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36 results
Tribe Nine – The Complete Season (Blu-Ray) – REGION FREE
Tribe Nine – The Complete Season (Blu-Ray) Region: A & B – Boxart states Region B Compatible – Tested & Confirmed Region B Compatible Episodes: 1 – 12 (2…

Visual Kei&Anime – Miyavi Part: II
Hello, hello and welcome back to Visual Kei&Anime, this time we’re revisiting one of my earliest entries for a brief addition, with it being all about Miyavi! For…
[12 Days of Anime] Day 2: BIRDIE WING’s Bullet to the Brain
While there were a number of entertaining series starting off the year in the winter, very few at the time jumped off the screen in a manner unique…

Interview: The Tribe Nine Staff On Creating the Wacky World of Extreme Baseball
We spoke to Kazutaka Kodaka, anime director Yū Aoki, and composer Masafumi Takada about the baseball-crazed anime world of Tribe Nine.
Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces, Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 1-8, Tribe Nine, and Hajime no Ippo
Following up on the previous post here on this website, but for Manga In Your Ears, I...
Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces, Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 1-8, Tribe Nine, and Hajime no Ippo
Following up on the previous post here on this website, but for Manga In Your Ears, I...

Spy x Family is a Brilliant Adaptation | Animation Spotlight
Thanks to NexStage Project for sponsoring this video. Visit them (and audition) here: #ad Canipa spotlights one of the most beloved shows of the season and discusses how…
Great Pretender, Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma, Joker Game, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, Joker

Winter 2022 Anime Season Overview
For the winter 2022 season, I was so excited and ready, because I have finally graduated from college, and I had time to actually watch anime this season…
Sorairo Utility, The Case Study of Vanitas, Tokyo 24th Ward, Tribe Nine, Futsal Boys!!!!!

Kaiseki Anime Ep. 93 — Baseball and Mushrooms
Obviously I would love Sabikui Bisco, but who would have thought I would love an anime about baseball?!! What is the world coming to? 00:00 Intro 00:57 Tribe…

Kaiseki Anime Podcast Episode 093 – Tribe Nine & Sabikui Bisco
00:00 Intro00:57 Tribe Nine12:03 Sabikui Bisco20:48 Outro You can find Kaiseki Anime Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Play. Subscribe to us now! Please also take a…

The Speakeasy #134: Requiem of the Rose King, Sabikui Bisco, Delicious Party Precure, + More Winter 2022 Anime
It’s that time of year again, another new anime season is upon us! Requiem of the Rose KingSabikui BiscoTribe NineSasaki and MiyanoI’m Kodama Kawashiri: The Dissolute Life of…
Sasaki and Miyano, Tokyo 24th Ward, In the Land of Leadale, Sabikui Bisco, Requiem of the Rose King

Author Update and Tribe Nine Review
Update; feel free to skip to the review if you don’t want to read this ramble. I know it’s been a long time since I last wrote an…

EXTREEEEEEME BASEBALL: Tribe Nine: AniTAY Early Impressions
Sports anime tend to leave me cold (unless you’re Stars Align and stuffed with child abuse, parental neglect and other dark teenage…

“Tribe Nine” Ep.03: Is Kamiya Dead?! | #EpisodeReview
The third episode of Tribe Nine aired last week, and it left a bit of a bitter taste. Did our favorite pitcher and batter just die like that?!

Seasonal Sampler Winter 2022: My Dress-Up Darling, Miss Kuroitsu, Sabikui Bisco, and More
Evan and Ink recap the anime series they watched from the summer season and then discuss their Winter 2022 shows: Ranking of Kings, Sabikui Bisco, Miss KUROITSU from…
Akebi’s Sailor Uniform, Love of Kill, Miss KUROITSU from the Monster Development Department, Tribe Nine, Sabikui Bisco

Tribe Nine
Tribe Nine is currently streaming on Funimation....
Winter 2022 Schedule
Sunday Sabiiro no Armor: Reimei 22:00 TOKYO MX (01/09) Bara Ou no Souretsu 22:30 TOKYO MX (01/09) Futsal Boys!!!!! 23:00 TOKYO MX (01/09) Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku Hen 23:15 Fuji TV (10/10) Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final…
Futsal Boys!!!!!, How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom, Love of Kill, Saiyuki Reload, Akebi’s Sailor Uniform
Animecast: Music of Winter 2022 Anime
As the Winter 2022 Anime Season gets itself cemented, the hosts of the Otaku Spirit Animecast are here to give their thoughts on the music that opens and…

Kaiseki Anime Podcast Episode 091 – Winter 2022 Season Preview
00:00 Intro 01:50 Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest Season 2 02:40 Fantasia Sango – Realm of Legends 03:08 Girls’ Frontline 03:25 Orient 04:50 Rusted Armors 05:08 Saiyuki…
CUE!, Love of Kill, Platinum End, Teasing Master Takagi-san, Rusted Armors

Winter 2022 First impressions part 2 – Sabikui Bisco, Total Fantasy Knockout, Tribe Nine and Miss Kuroitsu
Anime is…good? The supreme court is listening to arguments right now and, given the evidence in favour of anime being bad *gestures vaguely in the direction of the…

The GLORIO Chat Episode 102: Winter 2022 Anime First Impressions
Coming hot off a great year of anime in 2021, 2022 might not be off to the best start. I’m sure we’ll find something to watch, right?
Life With an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated Into a Total Fantasy Knockout, Sabikui Bisco, Tokyo 24th Ward
Rust-Eater Bisco #02 — Desert Hippo Cavalry
I question the sustained land speed of a burdened hippo. Tribe Nine's second episode was evenly split between infodumping, batting practice, and eating. It wasn't until the…

Winter 2022 First Impressions – Tribe Nine
Streaming: Funimation Episodes: 12 Source: Mixed media (also includes a smartphone game and webtoon) Episode Summary: In Neo Tokyo, battles between youth gangs steadily got out of hand…

2022 Winter Premiere Digest
The new year brought us a quiet season with some hidden gems and stellar rom-coms.
In the Land of Leadale, Love of Kill, Police in a Pod, Sasaki and Miyano, She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man

Winter 2022 First Impressions #2 – Moeronpan
Wonky art in the first episode – it’s the anime part of a mixed media project alright!

First Look: TRIBE NINE
In the year 20XX Neo Tokyo is dominated by street gangs of disillusioned youths. To prevent all-out war breaking out, the government has decreed all conflicts should be…

Winter 2022 Impressions: Tribe Nine, Sasaki to Miyano, Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu
Tribe Nine Short Synopsis: A brash fisherman and a quiet bullying victim join an Extreme Baseball team in Neo Tokyo. Wooper: Tribe Nine was one of the most…
Neo Tokyo, Sasaki and Miyano, The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt, Tribe Nine

Tribe Nine – Episode 1
If you've ever asked the question, "How do I make baseball more dangerous, more exciting, and also, a contact sport?" then Tribe Nine might just be the over-the-top,…
Tribe Nine – 01
「魂かけて」 (Tamashī Kakete) "It Takes Guts" Wacky, zany, and most of all fun! Get ready this is XB! Play ball!

Winter 2022 Anime Premiere Reviews – Day 6
Over on Anime News Network, as part of "The Winter 2022 Preview Guide," I've reviewed the first episodes of Tribe Nine, Sabikui Bisco, Princess Connect! Re:Dive Season 2,…
Girl from Phantasia, Fantasia Sango - Realm of Legends, Princess Connect! Re:Dive, Princess Connect! Re:Dive Season 2, Sabikui Bisco

Anime Taste Testing: Tribe Nine and Sabikui Bisco
Two post-apocalyptic-themed shows, one clear winner.

First Impression: Tribe Nine
Sometime in the future, the youth of New Tokyo (who are 95% male apparently) are running amok, forming up into gangs known as tribes. At a loss as…

KiritoNarukami’s Anime Selection (Winter 2022 Edition)
HAPPY NEW YEAR BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! It’s been a while since I made a big blog post, and I’m so happy to be able to write about anime again!…
Attack on Titan Final Season Part 2, World's End Harem, My Dress-Up Darling, Slow Loop, Tribe Nine

Hyping Up Winter 2022
Noting how much I’ve got backlogged, I’m probably going to sit this one out entirely.
Sabikui Bisco, Saiyuki, Saiyuki Reload, Sasaki and Miyano, LINK CLICK
Winter 2022 Preview
Alas, it is winter (depending on where you live) with bone-chilling winds blowing their way through the bare, dreary trees. Like the winter trees, this anime season is…
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Love of Kill, ORIENT, Requiem of the Rose King, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Animecast: Winter 2022 Anime Season Preview
With Winter 2022 Anime Season just around the corner, the hosts of the Otaku Spirit Animecast are here to give their rundown on the up coming titles for…
Police in a Pod, Slow Loop, The Irregular at Magic High School