This is why kidnappers traditionally sent notes composed with collages sourced from printed materials.
Oct 15, 2024 • Subscribe
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Acro Trip
Acro Trip is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....

Acro Trip
Remember that anime whereby a girl who loves magical girls so much but ends up as a villain because she enjoys torturing them even more? Well, I guess…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

First Look: Acro Trip
Chizuru is a quiet, withdrawn girl who finds an outlet for her passion in following the local magical girl, Berry Blossom. Unfortunately, interest in Berry Blossom is decreasing…

Anime Like Acro Trip
Chizuko Date has moved around her whole life. However, after visiting her grandfather in Niigata, she becomes enamored with magical girl berry Blossom who
Acro Trip, Gushing Over Magical Girls, The Demon Girl Next Door, The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies

Acro Trip Review — C+
“Villains” pick on a magical girl.

First Impression: Acro Trip
Chizuko is spending the week with her Grandpa. Mom is busy with work stuff, so it’s off to small-town life near the Sea of Japan for the glum…

First Look: Acro Trip
Chizuru is a quiet, withdrawn girl who finds an outlet for her passion in following the local magical girl, Berry Blossom. Unfortunately, interest in Berry Blossom is decreasing…

Acro Trip – Episodes 1-2
Acro Trip is “a magical girl fangirl is better suited to playing the villain” as filtered through a shoujo lens, and it’s pure joy.
Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 4
No post summary was provided.

Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 12
Visit the post for more.

Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 11
Visit the post for more.

Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 10
Visit the post for more.

Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 3
Visit the post for more.

Trivia Tidbits in Acro Trip
What even is an “Acro Trip”, you ask?
Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 6
No post summary was provided.
Acro Trip, Streaming on Crunchyroll
Date Chizuko has been moved around a lot in her young life. When he finds herself living with her grandfather in his typical little town, Chizuko is convinced…
Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 5
No post summary was provided.

Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 2
If you don’t know what’s going on, it’s this. Spoilers for the anime and manga below.

Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 9
This episode adapts trip 19, Early Morning Desperado, trip 24, Well-cooked Laundry (Kongari Raundori-), trip 25, Byoumei Shirubupure (Disease Name S’il Vous Plait), trip 29, Sorrowful I Miss…

Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 8
None of the first volume’s chapters have names, so you can’t start deducing what chapters are going to be adapted through chapter titles until the anime adapts a…

Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 1
If you don’t know what’s going on, it’s this. Spoilers below.

Acro Trip Comparison – Ep. 7
This episode adapts the vol. 2 and vol. 3 bonus chapters Mashirou and Berry Blossom, the chapter from which this episode gets its name, Mashima-kun and Baryuu-san, Try…

(Quickly) Announcing the Acro Trip Comparison Project!
Since – as you may know if you were here earlier in fall 2024 – I’ve been staring at the Acro Trip manga samples a bunch and basically…
![Featured image for Acro Trip Episode 1 & 2 [First Impression]](
![Background image for Acro Trip Episode 1 & 2 [First Impression]](
Acro Trip Episode 1 & 2 [First Impression]
Oh my gosh, this show is an absolute riot!

This MANHWA Surprised me #manhwa #manga #otaku
What if you lost your family, friends and all your money because you fought a highschool gang This is the story of Hectopascal Hanjun Park was a young man…
Acro Trip - Episode 2 - Chizuko Deals with Puberty
Chizuko couldn't handle the fact that her grandfather and the leader of an evil organization were friends. Emotionally unstable! Acro Trip - Episode 2
Acro Trip - Episode 1 - Berry Blossom and Mashirou
Berry Blossom and Mashirou operate in obscurity in their town because they face a weak enemy. Can they ever become famous? Acro Trip - Episode 1

Acro Trip – Episode 9 – Chizuko Becomes a Magical Girl?
Now that Chizuko has her new magic card, Chrome struggles to plan an epic fight with Berry Blossom. It has to do with his outfit, and Kuma Kajin…

More Trivia Tidbits in Acro Trip (As of Ep. 6)
See the first post here. You’ll need that one to understand some of this one. (Also, there will be spoilers. You have been warned.)

Fall 2024 Impressions: DAN DA DAN, Blue Box, Acro Trip
DAN DA DAN Short Synopsis: A girl who believes in ghosts and a boy who believes in aliens both find what they’re looking for in the worst way…

Acro Trip – Episode 10 – Attack of the Giant Kuma Kaijin
Last time, Chizuko had her dark magical girl debut in the previous episode, which didn't quite go so well. Chrome has other plans as he faces yet another

Acro Trip – Episode 3 – Chizuko Gushes over Her Oshi, Berry Blossom
Sure, Chizuko decides to stay at her grandfather's since she found her new obsession: magical girls, especially Berry Blossom. Of course, she finds out

Acro Trip – Episode 11 – The Mysterious Man Kidnaps a Certain Cat
The boss of Fossa Manga wants to visit Chrome about something. It has to do with that magical girl. Well, one day, Chizuko somehow runs into who is…

Acro Trip – Episode 6 – Chrome and the Greater of Two Evils
Fossa Magna seems to have had enough of Chrome's incompetence. In other words, he got fired with a replacement villain that seems more evil than what

Fall 2024 1st Impressions – Acro Trip (…4 Out Of 12 Episodes In)
I have really, really bad self-control…

Acro Trip – Episode 12 (END) – The Surprising Stay at a Hot Springs Inn
Last time, Berry Blossom is not herself as Mashiro gets kidnapped by Ohimizo. As Chizuko goes to find Mashiro, she decides to follow Ohimizo, who takes

Acro Trip – Episode 4 – Chizuko Goes to the Dark Side, to Save Berry Blossom?
Now that Chizuko got outed by Mashiro as working with helping Chrome. However, after the failed kidnapping and hostage attempt, Chrome calls it quit.

Acro Trip – Episode 7 – The Origins of Chrome Becoming the Mastermind, Mashiro the Cat
Finally, we get Mashiro’s and Chrome’s origin story in their fight to become evil masterminds. This is where things get interesting regarding Mashiro

Acro Trip – Episode 5 – Origins of Berry Blossom and the Plan to Steal Her Wand
Chizuko has taken the helm of Fossa Magna since she can't help but see her oshi become a volunteer girl. Meanwhile, as Chrome comes up with another plan
Episode 161, "Don't Look So Surprised"
On this episode of The One Piece Podcast we discuss Manga Chapter 619, the One Piece x Toriko manga crossover, an Anime Recap for Episode 490 and 491,…
Episode 161, "Don't Look So Surprised"
On this episode of The One Piece Podcast we discuss Manga Chapter 619, the One Piece x Toriko manga crossover, an Anime Recap for Episode 490 and 491,…
Episode 161, "Don't Look So Surprised"
On this episode of The One Piece Podcast we discuss Manga Chapter 619, the One Piece x Toriko manga crossover, an Anime Recap for Episode 490 and 491,…

Acro Trip – Episode 8 – Chizuko Receives Her Magic Ability Card and the Surprise Berry Blossom Handshake Event
Now that Chizuko with Chrome has dealt with the replacement evil mastermind that turned into a "cute" fish, Chizuko receives a surprise. Yep, she gets the
Acro Trip – Episode 8 – Chizuko Receives Her Magic Ability Card and the Surprise Berry Blossom Handshake Event
Now that Chizuko with Chrome has dealt with the replacement evil mastermind that turned into a “cute” fish, Chizuko receives a surprise. Yep, she gets the long-awaited magic…

Bokutachi no Remake - Episode 11 - Eiko Surprised
Eiko praised Kyouya for a long string of accomplishments, but she said too much at the end. Bokutachi no Remake - Episode 11.

Acro Trip – Episode 1 and 2 – Chizuko Falls for the Magical Girl and the Worst Bishounen Villain Ever
Chizuko is a middle school girl who stays at her grandfather’s place for a week. Yep, her mother is on a business trip. Besides noticing something strange

Who’s a female character whose arc really surprised you?
Is there a character who offered a refreshing take on a well-worn archetype? Did she seem straightforward or underwritten only to end up with surprising depth? Did her…
Spy x Family - Episode 24 - Yor Surprised at Attention
When Lloyd realized Yor felt jealous of Fiona, he turned on his romantic charm to woo his fake wife. Spy x Family - Episode 24
Trip Report: Scandinavia
Scandinavia is not the most exciting place in the world but it has some beautiful sights. I spent ten nights last month in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland…
Noel's Fantastic Trip
Iruka (which means "dolphin" in Japanese) is a Japanese folk singer and children's book author. In 1983, she wrote the songs and story for a...
Baton, Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san, Hashire!, White Fang, Noel's Fantastic Trip