On this episode of the One Piece Podcast we have no anime recap, thanks to Funimation’s One Piece website having some issue (hence the episode title). However, we do have a kickass podcast! We have the News, a Flashback of the Loguetown Arc, some Piece Together, and the world premiere of the WolfClawStudios One Piece vs. Dragonball discussion. On the main part of the podcast today we are joined by Firecrouch and Steve. The One Piece vs. Dragonball debate is hosted by WolfClawStudio‘s Alexander. Firecrouch, Steve (Dragon Warrior) and I participated in the podcast as well. Adam (Ryugohan), Dustin (Innagadadadavida) from InnagadadaDBZ, James (RoboBlue from Arlong Park), as well as Garrett from WolfClawStudio’s One Piece Unleashed Fandub join in on the discussion. Part one discusses the strengths and weaknesses of Eichiiro Oda and Akira Toriyama. Thanks again to Alex for letting us put this on. Part two (filler and cannon in One Piece and Dragonball) will be on our next episode.

The One Piece Podcast