Following up on the previous post here on this website, but for Manga In Your Ears, I...
Aug 17, 2022 • Subscribe
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Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces, Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 1-8, Tribe Nine, and Hajime no Ippo
Following up on the previous post here on this website, but for Manga In Your Ears, I...

“Hajime no Ippo” – Of Bullies And Buddies
You do not have to be fond of boxing to enjoy Hajime no Ippo. In all honesty, I was never really interested in this sport, but Ippo, the…

Tribe Nine – Episode 1
If you've ever asked the question, "How do I make baseball more dangerous, more exciting, and also, a contact sport?" then Tribe Nine might just be the over-the-top,…

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 8
Everybody Loves Yanagi

Tribe Nine
Tribe Nine is currently streaming on Funimation....

Impressions and Thoughts on Hajime no Ippo: Rising
Hajime no Ippo: Rising (25 Episodes – Fall 2013) This will be the start of the posts that are part of the recent group of anime that have…

Hajime no Ippo | Retro Anime Recommendations
No post summary was provided.

Hajime No Ippo Episodes 51-76
If you have not taken the chance to watch this series, then fix that.
Twin Peaks season two, episodes one through nine notes
Hey all, again. It’s part two of my Twin Peaks notes series, out of an undefined amount...
Twin Peaks season two, episodes one through nine notes
Hey all, again. It’s part two of my Twin Peaks notes series, out of an undefined amount...

Hajime no Ippo Episodes 1-25 Anime Series Review
Now streaming on Netflix, it's never too late to appreciate the underdog classic anime, Hajime no Ippo.
Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 9-18, PuraOre! ~Pride of Orange~, Sorairo Utility, and BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls’ Story-
I forgot to write this whole intro thing I always do and now the podcast is edited...
Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 9-18, PuraOre! ~Pride of Orange~, Sorairo Utility, and BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls’ Story-
I forgot to write this whole intro thing I always do and now the podcast is edited...
Twin Peaks season two (episodes one through nine) and Cestvs: The Roman Fighter
The Chicago Sky have won the first of a five game series against the Connecticut Sun in...
Twin Peaks season two (episodes one through nine) and Cestvs: The Roman Fighter
The Chicago Sky have won the first of a five game series against the Connecticut Sun in...

Learn Japanese from Hajime no Ippo: STRONG
JapanKyo – Exploring Japan today via news, videos and podcasts
Tribe Nine – 01
「魂かけて」 (Tamashī Kakete) "It Takes Guts" Wacky, zany, and most of all fun! Get ready this is XB! Play ball!

Horimiya and Scripture: The Missing Pieces
It surprises me to admit that one of my favorite shows this season has been Horimiya: The Missing Pieces—surprising because viewing the original series was a frustrating experience…

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces
Wait a minute. You mean it isn’t over yet? I thought the anime already ended? Well apparently, Horimiya: The Missing Pieces adapts chapters from the manga that did…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!
Twin Peaks season one
Perhaps David Lynch’s magnum opus. Were it not for the blatant racism in season two and The...
Twin Peaks season one
Perhaps David Lynch’s magnum opus. Were it not for the blatant racism in season two and The...

Hajime No Ippo Episode 26-50 Anime Review
Season two of Hajime no Ippo perfectly transitions from a boxer's humble beginning into the more intense world of professional boxing.

Author Update and Tribe Nine Review
Update; feel free to skip to the review if you don’t want to read this ramble. I know it’s been a long time since I last wrote an…

First Impression: Tribe Nine
Sometime in the future, the youth of New Tokyo (who are 95% male apparently) are running amok, forming up into gangs known as tribes. At a loss as…

First Look: TRIBE NINE
In the year 20XX Neo Tokyo is dominated by street gangs of disillusioned youths. To prevent all-out war breaking out, the government has decreed all conflicts should be…

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces Review
When I first heard there would be more Horimiya in 2023, I was thrilled. However, it didn’t take for me to realize that this wasn’t going to be…

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Episodes 1 to 3
There are many anime rom-coms set in school. Most of them are lively romps, but a few are calming and peaceful while still having funny parts. Horimiya is…
Twin Peaks season one notes
Taiiku Podcast listeners once again become Taiiku Podcast readers. We’ve made a few written posts throughout the...
Twin Peaks season one notes
Taiiku Podcast listeners once again become Taiiku Podcast readers. We’ve made a few written posts throughout the...
Episode 17, "Missing Pieces"
On this episode of the One Piece Podcast we WOULD have gone over the manga recap, but there were some technical difficulties…so we discuss some feedback and some…
Episode 17, "Missing Pieces"
On this episode of the One Piece Podcast we WOULD have gone over the manga recap, but there were some technical difficulties…so we discuss some feedback and some…

100% Blind HAJIME NO IPPO Review: The East Japan Rookie Tournament!!
Download Omniheroes NOW for 2 rounds of 777 Free Summons! The new season starts on November 17th - Don't miss out! This is my 100% Blind Review of…

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 11
Chocolate? Did you say chocolate?!

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 10
A “Horimiya” episode that’s centered around Horimiya? Pinch me, I must dreaming!

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 2
The themes of this episode are sports day anticipation and Sakura suffering.

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 5
Poor kid. His senpai doesn’t want to notice him.

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 3
I’m surprised this wasn’t in the original series.

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 9
I didn’t think this guy would get his own episode.

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 12
Give me a full episode starring Hori’s parents, you cowards.

First Impression: Horimiya: The Missing Pieces
When your body is covered with tattoos that could get you expelled from your school, events that might be the norm for other students in Japan, like going…

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 6
I still wonder why Miyamura doesn’t reveal his tattoos to the other guys.

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 4
Hori reverts back to picking on Sengoku.

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 7
Being friends with the third years has its perks.

Anime Taste Testing: Tribe Nine and Sabikui Bisco
Two post-apocalyptic-themed shows, one clear winner.
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 298: Hajime no Ippo (or The Dempsey Roll)
Round Two Hundred and Ninty Eight! In this episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan gets in the ring and prepares to defend ths amazing shonen sports manga series…
Twin Peaks season one and Those Snow White Notes
Stop othering people because they don’t speak the same language you do (even though Ohtani does know...
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me and Chihayafuru 3
Trying to get into hockey more, and watching some Kraken hockey as I edited part of this...
Twin Peaks season one and Those Snow White Notes
Stop othering people because they don’t speak the same language you do (even though Ohtani does know...