Kyoto Animation’s Studio 1, which was devastated by the arson attack in July, will undergo demolition as of 2020. It was reported by NHK on Sunday that preparation work, such as erecting scaffolding, will take until the end of this year. The demolition itself will take place from January, and is scheduled for completion in April next year. In an interview two days after the attack on the studio, KyoAni president Hideaki Hatta said he was considering building a memorial and public park at the site of the fire. “When I consider the staff and the people in this neighborhood,” he said, “there are people who don’t want to see such a gruesome sight”. Currently the hollow studio building is clearly visible to many residents of the area due to its large size. Later in October, Hatta stated “It truly pains my heart whenever I see that treasured building in that state”. A recent briefing held by Hatta and a lawyer representing Kyoto Animation welcomed Fushimi residents to discuss future construction plans. As of yet, however, nothing has been decided for the place where 36 studio staff members lost their lives.