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I hope the titular Blue Box isn't what I think it is

In case you're wondering, I consider Ayame's hair color to be purple, not blue.

Watching Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries) instead of reading it

The books are more emphatic than the anime about Jinshi's unrealized potential to be the hottest chick in the palace.

Somehow, Re:Zero returned

Making the stupidly powerful hero figure of the series a mere side character is a good bit.

I've started watching Ao no Hako (Blue Box)

The bit about aquarium dates only being for lesbians might be yuri propaganda.

Mirai Days Is More Precure than Precure

Despite being in their 20s now, Liko and Mirai don't look much different to me than they did as middle school students.

Two of the best shows this season have the worst subtitles

I don't have a reason for including a screenshot of Umiri draining a drink box except that I can.

Momentary Lily sure is a GoHands anime

The colors associated with this character at least make her easier to follow than the others.

I'm gonna refer to Ooi! Tonbo 2nd Season as subversive golf

Chill out, newbie caddy. You don't know who you're dealing with.

The best Love Live! and the worst iDOLM@STER are both running this season

Kaho being energetic all the time is particularly notable because Shiny Colors has so many Ambien idols.

Dandadan is Autumn 2024's hot new anime

I enjoy Momo and her extremely anime grandmother.

Acro Trip pleasantly surprised me

This is why kidnappers traditionally sent notes composed with collages sourced from printed materials.

I was wrong about Giji Harem

Don't worry, they chose a position that did not expose their genitals to sand.

Bye Bye, Earth has neat ideas

Shouldn't that cloak cover the non-sword arm?

Somehow, siscon has returned OR Gimai Seikatsu is good, maybe

This looks uncomfortable, but maybe discomfort is better for studying.

Robosexual Saturdays

If your cooking robot wife crashes, simply reboot her.

Cheer, don't tell

I appreciate how Nodoka is a cheerleader despite appearing to have a whole incompatible personality for it.

I’m probably going to drop Giji Harem even though I like Hayamin

Maybe the anime will keep me watching by unlocking more characters each episode.

Yeah, I'm still watching Demon Slayer

I'm probably supposed to feel something about his arrival.

I thought I would have dropped Blue Archive by now

This probably carries more weight for viewers who have a reason to care about Hoshino.

Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku is amazing

Every episode is jammed. There are no wasted moments, even when they're simply looking out the window.

Jii-san Baa-san Wakagaeru is about grandpa and grandma turning young again

I still think it's weird Grandpa and Grandma brought their aerodynamic granddaughter and her chicken shit date with them on their delayed honeymoon, but it worked out.