The AniTAY crew discusses the most horrifying anime trope, characters with Barbie Doll Anatomy and other actually scary anime tropes.
Oct 21, 2024 • Subscribe
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AniTAY Podcast S7 E17: Moist Meat Sockets
The fall season is here and you know what that means, Halloween! Get your chainsaws ready for some new anime!

AniTAY Podcast S6 E2: Attack on Anatomy
You’ve heard it from the best, now let’s hear it from the rest: what does AniTAY think of Winter 2021 anime so far?

AniTAY Podcast S9 E8: Stressful in Dungeon
Don’t you just hate it when you use dark magic and it comes back to bite you immediately? Welcome to the 2nd half of Delicious in Dungeon.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E13: Dick Fight Island
Join DocKev, Gugsy (AKA Coach), Lia, Reikaze and Reqiuem as they talk about sweaty dudes hitting each other and other things in relation to…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E9: Skeleton Murder Bunny
It is known that the most fearsome animal is the bunny. So, if someone is said to be bunny like, avoid them at all costs.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E21: It’s Ellipses STUPID
A hard part about watching anime for AniTAY is when it gets scientific facts wrong. It gets so bad that some can’t stop TYPING IN ALL CAPS.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E15.5: Fall Anime Preview
It’s time for the fall seasonal podcast. AniTAY gets together once more to give you insight on the upcoming anime season.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E16: Too Much Sugar
Sometimes Romcoms can be too sweet for the grumps in the AniTAY Podcast! Back again with more takes on the Summer 2024 Anime Season is…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E15: Too Many Losing Bowties
The best way to grab a weeb’s attention is to put too many bowties on yourself. Get more silly pieces of advice by listening to the…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E20: Without the Actual Gushing
This episode’s members: Requiem, Reikaze, Marquan and DocKev with Thatsmapizza handling the editing duties.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E1: Looking Back on 2023
Join DocKev, Hybridmink, Reikaze and Requiem as we look back on 2023, and reminiscence memories of a fonder time!

AniTAY Podcast S9 E7: Gugsy’s Latest War Crime
It’s a new season, and that means a lot of new anime to talk about, and takes so bad they could be considered war crimes! Join DocKev…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E6.5: Spring 2024 Anime Preview
Another year has passed and we’re back with the best season of the year! Also, there’s new anime too.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E19: The Season of GILFs
AniTAY rejects the allure or MILFs and returns to the charms of GILFs. Also, they discuss anime.

AniTAY Podcast S8 E17: Moses with Mystic Eyes of Perception
AniTAY Podcast S8 E17: Moses with Mystic Eyes of Perception

AniTAY Podcast S6 E17: Babies as a Measure of Time
We’re a few weeks into the fall season of anime and we’ve gotten a better sense of the hits and misses of the season. For this episode, we…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E6: AniTAY’s Nipple of the Year
Anime can be truly incredible work… Or it can be ecchi trash. Join DocKev, Gugsy Hybridmink, and Requiem(with Reikaze handling editing…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E11: The Episode with Yuri Subtext
It’s the end of Spring, you know what that means… YURI subtext. AniTAY discusses the end of the season and one show with yuri… ENJOY!

AniTAY Podcast S9 E14: My Diagnosis, Needs More Trauma
Don’t you hate being stuck in meetings? Our local DocKev recommends inflicting trauma to yourself and others to relieve the boredom.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E2 Pizza Commits Psychological War Crimes
Pizza casts mind break and sends Doc to the shadow realm by asking him to watch Bang Brave Bang Bravern. AniTAY looks on in horror.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E5: Gushing over Chicken Nuggies & Kickin Puppies
Sometimes, anime provides incredible experiences that can change your life. Other times, they fill you with nothing but regret. But…

AniTAY Podcast S9 E10: This Episode was Sponsored By Netflix
This week’s members: DocKev, Gugsy, Marquan, and Requiem, with Reikaze handling the editing duties.

AniTAY Podcast S9 E4: Watching Hudson Hawk Under Your Bed Covers
AniTAY shares their darkest secrets, what trashy anime they watch while hidden under their bed sheets. Requiem’s is Hudson Hawk.

AniTAY Podcast: Summer 2024 Preview
AniTAY Podcast: Summer 2024 Preview:

AniTAY Podcast Best of 2022
The votes are in and we are proud to announce AniTAY’s top anime of 2022 in podcast form!

AniTAY Podcast Winter 2023 Preview
It’s almost the New Year and that means new anime! Listen as AniTAY previews all the upcoming animes for Winter 2023.

Anime: The Final Frontier. This week, the AniTAY crew talks about some of our favorite series that take place in outer space!

AniTAY Podcast S8 E9: Driptacular
What’s anime without clothes? Find out as AniTAY flexes their 2D fashion knowledge.

AniTAY Podcast S10 E5: Visceral Juice
Dockev is back in the house with extra visceral juice! Our favorite writer is back with the gang to discuss more of this season’s anime.
AniTAY Podcast S7 E7: VENUS LINE
No post summary was provided.

AniTAY Podcast S8 E13: This Episosd
Only at the AniTAY Podcast can you get the latest anime deets and the coolest anime peeps! Join us in this episode of the AniTAY podcast…

AniTAY Podcast S6 E9: Zomboland Saga
Please join AniTAY in celebrating the life of Berserk author Kentaro Miura. (Other miscellaneous anime discussions included.)

AniTAY Podcast S8 E19: *Pumpkin Noises*
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AniTAY Podcast S7 E16: Immaculate Vibes
We love good vibes, the best vibes, immaculate vibes. But how does that relate to anime?

AniTAY Podcast S8 E3: Amorous Congress
The gang gets back together to debate the merits of romcoms of this season.

AniTAY Podcast S10 E0.5: Seasonal Preview
While a new year means endless opertunities, it also means a new season with new anime! Join DoctorKev, Marquan, Requiem and Thatsmapizza…

AniTAY Podcast S6 E13: Anime Monopoly
Crunchyroll merging with Funimation?? More likely than you might think…

AniTAY Podcast S10 E4: Boner Killer
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AniTAY Podcast S7 E18: Satanic Panic!
There’s nothing quite like fall, the spookiest season of them all, and along with that, unholy abominations. Join us talking about some new…

AniTAY Podcast Spring 2023 Seasonal Preview
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Barbie Film Review
Numerous Kens also live in an area of Barbieland known as Beach. The Kens, much like the Barbies, of all types, are ‘plastically’ fit and overtly…

Pure TokyoScope PODCAST #58: The Secret History of BARBIE in JAPAN!
Matt Alt and Patrick Macias bring you pop culture news from Japan!
AniTAY Podcast S7 E6: Kaguya Sama: Love is This Podcast
No post summary was provided.

AniTAY Podcast S6 E7: It’s MARTIN TIME
After last episode’s rapid-fire first impressions, the AniTAY crew takes time to talk at length about the spiciest anime of Spring 2021!

AniTAY Podcast S8 E6: G(ynecologist) Gundam
Spring 2023 anime season has finally begun! AniTAY discusses the birds, the bees and the gundams in its first reaction to this new season.

AniTAY Podcast: AniTAY’s Top Anime of 2023
Every year AniTAY community members chip in and vote on their Top Anime of the year! You can find the article here, but if you’d rather go…

AniTAY Podcast S8 E2: Horny and Mid
This season has a lot! Horny anime like Ayakashi Triangle, mid shows like Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill, tune in…

AniTAY Podcast S6 E21: Drinking of Kings
It’s finally the end of the year, and the AniTAY crew finish it off by discussing their favorite anime and drinks.

AniTAY Podcast S8 E9.5: Summer 2023 Preview
It’s already halfway through 2023 and we’ve got so many good animes. AniTAY previews the next season of anime while roasting in their…