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111 results, page 1 of 3

Mikosuri Han Gekijou

Mikosuri Han Gekijou dates from 2013. It's basically a collection of short (30-40 second) dirty jokes grouped together by setting. It's bas...

Collectr's Blog

Gakkou no Yuurei (School Ghosts), volume 4

More ghostly doings in Japanese schools. Gakkou no Yuurei ( School Ghosts) , volume 4, is much like volume 3: six segments of about the sa...

Collectr's Blog

Seirei Tsukai (Elementalors)

Seirei Tsukai ( Elementalors ), not to be confused with Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance , is a one-shot OVA based on a manga by Okazaki Takesh...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for 15 “Good” Anime That I DroppedBackground image for 15 “Good” Anime That I Dropped

15 “Good” Anime That I Dropped

Spending your precious time forcing yourself through series that you aren't even enjoying is just wasteful.

Reasons to Anime

Featured image for Fate/Samurai Remnant Fails to Distinguish ItselfBackground image for Fate/Samurai Remnant Fails to Distinguish Itself

Fate/Samurai Remnant Fails to Distinguish Itself

Fate/Samurai Remnant is a decent enough Musou game, but as a Type-Moon story it’s trying to cram a square peg into a round hole.

The Glorio Blog

Featured image for Fate/Samurai Remnant Fails to Distinguish ItselfBackground image for Fate/Samurai Remnant Fails to Distinguish Itself

Fate/Samurai Remnant Fails to Distinguish Itself

Fate/Samurai Remnant is a decent enough Musou game, but as a Type-Moon story it’s trying to cram a square peg into a round hole.

The Glorio Blog

Featured image for Comedy, Catharsis, and Cooking the Canon in Today’s Menu for the Emiya FamilyBackground image for Comedy, Catharsis, and Cooking the Canon in Today’s Menu for the Emiya Family

Comedy, Catharsis, and Cooking the Canon in Today’s Menu for the Emiya Family

Emiya Menu takes pre-existing ingredients and prepares them in a new way, relying on the familiarity of those flavours and elements to make the resulting, transformative meal extra…

Anime Herald

Featured image for Embrace Life's Worst MomentsBackground image for Embrace Life's Worst Moments

Embrace Life's Worst Moments

What do you do when you have to become something new? Psycho-Pass (2012) is probably the best anime from Gen Urobuchi, the writer of series like Fate/Zero and Madoka…


Featured image for The Rise and Fall(?) of Gen UrobuchiBackground image for The Rise and Fall(?) of Gen Urobuchi

The Rise and Fall(?) of Gen Urobuchi

When it comes to writers in Anime, Manga and other mediums in Japan, one writer to me stands above them all as being one of the best but…

Chloe Sunflora

Featured image for Musings on Magical Boys (Of Different Stripes)Background image for Musings on Magical Boys (Of Different Stripes)

Musings on Magical Boys (Of Different Stripes)

So…if you haven’t heard, Boueibu is coming back in 2024 and will drop a film in winter 2025. I owe a lot to Boueibu and I’m celebrating, sure,…

The Animanga Spellbook


Another year, another ecchi OVA about cross-dressing from Knack. This time it's 1993's Mellow , which is based on a manga by Kasahara Rin th...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Fate/Extra: Last Encore: The beautiful nightmare.Background image for Fate/Extra: Last Encore: The beautiful nightmare.

Fate/Extra: Last Encore: The beautiful nightmare.

You can go to many Fate fans and ask them what their favorite one of the franchise is. Many can talk about the original Fate/Stay Night from 2006,…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for The Necessity of ViolenceBackground image for The Necessity of Violence

The Necessity of Violence

Violence, while its form will change greatly with time and place, may always be a necessity in the meeting of beings. Psycho-Pass, the all-time great anime from Gen Urobuchi…


Featured image for The FATE WATCH ORDER IN 30 secondsBackground image for The FATE WATCH ORDER IN 30 seconds

The FATE WATCH ORDER IN 30 seconds

Honestly there are so many watch-order videos, just follow this! Here is the best watch order for the fate series Because I can First, you want to start off with Fate/Stay…


Featured image for When Anime Just Hits Different.Background image for When Anime Just Hits Different.

When Anime Just Hits Different.

Use my code GIGGUK at to get $15 off your first Bokksu Japanese snack box! They just hit different ok. 0:00 Intro 2:53 Kids on the Slope 5:46 When Supernatural Battles…


Sanada 10 Special

Once upon a time, in the ancient days of the mid-oughts, there was a TV series with the rather long title of Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densets...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for 30 Years of Anime in 13 MinutesBackground image for 30 Years of Anime in 13 Minutes

30 Years of Anime in 13 Minutes

Anime is one of the most bright and vibrant art forms out there, often being quite wild and wacky. While animation allows it to tell some of the…


Featured image for The Best Sacrifices in AnimeBackground image for The Best Sacrifices in Anime

The Best Sacrifices in Anime

The death of a beloved character is one of the fastest ways to draw emotion from a viewer, especially in great anime series. We build bonds with them,…


Featured image for OST Spotlight: “the beginning of the end” of Fate/ZeroBackground image for OST Spotlight: “the beginning of the end” of Fate/Zero

OST Spotlight: “the beginning of the end” of Fate/Zero

While I liked and could recognize one or two tracks from Fate/Zero, that was about the extent of my engagement with it until I came across this interview…

The Moyatorium

Featured image for Composer Breaks Down Madoka Magica's OST (Episode 3 Reaction)Background image for Composer Breaks Down Madoka Magica's OST (Episode 3 Reaction)

Composer Breaks Down Madoka Magica's OST (Episode 3 Reaction)

In this episode we react to and analyze the music in the iconic and pivotal episode 3 of Madoka Magica. Scored by Yuki Kajiura, known for her work…

AMP - Anime Music Podcast

Featured image for how to fight godBackground image for how to fight god

how to fight god

The problem of evil asks a simple question with huge implications; if God is good, then why does evil exist? As we all struggle through the suffering which…


Nana Toshi Monogatari

Here's another project that BlueFixer asked Orphan to redo: the two-part sci-fi OVA Nana Toshi Monogatari: Hokkyokukai Sensen ( A Tale of S...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Master List of Bible Verses in AnimeBackground image for Master List of Bible Verses in Anime

Master List of Bible Verses in Anime

Anime has a fascination with Christianity. For decades, priests and nuns have filled out anime casts, the church has often been presented as a corrupt source of evil,…

Beneath the Tangles

Featured image for The Wish to be Complete | Madoka MagicaBackground image for The Wish to be Complete | Madoka Magica

The Wish to be Complete | Madoka Magica

We all have regret and nostalgia, we all make wishes and find despair, but can we become our true selves despite this all? Madoka Magica is a 2011 classic…


Haruka Naru Toki no Naka de 2

Haruka Naru Toki no Naka de ( In a Distant Time ) is an otome game franchise developed by Ruby Party. It spans at least a dozen…

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for "Improving" All Your Favorite Anime in 10 Seconds | 2Background image for "Improving" All Your Favorite Anime in 10 Seconds | 2

"Improving" All Your Favorite Anime in 10 Seconds | 2

The great 90's classic anime Trigun is back, getting a reboot in 2023 dubbed Stampede. To celebrate this great anime coming back, I think we should remember one…


Featured image for Villains that know they are evil and don’t careBackground image for Villains that know they are evil and don’t care

Villains that know they are evil and don’t care

(WARNING!! Slight spoilers ahead) So recently I just finished watching the dressrosa arc in one piece and I thought about dolfamingo and how he just didn’t care about…

Art Of Anime

Featured image for An Ode to the Women of Anime, Manga, & Light NovelsBackground image for An Ode to the Women of Anime, Manga, & Light Novels

An Ode to the Women of Anime, Manga, & Light Novels

Happy International Women’s Day, everyone! In honor of the day, we here at BtT are excited to celebrate some of our favorite women working in anime, manga, and…

Beneath the Tangles

Featured image for Third Impact Anime Episode # 120 – Girls’ Last Tour feat. BokuSatchiiBackground image for Third Impact Anime Episode # 120 – Girls’ Last Tour feat. BokuSatchii

Third Impact Anime Episode # 120 – Girls’ Last Tour feat. BokuSatchii

To continue our recent seasonal theme of reviewing anime with snow in them (see: Fate/Zero), we’re back with a review of the post-apocalyptic iyashikei (meaning healing) series, 2017’s…

Third Impact Anime

Featured image for #120 - Girls’ Last Tour feat. BokuSatchiiBackground image for #120 - Girls’ Last Tour feat. BokuSatchii

#120 - Girls’ Last Tour feat. BokuSatchii

To continue our recent seasonal theme of reviewing anime with snow in them (see: Fate/Zero), we're back with a review of the post-apocalyptic iyashikei (meaning healing) series, 2017's…

Third Impact Anime Podcast

Featured image for Waver Velvet Is Such a Relatable Character!Background image for Waver Velvet Is Such a Relatable Character!

Waver Velvet Is Such a Relatable Character!

I say this after writing about Fate/Zero and watching the Lord El-Melloi’s II Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace Note -Special Episode- which came out last week over the…

Mechanical Anime Reviews

Featured image for 4 Best Anime Openings by KalafinaBackground image for 4 Best Anime Openings by Kalafina

4 Best Anime Openings by Kalafina

4 Best Kalafina Anime Openings: Kalafina has sung some legendary anime openings. Here are the 4 best Kalafina anime openings!

Crow's World of Anime

Featured image for Third Impact Anime Episode # 118 – Fate/ZeroBackground image for Third Impact Anime Episode # 118 – Fate/Zero

Third Impact Anime Episode # 118 – Fate/Zero

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and/or Saturday with your friends and loved ones! To celebrate the holiday season. we’re covering an entry in the long…

Third Impact Anime

Featured image for #118 - Fate/ZeroBackground image for #118 - Fate/Zero

#118 - Fate/Zero

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and/or Saturday with your friends and loved ones! To celebrate the holiday season, we're covering an entry in the long…

Third Impact Anime Podcast

Featured image for Fate/Zero Series 2: They didn’t completely screw the ending?Background image for Fate/Zero Series 2: They didn’t completely screw the ending?

Fate/Zero Series 2: They didn’t completely screw the ending?

The Fate franchise has pretty consistently started out promisingly enough only to fall apart towards the end with rubbish twists and very forced happy endings. Well, this time…

Anime Reviews

Featured image for Urobuchi December: Fate/ZeroBackground image for Urobuchi December: Fate/Zero

Urobuchi December: Fate/Zero

This was never my introduction into the world of the Fate. For me, that was the Fate/Stay Night series from 2006 which placed me into it. With this…

Mechanical Anime Reviews

Featured image for Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace NoteBackground image for Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace Note

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace Note

A fun (though verbose) Fate/Zero spinoff that channels the vibes of Sherlock Holmes, Hogwarts, and the Fate Universe, with a myriad of cameos from other Fate entries.

At a Glance Anime

Featured image for Ten Year Anniversary: Tribute to 2011’s Greatest Anime Series (Part 1 of 2)Background image for Ten Year Anniversary: Tribute to 2011’s Greatest Anime Series (Part 1 of 2)
Featured image for Review: TODAY'S MENU FOR THE EMIYA FAMILYBackground image for Review: TODAY'S MENU FOR THE EMIYA FAMILY


With Thanksgiving and its many bountiful meals on the horizon, now's as good as time as any to take a look at some food manga.   After all, ...

The Manga Test Drive

Featured image for The Recipe for Modern AnimeBackground image for The Recipe for Modern Anime

The Recipe for Modern Anime

Anime has changed a lot in the last 60 years, with each decade being defined by the introduction of new technology. Today, anime isn't just defined by the…

The Canipa Effect

Featured image for The Frontline Report [7/18/21]Background image for The Frontline Report [7/18/21]

The Frontline Report [7/18/21]

This week on The Frontline Report: The Detective is Already Dead, The aquatope on white sands, final thoughts on Fate/Zero

The Magic Planet

Featured image for It’s Getting Hot in Here… (Tag Post)Background image for It’s Getting Hot in Here… (Tag Post)

It’s Getting Hot in Here… (Tag Post)

Taking on Shoujo’s open invitation, but I’m also going to leave this open for anyone else to take up.

The Animanga Spellbook

Featured image for Popularity vs Quality in the Anime CommunityBackground image for Popularity vs Quality in the Anime Community

Popularity vs Quality in the Anime Community

One of the most hotly debated topics in anime is the relationship between how good an anime is and how popular it is. Does popularity mean a show…

A Certain Dazed Producer

Featured image for Re:CREATORSBackground image for Re:CREATORS


An ensemble Reverse Isekai piece with a strong (though slightly less brutal) Fate/Zero feel to it. This takes a hard meta route and is ample with rich philosophical…

At a Glance Anime

Featured image for Fate/Zero: Kiritsugu & How to Dream Impossible DreamsBackground image for Fate/Zero: Kiritsugu & How to Dream Impossible Dreams

Fate/Zero: Kiritsugu & How to Dream Impossible Dreams

I may have watched Fate/Zero for Yuki Kajiura’s soundtrack, but what stays with me is Emiya Kiritsugu’s journey. Or should I say, his failure to actually take the…

Beneath the Tangles

Featured image for Tune of the Week(ish): Fate/Zero’s To the Beginning!Background image for Tune of the Week(ish): Fate/Zero’s To the Beginning!

Tune of the Week(ish): Fate/Zero’s To the Beginning!

It’s a damn shame that this music group disbanded, cause man did they have some really great music, and were no strangers to Fate. Our tune of the…

Shallow Dives in Anime

Featured image for Fate/Zero Episode 17-25: So this guy called Angry Matthew…Background image for Fate/Zero Episode 17-25: So this guy called Angry Matthew…

Fate/Zero Episode 17-25: So this guy called Angry Matthew…

Our re-dive into the series Fate/Zero continues! Last week we looked at the first half, and while I had many nice things to say about it, I also…

Shallow Dives in Anime

Featured image for Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works- Lost it at the endBackground image for Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works- Lost it at the end

Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works- Lost it at the end

I’ve talked about ufotable’s Fate franchise before way back when I reviewed Fate/Zero. This one came out in ’14 and ’15. I’ll be looking at both series together…

Anime Reviews

Featured image for Fate/Zero Episodes 1-16: Yap TrapBackground image for Fate/Zero Episodes 1-16: Yap Trap

Fate/Zero Episodes 1-16: Yap Trap

Anyone who has run with this blog in the almost two and half years (damn) since I’ve been here knows that I’m a card carrying, dyed in the…

Shallow Dives in Anime

Featured image for Superfluous Tragedy In Fate/ZeroBackground image for Superfluous Tragedy In Fate/Zero

Superfluous Tragedy In Fate/Zero

A discussion about Fate/Zero and the overwhelming darkness within.

Anime Rants