Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia / Insomniacs After School is another library find. It’s a straight forward (and straight) romance about two high schoolers who have trouble sleeping at night. SPOILER…
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Insomniacs After School Volume 1 by Makoto Ojiro
Sweet Gentle Tale of Two Troubled Youths

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 02
There’s an element of caterpillars turning into butterflies here. Read more
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 02
「猫の⽬星 さそり座の二番星」 (Neko no Meboshi -Sasoriza no Nibanboshi-) "Mu Scorpii -The Cat's Eyes-" This is definitely the season of irresistible anime couples, and Ganta and Isaki rank right up there.
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 04
「天津甕星 金星」 (Amatsu Mikahoshi -Kanaboshi-) "Venus" I love how each of this season's romances knows how to highlight their couple in just the right way

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 07
To paraphrase myself from Aharen days, everybody needs someone who looks at them the way these two look at each other. Read more
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 10
「姉はん星 乙女座スピ力」 (Anehanhoshi -Otomeza Supica-) "The Elder Sister Star -Spica of Virgo-" I would be thrilled if this series received a second season, because it really is a gem
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 12
「迷い星 惑星」 (Mayoiboshi -Wakusei-) "Planet -Wandering Star-" Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia getting a second season is a legit surprise to me - but I'm sure not complaining

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 05
This series is a vibe. Read more

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 10
One of the only downsides of a season like this one is that shows sometimes don't get the attention they deserve. Read more
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 08
「集まり星」 (Atsumari Hoshi) "The Congregation Star" The anime doesn't do a whole lot to enhance the manga experience, but as a faithful adaptation this one is doing a very fine…

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 09
To Grandmother's house we go. Read more
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 01
「能登星」 (Notoboshi) "Capella" A series about an insomniac boy by Lidenfilms starring Satou Gen? Hmmm.
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 05
「⾶び上がり星 りゅうこつ星 力ノープス」 (Tobiagari Hoshi -Riyuukotsuhoshi Kanoupusu-) "Canopus -The Keel-" This series is a vibe
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 09
「星合アルタイル・ベガ」 (Hoshiai -Arutairu・Bega-) "Altair and Vega" An important episode in terms of planting a lot of seeds for how this season will spend its final four

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 06
I like character-driven series that trust the audience enough not to spell everything out for them. Read more

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 04
I love how each of this season's romances knows how to highlight their couple in just the right way. Read more

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 11
I can't even imagine a better feeling. Read more
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 11
「夜明けの⼀番星 プレアデス星团」 (Yoake no Ichibanboshi -Pureadesu Hoshi-) "The First Stars of Dawn -The Pleiades Star Cluster-" I'll just say this much. It's testament to how otherworldly good Boku no…
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 03
「⼀つ星さん フオーマルハウト」 (Hitotsu Boshisan -Fuoumaruhauto-) "Fomalhaut -Piscis Austrinus-" Man, there's a serious number of good anime out there right now, that's for sure.
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 06
「走り星 流星」 (Hashiriboshi -Ryuusei-) "Shooting Star" The subtlety of the writing with Insomnia never fails to impress me
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 07
「花⽕星 プレアデス星团」 (Hanabiboshi -Pureadesu Hoshi-) "The Fireworks Star - The Plelaides Star Cluster-" No two relationships are alike

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 03
When this ended I just thought to myself that the whole thing just had a marvelous warmth to it. Read more

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 12
If the material is good enough, faithful works just fine. Read more

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 08
If we're going to get a read the manga ending, at least it's a manga everyone should damn well read. Read more
Insomniacs After School, Vol. 1
First published in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden has beguiled millions of readers with its tale of two sickly children who heal themselves not through sorcery…

First Impressions – Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
A series about an insomniac boy by Lidenfilms starring Satou Gen? Hmmm. Read more
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 13 (END)
「最古の星 メトツエラ」 (Saikoboshi -Metotsuera-) "The Oldest Star -Methuselah-" I'll say this much. If I hadn't seen the leak that a second season of Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia had been greenlit,…

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 13 (Season Finale)
The essential truth of this pairing is so self-evident that it's easy to imagine no obstacle could thwart it. Read more

Insomniacs After School GN 1
With an anime coming in April, Rebecca Silverman describes Insomniacs After School as a story less about its teen protagonists getting rest and more about how they are…

Insomniacs After School – Episode 1
How it fares will depend on a couple of key things: how it handles its love interest, Isaki, and how it handles the theme of mental health and…

Insomniacs After School
Insomniacs After School is currently streaming on HIDIVE....

Anime Like Insomniacs After School
Every night, Ganta Nakami is overtaken by insomnia that leaves him grumpy during the day. However, he happens across the easygoing Isaki Magari from his class
Asteroid in Love, Call of the Night, Horimiya, March Comes in Like a Lion, Skip and Loafer
Episode 278 - Insomniacs After School
This week, Shaun feels it's finally time to visit a show that was once offered in a prior choice episode that Remington snubbed. Will 3 episodes of Insomniacs…

First Impression: Insomniacs After School
Ganta Nakami has a problem, bless his heart. He’s an insomniac—unable to get any sleep during the night, which leaves him feeling drained, irritable, and dreading the rising…

Insomniacs After School Review — B-
Kids have trouble sleeping.

First Look: Insomniacs After School
Ganta Nakami suffers from insomnia, and it’s ruining his school life. One day he attempts to take nap in the old school observatory, only to encounter a girl…

Insomniacs After School – 08 – Somebody Special
The next day at school, which is the last day of the semester, Isaki asks what Ganta thought of her radio show, and he admits he fell asleep…

Insomniacs After School – 04 – Chemical Reaction
This week’s IAS features both Isaki and Ganta hanging out with their friends and separately realizing that that they feel a certain way about each other. When Nono…
Firechick's Anime Reviews: Insomniacs After School
Rating : 81/100 As someone who isnt normally a fan of romance media, I love it when I manage to find one that actually manages to appeal to…

Insomniacs After School – 09 – Swimsuit Dates
Summer is here, and with it oppressive heat, but at least it dries the laundry faster. We meet Isaki’s older sister (voiced by Amamiya Sora), presumably home for…

Insomniacs After School – 06 – Their Circumstances
The Astronomy Club has settled into a nice routine consisting of hanging out in the observatory, even on a hot day when there’s no A/C. Isaki’s solution is…

Insomniacs After School – 02 – Going Legit
After waking up and making himself and his dad lunch, Ganta arrives to find Isaki’s friends wrapping her in the classroom curtains. When she suddenly emerges, she looks…

Insomniacs After School – Manga Frist Impression
I am eagerly awaiting an official English release for Insomniacs After School. I will buy the series the second it becomes available.

Reader’s Corner: Fool Night (Vol. 2), Pink & Habanero (Vol. 1), and Insomniacs After School (Vol. 7)
Subaru faces not one witch but half a dozen, the banished hero moves one step closer to reuniting with his sister, the plants of a dying world take…
Banished from the Hero’s Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside
Reader’s Corner: Dogsred (Vol. 1), Insomniacs After School (Vol. 9), and Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (Vol. 6)
Hockey, magic, first love, isekai, vampires, and mobsters—who says that manga isn’t a diverse medium? The light novels, manhwa, and manga we’re reviewing this week feature all those…
If my Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia post is late this week, it's because I overslept
You put salt on the watermelon, didn't you?

Insomniacs After School – 10 – Feeling the Spark
Ganta finds himself in Isaki’s house when he and Kurashiki-sensei come to inform the parents of the training camp. That’s how he meets Haya, Isaki’s big sister. Haya…

Insomniacs After School – 07 – Inside a Dream
Anamizu, Kanikawa, and Momo show up to distribute flyers for Ganta and Isaki. Anamizu proves the most adept at placing them in the palms of passersby, but even…

Insomniacs After School – 12 – Love is Powerful
The bad news: The next day is raining cats and dogs, with more terrible weather in the forecast, so no photography work can be done. The good news:…

Reader’s Corner: The Do-Over Damsel (Vol. 1), Alice in Borderland (Vol. 7), and Insomniacs After School (Vol. 3)
This week we bid adieu to Hachiken, Mikagi, and the rest of the loveable farm kids of Silver Spoon; give a rare review of a volume we didn’t…
Alice in Borderland, Legend of the Crystals: Final Fantasy, Silver Spoon