Okay, that's past enough shounen for… a long time. Impressions: …Yeah, if these last two episodes had been episodes 2 and 3 of this show, I'd be trapped in some other horrid series right now, similarly praying for its end. There was a brief moment when this new guy let down the facade and […]
Dec 12, 2024 • Subscribe
More like this

Dandadan – 11
Dandadan will never win any prizes for subtlety, but for sheer manic energy it's pretty hard to beat.
Dandadan – Episode 11 Review
「初恋の人」 (Hatsukoi no Hito) "First Love" Be Careful, It's My Heart

Seasonal Selection – DanDaDan Episode 11
Hey, this is just a thought, but maybe the show’s not going out on its highest note.

Dandadan Episode 11 Recap and Review
In Dandadan Episode 11, When Momo sees Jiji again, she’s shocked, and Okarun can’t help but size him up, thinking he looks tough.

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Dandadan Episode 11 Review – Jiji Says Hehe
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![Featured image for Never Give Up!! Dandadan Episode 11 [Review]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20241215/1734230625.94810.136602.jpg)
![Background image for Never Give Up!! Dandadan Episode 11 [Review]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20241215/1734230625.94810.136602.jpg)
Never Give Up!! Dandadan Episode 11 [Review]
After navigating Alien Diddies trying to steal everyone’s bananas and Momo experiencing a threatening love rival in Aira, Ken will now enter that same ‘NTR’ side of the…

Dandadan (Volume 11) – You Dead or Something?!
Momo defeated the alien from another dimension, however, they weren’t out of danger yet. They won, but it was almost ten and that meant the Slit-Mouthed Woman was…

Plot: This is a story about Momo, a high school girl who comes from a family of spirit mediums, and her classmate Okarun, an occult fanatic. After Momo…
A manga about a high school girl who gains psychic powers after being attacked by aliens and a high school boy who becomes cursed by the Turbo Granny…

The Dandadan manga. Let's talk about it. GET THE MERCH!!! Black Logo: https://www.bonfire.com/the-masked-man-black/ Red Logo: https://www.bonfire.com/the-masked-man-red/ ► "Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair…
I vibe with this series so much it might as well be called QuinnQuiQuinn. 3:41 - Dandadan 48:21 - Undead Unluck 234 58:13 - Blue Box 176 1:06:48 / 66:48 - Chainsaw…
Undead Unluck, Blue Box, Chainsaw Man, DAN DA DAN, One Piece

Strange Pictures
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Dandadan – 03
If you’re gonna take on a turbo granny, who better than another badass granny to do it.

Dandadan – 09
Wall to wall insanity for 22 minutes pretty much covers it.

Dandadan – 06
Dandadan continues to do a great job of capturing the feel of the manga using the means available as an anime.

Dandadan – 07
I wouldn’t want it to be the norm, but as a curveball it was certainly highly effective.

Dandadan – 02
The first rule of Dandadan, I think, is don’t expect it to make sense.

Dandadan – 08
Is there any more plaintive lament than “why is everything after my junk!?”.

Dandadan – 04
It’s not Citizen Kane, but this series knows what it’s good at, and it’s this kind of thing.

Dandadan – 05
Well, never a dull moment as they say - and rarely a lull moment - where Dandadan is concerned.
Men Men Musubi ( 麺面むすび)
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Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

A Strange Aside
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Strange Times Indeed
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Dandadan GN 1
A lot of manga have bawdy humor and fail, but Dandadan manages to make it work by displaying its heart alongside its horror and humor.

Manga Review: Dandadan
Title: Dandadan Mangaka: Yukinobu Tatsu US Publisher: VIZ Media (Shonen Jump) Status: Ongoing Age Relevance: Adult How Essential Is It?: Nice to Have Curricular Connections?: Not relevant to school…

First Impressions – Dandadan
The funny thing is, this is actually relatively tame for Dandadan.

Talkōbon EP3: Dandadan
EARN FREE MONEY AT: https://freecash.com/r/BaronJ I MADE A PODCAST FINALLY In this episode, BaronJ talks about Dandadan, the wild and weird manga from Yukinobu Tatsu.

First Look: Dandadan
Momo Ayase, a high school girl descended from a family of spirit mediums, meets Okarun, an occult geek. Momo believes in ghosts but not aliens, while Okarun believes…

First Look: Dandadan
Momo Ayase, a high school girl descended from a family of spirit mediums, meets Okarun, an occult geek. Momo believes in ghosts but not aliens, while Okarun believes…

DanDaDan Anime Premier
I was looking forward to this all week, and it 1,000% did not disappoint. I saw DanDaDan at my local AMC theater with my wife who knew very…

First Impression: Dandadan
“Huuuuuh?!?!” Like lightning, Momo the gyaru launches a jaw-breaking kick at the delinquent’s head, only, it doesn’t land. And then he dumps her. Seems she’s too poor and…

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A Strange Evangelion Video
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Before You Watch Dandadan...
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Dandadan – Episode 08 Review
「なんかモヤモヤするじゃんよ」 (Nanka Moyamoya Suru jan yo) "I've Got This Funny Feeling" “Monsters are after my balls”- if that’s not an incentive to work out, I don’t know what…

Dandadan – 12 (Season Finale)
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Dandadan – Episode 09 Review
「合体!セルポドーバーデーモンネッシー!」 (Gattai! Serupo Dōbā Dēmon Nesshī!) "Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie!" How do you even begin to explain that to a teacher?
Dandadan – Episode 04 Review
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Dandadan – Episode 02 Review
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Dandadan – Episode 07 Review
「優しい世界へ」 (Yasashī Sekai e) "To a Kinder World" That was jaw-droppingly gorgeous.
Dandadan – Episode 03 Review
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Dandadan – Episode 01 Review
「れって恋のはじまりじゃんよ」 (Sorette Koi no Hajimari jan yo) "That's How Love Starts, Ya Know!" Take me to your banana - I mean leader