to be bunny like, avoid them at all costs.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E21: It’s Ellipses STUPID
A hard part about watching anime for AniTAY is when it gets scientific facts wrong. It gets so bad that some can’t stop TYPING IN ALL CAPS.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E15.5: Fall Anime Preview
It’s time for the fall seasonal podcast. AniTAY gets together once more to give you insight on the upcoming anime season.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 9
It becomes increasingly clear that Chika is trying to get as much work done on her own.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 8
Of course Anna would come up with something food related.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 2
Such devastating news shouldn’t be so funny.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 7
Even though it is a bit of a stretch, I am nevertheless content with the outcome.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 3
Well gee, I wonder what will happen next?

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Episode 1
This show is an example of just how much strong animation and adaptation can elevate even the most banal of premises.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 10
Out of the three heroines, I think Chika handled being dumped the best.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 6
One slip up is enough to ruin everything.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 4
I’m biased but evidently, the show seems to be just as guilty.

First Impression: Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!
When Kazuhiko witnesses his beautiful classmate Anna getting dumped by her childhood friend, and then when she looks up to discover that not only has he seen the…

Anime Like Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!
Nukumizu Kazuhiko is a high school boy that is content with just blending in with the crowd. One day, he watched a popular classmate, Yanami Anna, get dumped
Hyouka, Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, O Maidens in Your Savage Season, Pseudo Harem

First Look: Makeine — Too Many Losing Heroines!
By mere coincidence, Kazuhiki Nukumizu witnesses his classmate Anna Yanami having her heart broken by the boy she has been in love with for years. Much against his…

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 5
Should’ve hired a PI with Anna’s supply of somen.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 11
There are two ways to view Kazuhiko’s decision and either one is valid to me.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E20: Without the Actual Gushing
This episode’s members: Requiem, Reikaze, Marquan and DocKev with Thatsmapizza handling the editing duties.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E1: Looking Back on 2023
Join DocKev, Hybridmink, Reikaze and Requiem as we look back on 2023, and reminiscence memories of a fonder time!

AniTAY Podcast S9 E7: Gugsy’s Latest War Crime
It’s a new season, and that means a lot of new anime to talk about, and takes so bad they could be considered war crimes! Join DocKev…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E6.5: Spring 2024 Anime Preview
Another year has passed and we’re back with the best season of the year! Also, there’s new anime too.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E19: The Season of GILFs
AniTAY rejects the allure or MILFs and returns to the charms of GILFs. Also, they discuss anime.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – 08 – Edible Readings
Anna and Lemon have had their little arcs, and now it’s Komari Chika’s turn. The school festival is coming up and Chika wants to do something special, but…

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – 04 – Zero Balance
Chika’s sudden confession catches both Shintarou and Koto completely off guard. Kazuhiko, Anna, and Lemon can only stand by and watch as All The Drama unfolds: Shintarou asks…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E6: AniTAY’s Nipple of the Year
Anime can be truly incredible work… Or it can be ecchi trash. Join DocKev, Gugsy Hybridmink, and Requiem(with Reikaze handling editing…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E11: The Episode with Yuri Subtext
It’s the end of Spring, you know what that means… YURI subtext. AniTAY discusses the end of the season and one show with yuri… ENJOY!

AniTAY Podcast S9 E14: My Diagnosis, Needs More Trauma
Don’t you hate being stuck in meetings? Our local DocKev recommends inflicting trauma to yourself and others to relieve the boredom.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E2 Pizza Commits Psychological War Crimes
Pizza casts mind break and sends Doc to the shadow realm by asking him to watch Bang Brave Bang Bravern. AniTAY looks on in horror.

Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! (Too Many Losing Heroines!) – 10
Being with each other is the closest Nuk-kun and Chika can get to being alone without being alone - and for an introvert, that's high praise.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – 02 – Somewhere to Run
The next Losing Heroine in the blocks is the whimsically-named Yakishio Lemon, a tanned track ace who is popular with the guys but only has eyes for her…

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – 11 – No Backing Out
With the rousing success of the Tsuwabaki Fest and Chika getting to bid farewell to her first love, I thought we were done with her arc. Boy was I…

Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! (Too Many Losing Heroines!) – 07
Turning the lights out in a room so you can't see the clutter doesn't mean it's not there.

Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! (Too Many Losing Heroines!) – 11
I have an image in my head of Nuk-kun roaming the streets of Toyohashi at dusk, searching for depressed girls to lean on railings next to until they…

Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! (Too Many Losing Heroines!) – 09
I think it's because Kazuhiko is himself an introvert that he can see what Komari is going through with such clarity.

Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! (Too Many Losing Heroines!) – 08
Low-key is very much how this played compared to what came before it.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – Ep. 12 (Series Finale)
I won’t get my hopes up but I’m not at all opposed to a second season.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! – 05 – Sigma Drive Resonating
After a cold open in which Lemon is fixing her hair when her face lights up at the arrival of an unknown date, Kazuhiko arrives home to find…