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Overdosing on Cod Liver Oil at the Behest of the Spring Season Rundown

I hate current events. Sorry. I'm cowardly blaming my host here for the lateness because as bad as stability has been on the client side, it's been that…

Tenka Seiha

I’m the Evil Overlord #01 — Mister Nice Guy

  On the up side, this may legitimately be the worst show of the next season. And year. This had a two episode pre-air online special on Abema…

Tenka Seiha

Memento Yuri #13 — “Hey, Check Out Our Dead Friend”

  Yeah, that's not a weird or creepy way to introduce yourselves to people. My web host's servers remain on fire for a 9th straight day, and it's…

Tenka Seiha

Twilight Hotel #12 — I Declare Redo

  …Great. Impressions: I wasn't expecting much of an ending, and I can't say it delivered one. Most of the first half was spent changing all the rules…

Tenka Seiha

Memento Yuri #11 — The Clone Wars

  Yeah, yeah. Called it. Impressions: Yeeeep. Pretty much just a massive info-dump episode, but I called about 98% of it. Everybody's clones and part of the invasion…

Tenka Seiha

Aquarion MOE #08 — Trash Time

  Another exciting episode. Impressions: All right. Like Ubel Blatt, I know it's late, both in the season, and long past where I should have, but I'm pretty…

Tenka Seiha

Aquarion MOE #07 — Behold My Evil Egg

  I miss the attempted stabbing. Impressions: With Momentary Lily actually putting out a good episode, it makes the holding pattern that this show continues to be in…

Tenka Seiha

Übel Blatt #06 — Men Crying, A Lot

  Maybe cry some more, dudes. You've only seen this exact tragedy four times in the last 24 hours. Impressions: While Aquarion is threatening to tick up slightly,…

Tenka Seiha

Twilight Hotel #06 — Jazz Cats

  At least there was violence against children. Impressions: Very uneventful episode, but that's what happens when you put the resident serial killer in timeout and don't let…

Tenka Seiha

Memento Yuri #06 — A Lesson in Deepfakes

  Let's make some softcore porn. AI has no idea what that is. Impressions: At least next week looks like they're finally returning to the plot, which in…

Tenka Seiha

Twilight Hotel #05 — A Cinderella Story

  I don't think this is how Cinderella goes. Impressions: I continue to be more interested in this show for what it could have been rather than what…

Tenka Seiha

Memento Yuri #05 — Brought To You By The Nintendo Switch

  The console of choice of the apocalypse. Impressions: More of Reaction Faces: The Episode than anything else. Ostensibly it was about the boob monster and the gamer,…

Tenka Seiha

Übel Blatt #03 — Sad Teenagers and Delicate Beefcakes

  …Uh, okay. Just slow today because I'm profoundly unmotivated. Impressions: Well, on the plus side, this episode was stupid enough to go out the other side and…

Tenka Seiha

Aquarion MOE #03 — Bird Brains

  Template template template template. Impressions: My patience with this show is rapidly wearing thin. No, I don't even want to try to make a joke about the…

Tenka Seiha

Übel Blatt #02 — Old Men Rambling Interminably

  Exciting times in fantasy land. Impressions: I hadn't really processed that I had cast aside basically everything but the Thursday and Friday shows this season, but I…

Tenka Seiha

Aquarion MOE #02 — Live, Die, Repeat

  Frankly, there need to be more robot stabbings. Impressions: This is putting too many eggs in the basket of being mysterious about its setting when it's not…

Tenka Seiha

Sakamoto Days #01 — Another Jump Assassin

  How was this one of the less yelly shows? Two episode premiere, but… eh. It's Jump. Also, I need to go out for a bit and I'd…

Tenka Seiha

Übel Blatt #01 — Abusing Children For Fun

  That frame at top right is sending me for some reason. Impressions: The good news it that this is apparently skipping the entire first prelude volume of…

Tenka Seiha

Guild Receptionist #01 — Premise Recitation

  Please stop saying the title. You're killing me here.  Impressions: I didn't have very high expectations, but CloverWorks has been enough of a wildcard as a studio…

Tenka Seiha

Welcome to Japan, Elf #01 — The Majesty of Japan

  Just shag already. Like yesterday, there are a ton of new shows today, plus Apothecary Diaries restarts, and I'll at least glance at the hotel and golf…

Tenka Seiha

Anyway, I’m in Love With You #01 — Girl Stares Blankly Forward

  Thrilling stuff. Impressions: Okay, fine. This is clearly not the bottom of the barrel for the day, not when multiple cheat power trash farms exist, but it's…

Tenka Seiha

Aquarion – Myth of Emotions #01 — …Where’s the Big Kaboom?

  In many senses. There's five premieres today, plus Momentary Lily's second episode, and since I slept in a bit, five of the six shows were up by the…

Tenka Seiha

Ameku Takao #03 — Unmysterious

  Those epilepsy warnings are there for a reason. Impressions: If it takes a super genius detective to say "Hey, maybe we should look into that video that…

Tenka Seiha

Flowers Bloom #01 — Books on TV

  Wishbone this ain't. Impressions: These "girls are anxious" things rarely work for me, and this isn't one of the better ones. What if you were already doing…

Tenka Seiha

Medaka Kuroiwa Doesn’t Like Me #01 — Screaming at People

  Maybe if we berate you enough, that'll change your mind. Impressions: And we finish Monday with another teenager supposed rom com, which is actually mostly just a…

Tenka Seiha

I Learned Magic #01 — Charts and Graphs

  Now that's the good stuff. Impressions: I like how he goes right from learning a basic little fire cantrip to creating sentient magical creatures to start an…

Tenka Seiha

Promise of Wizard #01 — Not a Monocle in Sight

  Pathetic. I'll get to the other two shows in a few hours. I have… so many work e-mails to catch up on, and they're both almost certainly…

Tenka Seiha

Total Rewrite #01 — Work Will Set You Free

  Subtlety Sunday! Impressions: Uh, yeah. Any merits that this may have are going to be drowned out by it being a studio wracked by scandals about overworking…

Tenka Seiha

Princess Lessons #01 — Letterboxing Means Drama

  Expert level directing here. Sorry these are delayed. ISP people at house this morning since the TV signal has been steadily falling apart over the last month,…

Tenka Seiha

Medalist #01 — Winning is Everything

  Weird message to try to promote your sport. Impressions: There's a largely unspoken assumption through this entire episode that really undermines the entire thing; that a hobby isn't…

Tenka Seiha

Sky Blue Utility #01 — Loud Girls Making Faces

  Golf? What's golf? Impressions: You know, this might've actually been a little more interesting if it dropped the supposed golf angle entirely and just had it overtly…

Tenka Seiha

Momentary Lily #01 — Many Large Explosions

  …Yeah, I think that sums it up. Impressions: I was aware of the death metal spastic opening that's ADHD personified going into this, but… Actually, I have…

Tenka Seiha

Ameku Takao #02 — …In a Dennys

  When you hear hoofbeats, think unicorns. Impressions: …Like I said, we suddenly jump instead of an especially nice Dennys. Why is there an entire tree in this…

Tenka Seiha

Salaryman in Another World #01 — “Acrimony is Good Actually”

  This and no other brilliant negotiating tactics. Oops. This had its first episode premiere today, but will be airing the second episode onward on Mondays, beginning on…

Tenka Seiha

2025 New Winter Anime Rundown and Lamentation of Elves

And a happy new year. Mercifully, I think we got the majority of recent Jump crap out of our system over the last couple seasons too, because it's…

Tenka Seiha

Mechanical Arms #12 — “Racism Is Just Good Science”

  All the thumbnails being 75% flame effects really sell this episode. Impressions: I like how the big bad probably realized that his grand plan of "I want…

Tenka Seiha

Dandadan #12 — Back to Basics

  Being loud and rapey. Impressions: Hoo boy. If you wanted to cement all the negative feelings I had about this show and bury any memories of its…

Tenka Seiha

Mechanical Arms #11 — Clowning Around

  Dozens of people were okay with the creation of this episode. Impressions: I'm sorry. Did I have a stroke? This is the second to last episode. Why…

Tenka Seiha

Dandadan #11 — Strange Men Shouting Loudly

  Okay, that's past enough shounen for… a long time. Impressions: …Yeah, if these last two episodes had been episodes 2 and 3 of this show, I'd be…

Tenka Seiha

Mechanical Arms #09 — Unearned Victories

  And lame antagonists. Impressions: At least nobody ran off just to change their mind and turn around for the umpteenth time. But I can't say this was…

Tenka Seiha

Mechanical Arms #05 — Plague of Worms

  Gee, who could be behind this. Impressions: Hey, nice. We broke the pattern. The first episode where the protagonist doesn't run away from the fight only to…

Tenka Seiha

Talky Boy #05 — “Boy Do I Love Slaving and Murder and Sexual Assault!”

  How to write a great villain. Impressions: And here we have all the things that I hate in recent anime fantasy trends. Multiple characters openly declaring how…

Tenka Seiha

Puniru is a Slime #03 — Fighting Children

  And losing. Impressions: Going through the multiple long transformation sequences certainly didn't help this episode, but neither did most of it being recycled jokes. A whole flashback…

Tenka Seiha

Talky Boy #03 — All About Bunny Boy

  Maybe it's time to translate something instead. Impressions: Somehow, this is the last thing standing after doing a quick glance through all the Monday shows, though with…

Tenka Seiha

The Do-Over Damsel #01 — “Dragon God Rave”

  Now that sounds like a party. Unfortunately, it's rah-veh, so it's not a party at all. Impressions: I'd do the whole "Stop me if you've heard this…

Tenka Seiha

Teacher at Demon School #01 — A Girl Wears Pants

  Loud equals funny. Impressions: I think my opinion was fairly set about three minutes in after the dude shows up at a sprawling island metropolis and is…

Tenka Seiha

Talky Boy #02 — Bunny Dude

  What's his story? Where do you even get a giant bunny cloak in the first place? Quasi-Impressions: You know, after glancing through this episode, and seeing that…

Tenka Seiha

Nina of the Starry Kingdom #01 — Human Trafficking Day Continues

  Well, humans and humanoids at least. Impressions: The writing's not getting much better either. She waits until she's bathed and dressed in the finest of clothes and…

Tenka Seiha

My Wife Became a Fourth Grader #01 — Illegalities

  Why are we making this a constant point of conversation? Impressions: I'm not sure that the strategy of constantly announcing how illegal and creepy the premise is…

Tenka Seiha

Ranma 1/2 #01 — Retry

  …Why. Impressions: I didn't go back and watch the original's first episode, but… yeah. I still don't understand why this exists. Characters, writing, humor were all perfected…

Tenka Seiha