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Witchy PreCure!! ~MIRAI DAYS~ Episode 7: Spirited Away
Strange phenomena are occurring in the seventh episode of Witchy PreCure!! ~MIRAI DAYS~, leaving behind odd stone statues. Meanwhile, Mirai and Liko’s visions of the past grow more…
Telltale Touch
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,
Heavy, Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo, mono, Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland, Spirited Away

I Finally Watched The Boy and The Heron, So I’m Doing a Studio Ghibli Tier List
Ranking (most) of Studio Ghibli on a tier list, including Hayao Miyazaki most recent work The Boy and The Heron.

11 Moments In Anime 2024, #1: Hunting Herons
So...the Academy Awards. Theyve always been rather divisive, but one thing theyve never really hidden is their distaste for animation. Every film that wins Best Animated Feature these…
Welcome to Anime Secret Santa, a gift exchange — founded by our friends at Reverse Thieves and currently run by the Taiiku Podcast — where the gifts are…
Ayakashi, Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales, Mononoke, Princess Mononoke, Princess Tutu

9 R.I.P. Otome Review – Twilight Meets Spirited Away in this Emotional Supernatural Romance
9 R.I.P. is an immersive supernatural horror otome for the Nintendo Switch that's kind of a cross between Twilight and Spirited Away.

My Anime & Manga Collection - A Feature-Length Tour (2024 Update) | Andre's Shelf
It’s time I put my money where my mouth (channel name) is. Here’s an update on what the actual “Andre’s Shelf” looks like now! Follow me on Twitter (X):…
Kill la Kill, My Hero Academia, Nisekoi, Chainsaw Man, Chihayafuru
Reevaluating the Films of Hayao Miyazaki and the Anglophone Discourse Around Him and His Works
Promoting "Porco Rosso" in 1992 A few months ago I saw that a new version of the “Director Hayao Miyazaki's Works Collection” blu-ray box wa...
The Melancholic Middle Aged Anime Fan
The Boy and the Heron, Akado Suzunosuke, Lupin III, Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro, Mononoke

The Naked Truth about Anime’s Bath Scenes!
Though Japanese culture is known for it’s strict rules, rituals, and complexity, one of the traditions in Japan that is beloved by nearly everyone is something as simple…

Ranking EVERY Studio Ghibli movie from WORST to BEST
Studio Ghibli is a staple of anime. With classics like My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke, they have produced some of the best and most memorable…
Spirited Away, Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke

Babbling About Overrated Anime
The List Code Geass Inuyasha Satoshi Kon Samurai X Trust and Betrayl Nausicaa and Spirited Away (Pom Poko Only Yesterday) Full metal alchemist brotherhood Ghost in the Shell Bubblegum Crisis (armitage, Mid-Late 2010s -…
Bubblegum Crisis, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Only Yesterday, Pom Poko
The Boy and the Oscar
By Andrew Osmond. Hooray, The Boy and the Heron has won! When it snagged the Best Animated Feature Oscar last night (sorry, Spider-Verse fans), it marked only the…

Happy Year of the Dragon!
The Lunar New Year is almost here! And this time it’s the Year of the Dragon. The Lunar New Year is part of the Zodiac 12 year cycle…

The Boy and The Heron: Disappointing (SPOILERS)
By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting The Boy and The Heron, GKIDS/Ghibli’s latest movie, was something I learned of completely by accident while scrolling through the Fandango App. I was…
Episode 836: I Got a Boy in Another Wold and Became Heron in the Real World
This week on Anime Pulse we got a baking company joining Japan's earthquake relief, more middling isekai, and snow. Up first Joseph sees the first real snow storm…

Fanart Friday, Too x 12 Days of Christmas Anime, Day 2: Spirited Away to Christmas
We continue the 12 Days of Christmas Anime with our second Fanart Friday piece of the day! Haku and Chihiro all grown up and decorating their Christmas tree…

The Beauty Of Anime Backgrounds Instagram: Twitter: Shoutout @inakyu for the collab shoutout to for the decades of the backgrounds pixel art map! A very short analysis deep dive into anime background art and…
MUSHI-SHI, Sailor Moon, Soul Eater, Spirited Away, Angel's Egg
Spirited Away Stage Play Adaptation London Performance Details
We've just heard news that the stage adaptation of Spirited Away has been extended by 5 weeks due to huge demand. It's set to run in London ...

The Weight Of Hayao Miyazaki And Ghibli – The Boy And The Heron / How Do You Live?
Hayao Miyazaki’s storytelling is built upon the dreamlike, empowering physics of the animation that builds his worlds. This offers a fascinating contrast with his latest film The Boy…
Porco Rosso, Spirited Away, The Boy and the Heron, The Wind Rises, Future Boy Conan
By Andrew Osmond. If you want a soundbite that describes Paprika fairly well, an obvious one would be “Spirited Away for adults.” Okay, that’s patronising, as Spirited Away…

Fanart Friday: Spirited Away
I can’t wait to see the new Miyazaki film! To get another glimpse (maybe the final one) of the master’s work is a privilege. Spirited Away, depicted below,…

Writing Prompt: Do you want to be isekai’d?
I’ve just finished rewatching an isekai anime, Re:Zero, so it feels like a good time to tackle this question. We often see characters getting spirited away to fantasy…

How Studio Ghibli Inspires THIS Manga
Studio Ghibli is one of the most renowned animation studios that has inspired many works across different fields. One series in particular that was influenced by this studio…

Ghibli President Says No Trailers for New Miyazaki Film
Miyazaki Hayao's highly anticipated new film is less than two months out from release. Now Ghibli says there won't be any trailers!

Spirited Away: Live on Stage Review
If Spirited Away: Live on Stage premieres at your theater, you'll want to give this excellent show based off a beloved anime film a chance.
Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro
Prescription for Manga: Parallel World Pharmacy
Although Japanese “isekai” stories of characters spirited away to or reincarnated in alternate worlds have been prominent since at least the 1980s, the fantasy sub-genre began an unprecedented…

Ranking the Films of Hayao Miyazaki
Rob and Justin rank Hayao Miyazaki's eleven films --- INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST: --- 00:00 Ranking Rules 00:25 Totoro 02:00 Princess Mononoke 02:55 Nausicaa 04:50 Kiki's Delivery Service 06:15 The Wind Rises 08:15 Porco Rosso 10:25 Laputa Castle…
Spirited Away, The Wind Rises, Kiki's Delivery Service, Lupin III, Mononoke
Review: Spirited Away Live On Stage
In 2002, I remember excitedly going to a small arthouse theater in Seattle with a close friend to see Hayo Miyazaki’s big new animated film,...

30 Years of Anime in 13 Minutes
Anime is one of the most bright and vibrant art forms out there, often being quite wild and wacky. While animation allows it to tell some of the…
Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Golden Boy, One Piece, Perfect Blue

STUDIO GHIBLI FEST 2023 Kicks off with 35th Anniversary of My Neighbor Totoro
Studio Ghibli Fest RETURNS HUGE this year with the 35th Anniversary of My Neighbor Totoro and, the first-ever screenings of SPIRITED AWAY: Live On Stage! Learn more here!

Spirited Away: LIVE ON STAGE Coming To Theaters
GKIDS announced it has acquired North American rights for SPIRITED AWAY: Live On Stage. The production is a live stage performance of Hayao Miyazaki's Academy Award®-winning animated feature…

When You Love an Anime Too Much to See It Again
I have a special bond with the anime/manga series Trigun. It all started at the very beginning of my anime journey years ago. If you’ve read my About…

First and Second Most Popular Anime of 1997-2022 as of January 30, 2023
I heard of lots of anime becoming irrelevant, but years in anime becoming irrelevant is a different story. The only thing from 2001 staying relevant is the movie…
12 Days of Aniblogging 2022, Day 8 Work’s been way busier than expected and it’s cutting into my writing time. This is annoying because I still have an absolutely…
The Cat Returns, Whisper of the Heart, Grave of the Fireflies, Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro

Porco Rosso: The High-Flying Pig Prince of the Sky!
Porco Rosso flies high and battles with pirates, fascists, and foreign armies in this action-packed epic from the legendary Hayao Miyazaki!

Tangle x Cast 4: Ghibli and Gratefulness
The warmth, gentleness, and sincerity of Studio Ghibli films seem to fit right into the theme of gratitude for the week as we enter the Thanksgiving holiday. Tyler,…
Tokyo Olympiad (1965) [Documentary Review]
Tokyo Olympiad or, Faster, Higher, Stronger The Olympics are a symbol of human aspiration When it comes to sports-oriented movies, ther...

Fanart Friday, Too: Haku ♡ Chihiro
Doesn’t this illustration just make you want to go awwwww? Precious characters from an all-time great film, Haku and Chihiro have a lovely connection that helps them save…
Anniversary Post: A quick look at Selected Films of Hayao Miyazaki
So… normally this time of year I do a big anniversary top 10 list. I had an idea to do the same this year, but real life concerns…
Kiki's Delivery Service, Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away

Anime of the Young at Heart: Elderly in anime!
This post actually started quite a while ago and was inspired by a comment from Fred (Au Natural) on my post Still Life Anime: Kokkoku and other comments…

Experiencing the elsewhere in Hayao Miyazaki’s films
This article, centered on Hayao Miyazaki’s narratives, intends to highlight that his films are strongly structured around the themes of the hero’s uprooting and his opening to the…
Ponyo, Porco Rosso, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Laputa: Castle in the Sky

Spooky Summer Anime!
Though in Western cultures Autumn is the season for all things spooky, in Japan and a few other Asian cultures the time for ghosts and all things scary…

Is Porco Rosso still one of my favourite anime of all time?
I’m a bit of a Ghibli hipster. When other people are listing their favourite Ghibli movies with Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke or My Neighbour Totoro, I’m out here…

The Deer King In UK Cinemas from July 27th
Anime Limited have announced that Masashi Ando’s directorial debut The Deer King will head to selected UK cinemas from July 27th.

Fanart Friday, Too: Rescuing Haku
Spirited Away is 21 years old. Can you believe that? It’s one of the first anime films I watched in theaters, and still holds up today as a…

Anime Review #82: From Up On Poppy Hill
When most people think of stories that strictly involve romance, introspective and thought-provoking journeys or school scenarios, Studio Ghibli movies aren’t usually their initial choice. Un…

A Trip Down Memory Lane With Studio Ghibli's Only Yesterday - Monthly Retro Recommendations
There is no arguing that Studio Ghibli is one of the most famous anime studios in Japan. Especially to us in the west. And they have created many…
Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, Only Yesterday, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away

Anime’s spooky little heart: Natsume Yujincho
If you have read nearly any of my earlier blog posts, it shouldn’t be a surprise to hear that Natsume Yujincho is one of my favorite anime series.…

Anime’s spooky little heart: Natsume Yujincho
If you have read nearly any of my earlier blog posts, it shouldn’t be a surprise to hear that Natsume Yujincho is one of my favorite anime series.…

Paradise View (パラダイスビュー, Go Takamine, 1985)
A listless young man finds himself spirited away in the liminal space of Okinawa on the brink of transition in Go Takamine’s lyrical drama.