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Aug 8, 2023 • Subscribe
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I dropped Aquatope before I learned how to pronounce it
The crazy magic shit that happens sometimes is sort of interesting.
Zom 100
The zombie apocalypse started: time to finally have some fun! 6:03 - Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 21:27 - Undead Unluck 131 29:58 - Chainsaw Man 107 37:28 - Kaiju…
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, Black Clover, Chainsaw Man, One Piece
ZOM 100 – Episode 3
I have been waiting for a ZOM 100 adaptation since I read the first page of the manga years ago! and so far I'm not disappointed

ZOM 100 – Episode 2
I have been waiting for a ZOM 100 adaptation since I read the first page of the manga years ago! and so far I'm not disappointed

ZOM 100 – Episode 5
I have been waiting for a ZOM 100 adaptation since I read the first page of the manga years ago! and so far I'm not disappointed

ZOM 100 – Episode 1
I have been waiting for a ZOM 100 adaptation since I read the first page of the manga years ago! and so far I'm not disappointed

Zom 100 Review — B+
The world is overrun by zombies. It’s the perfect time to take a vacation and accomplish your life goals.

ZOM 100 – Episode 4
I have been waiting for a ZOM 100 adaptation since I read the first page of the manga years ago! and so far I'm not disappointed

ZOM 100 – Episode 7
I have been waiting for a ZOM 100 adaptation since I read the first page of the manga years ago! and so far I'm not disappointed
Zom 100 — Wardrobe Malfunction
I don't think clothing works like that. Impressions: More cohesive and generally better than last week's episode, though the whole host bit was pretty weird for multiple…

ZOM 100 – Episode 8
I have been waiting for a ZOM 100 adaptation since I read the first page of the manga years ago! and so far I'm not disappointed
ZOM 100 – Episode 9
I have been waiting for a ZOM 100 adaptation since I read the first page of the manga years ago! and so far I'm not disappointed

ZOM 100 – Episode 6
I have been waiting for a ZOM 100 adaptation since I read the first page of the manga years ago! and so far I'm not disappointed
Zom 100 #02 — Beer Run
We're just using letterboxing at random now, aren't we? Impressions: This was a lot weaker than the first episode, and I'm pinning a lot of that on…
Zom 100 #12 — Convenient Cosmetics
Was blush really needed here? Impressions: Since I brought up the shark, it reminds me that the way they fought and defeated it was through an imprompu…

ZOM 100 – Manga First Impression
Have you ever read a manga that made you redefine yourself? ZOM 100 did that for me. I am now a fan of zombie comedies. Wild!

ZOM 100 – Manga First Impression
Have you ever read a manga that made you redefine yourself? ZOM 100 did that for me. I am now a fan of zombie comedies. Wild!

10 Things to Consider Before Getting a Pet in Japan
Thinking about getting a pet in Japan? Here are 10 points to consider so you can decide if owning a furry friend is right for you.

Reader’s Corner: Zom 100, Medalist, and the Way of the Househusband, Vol. 5
The Way of the Househusband, Vol. 5 Tatsu’s former life as the “Immortal Dragon,” a legendary yakuza enforcer, has prepared him well to be a househusband, but is…
Zom 100: Delays of the Dead
Ongoing delays in the anime series 'Zom 100' have left fans questioning its future. This article discusses the delays and fan reactions.

Zom 100's Animation Is EXCELLENT!!
Zom 100 is an anime following a boy named Akira Tendou as he ventures off into the workforce and getting a job he dreamt of but eventually gets…

The Production Farce of Zom 100
Zom 100 is a show about a protagonist named Akira escaping from his job of producing commercials that has been a living hell for three years. One where…
![Featured image for Mob Psycho 100 III – 3 [Getting Carried Away ~100%~]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20221021/1666347541.45685.76569.jpg)
![Background image for Mob Psycho 100 III – 3 [Getting Carried Away ~100%~]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20221021/1666347541.45685.76569.jpg)
Mob Psycho 100 III – 3 [Getting Carried Away ~100%~]
Hello everyone and welcome back to Mob Psycho 100, the best show of the season! It’s a rather tame episode this week, but even tame a Mob Psycho…

The 10 Anime I Dropped
Rarely do I ever drop anime. That’s mostly because I enjoy watching all the anime I watch. I’m only counting entities with at least 3 episodes where I…

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead – Episodes 5 to 7
Hey, thanks for dropping by Anime Rants. I’m still trying my best to catch up to Summer ’23 anime episode reviews, but it’s been slow work with writer’s…
Zom 100 #01 — A Cry For Unionization
Zombies sure are agile here. Impressions: Oh hey. The first non-GoHands show with any kind of budget. Everything involving zombies was animated as hell, stylized and over…

What are your thoughts on Zom 100?
Do you like zombies anime or zombie related shows! I love Zom 100 bucket list of the dead

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is currently streaming on Crunchyroll and Hulu....

Fanart Friday, Too: Zom 100’s Shizuka
This week’s episode of Zom 100 once again featured Shizuka, implying that though she’s been apart from Akira for much of the zombie apocalypse so far, she may…

Zom 100: Zombie Ni Naru Made Ni Shitai 100 No Koto
It’s about time! You see, Zom 100: Zombie Ni Naru Made Ni Shitai 100 No Koto could have been another fun or ordinary anime zombie flick of the…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!
I dropped four Winter 2025 shows
You should have tried harder.

15 “Good” Anime That I Dropped
Spending your precious time forcing yourself through series that you aren't even enjoying is just wasteful.
Samurai Flamenco, Deadman Wonderland, Fate/Zero, Hell Girl, Hellsing
Animes I Recently Dropped – August Edition
Originally published on siriuswrites.com. Here we go again. Another list of dropped animes. How many times have I made this … More
How to Cook a Series: ZOM 100 Bucket List of the Dead
Sorry, Salviati and Simplicio won’t be making an appearance this week. They are too busy pitching a story that will remind everyone of Rascal Does Not Dream of…

ZOM 100 LIVE ACTION FILM Coming to Netflix | AX 2023 INTERVIEW Coverage
Read our interview with Japanese actor EIJI AKASO, as he speaks about his role in the upcoming, live-action adaptation of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead!

“Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead” – A Series to Die For
Zom 100: The Bucket List of the Dead is one of the most anticipated anime for Summer 2023. Here's what to expect from the series.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead – 07 – No Need to Obey
Akira may as well be back at the office, as he’s completely under the boot-heel of Chief Kosugi—a constantly apologetic, servile cog in the machine. Watching him, and…

Zom 100: When a Zombie Anime Gets Philosophical
Delve into the world of anime as we dissect the intriguing series titled Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead or "Zom 100" for short. This…

ZOM 100: Production issues affecting a great anime
You’ve probably heard about this one by now. The anime with the great visuals, the good story, the fun cast and the production issues. Let’s talk about it…

Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto – 04
In the end there's not much to care about here, really. Read more
Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto – 01
「アキラ オブ ザ デッド」 (Akira obu za Deddo) "Akira of the Dead" The important part is they actually used the word zombie.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (Episode 10) – Hometown of the Dead I
Akira was settling back into life in Gunma with his parents, although he still felt like he hadn’t repaid them for the effort they put into raising him.…

The GLORIO Chat Episode 143: Zom 100 and Other Bad Shows to Drop
Smoking cats aside, the number of shows we’re watching this season is starting to dwindle. Is it time to hit the backlog?

Why I Dropped Rewrite: Moon and Terra
I did not expect to drop Rewrite: Moon and Terra. But, by the fourth episode, I dropped it. So, what happened? While I enjoyed the first two episodes,…

Before You Discard Me, I Shall Have My Way With You Volume 1 Manga Review
This steamy manga's appeal is going to depend on how much you can stomach a female protagonist who kicks off the romance by assaulting her former fiance.

First Impressions – Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto
Gainax lives. Read more

Second Impressions – Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto
If this ep looked different than the premiere there's a very good reason for that. Read more

Third Impressions – Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto
It's the hope that gets you. Read more
Getting to Know izneo
In this week's Please Save My Money, Krystallina checks out all that the comic service izneo has to offer, and if it's worth purchasing.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead – Episode 1
There’s definitely an opportunity here for this show to examine the nuances of living under capitalism and how it’s not sustainable. It’s too early to say how the…