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13 results

Zetsuai 1989 v2

Redoing Zetsuai 1989 was not in this year's plan (or any year's, for that matter), but when WOWmd did a new Domesday Duplicator rip of the ...

Collectr's Blog

Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai: Tsuyoshi no Time Machine de Shikkari Shinasai

My Discord colleagues in the Inka kairetsu have a dismissive term for the vast bulk of anime that is neither outstanding nor outstandingly ...

Collectr's Blog

Gakkou no Yuurei (School Ghosts), Volume 1

Gakkou no Yuurei ( School Ghosts ) is an anthology of ghost stories, mostly set at schools. Seven volumes were released between 1995 and 19...

Collectr's Blog

Princess Army

Princess Army: Wedding Combat (to give it its full title) is a two-part OVA from 1992. It's a teaser for a 12 volume manga by Kitagawa Miyu...

Collectr's Blog

Ai to Ken no Camelot

Some anime is great; some is awful. And some just leaves you scratching your head, not in confusion (like Genji, Part 1 ), but in bemusement...

Collectr's Blog

Genji Part 1

Here's another project that's been on my "to do" list for a long time: 1992's time-travel sci-fi mind-fuck OVA Genji (Part One) . The "Part ...

Collectr's Blog

Sanada 10 - If SIx Turned Out to Be Nine... (Ep 7-9)

At long last, Sanada 10 stops setting the stage and moves into telling a story. However, it promptly runs into a prime difficulty of histor...

Collectr's Blog

Doukyuusei: Climax v2

And now for something completely different. Orphan's next release is a revised version of the 1995 OVA Doukyuusei: Climax . The original rel...

Collectr's Blog

Hayou no Tsurugi

Hayou no Tsurugi was a series of forty (!) light novels by Maeda Tomiko, published between 1989 and 2017. (A spinoff series, Hayou no Tsuru...

Collectr's Blog

Practice Makes Perfect (A-Girl v3)

You were probably not expecting (or needing) this: a fourth version of the 1993 shoujo OVA A-Girl. Well, practice makes perfect. In 1992, Ma...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Mother: Saigo no Shoujo EveBackground image for Mother: Saigo no Shoujo Eve

Mother: Saigo no Shoujo Eve

Here's another project whose antecedents are lost in the mists of time: an English subtitled version of the 1993 sci-fi movie Mother: Saigo ...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Gude CrestBackground image for Gude Crest

Gude Crest

Orphan's presents a new English release of the 1990 sword-and-sorcery OVA Onna Senshi Efe & Jira: Gude no Monshou ( Woman Warriors Efe & Ji...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Rain Boy v2Background image for Rain Boy v2

Rain Boy v2

One of Orphan's earliest Tezuka Osamu projects was the set of six OVAs known as the Lion Books: 1 The Green Cat 1983 2 Rain Boy 1983 3…

Collectr's Blog