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24 results

Featured image for The Cat's Eye and Anne of Green Gables anime are getting remakes in 2025!Background image for The Cat's Eye and Anne of Green Gables anime are getting remakes in 2025!

The Cat's Eye and Anne of Green Gables anime are getting remakes in 2025!

I recently learned that both Cat's Eye and Anne of Green Gables were getting remakes in 2025. As a fan of both shows I'm naturally excited about this.…

Anime Top Scholar

Nijuushi no Hitomi

Nijuushi no Hitomi ( Twelve Sets of Eyes ) is a 1980 TV special based on a perennially popular novel by Tsuboi Sakae. In addition to this…

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Anime Crossover 40 Years In The Making | Lupin III vs Cat's EyeBackground image for Anime Crossover 40 Years In The Making | Lupin III vs Cat's Eye

Anime Crossover 40 Years In The Making | Lupin III vs Cat's Eye

In the world of anime and manga, there exists quite a few crossovers between different series. But there is one anime crossover that seemed like such a no…

Anime Top Scholar

Bride of Deimos

Deimos no Hanayome: Ran no Kumikyoku ( Bride of Deimos: The Orchid Suite ) is a 1988 one-shot OVA. It's based on an incomplete 17-volume ma...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Manga May: The Walking CatBackground image for Manga May: The Walking Cat

Manga May: The Walking Cat

Welcome one and all to the most creative monthly feature you’ve ever heard of: Manga May. I’m taking the month of May to highlight three titles from manga…

Phoenix Talks Pop Culture Japan


Nayuta is a 1986 sci-fi OVA,based on a three volume manga by Sasaki Junko. (The manga is not available in English.) It's another show that a...

Collectr's Blog

Asatte Dance

Here's another ecchi OVA from Knack: 1991's Asatte Dance ( Dance till Tomorrow ), adapted from a seven volume manga by Yamamoto Naoki. It's...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Lupin the Third vs. Cat’s Eye ONA Movie Review (#LupinIII)Background image for Lupin the Third vs. Cat’s Eye ONA Movie Review (#LupinIII)

Lupin the Third vs. Cat’s Eye ONA Movie Review (#LupinIII)

AstroNerdBoy reviews Lupin III vs. Cat's Eye. Lupin teams up with the female thief group Cat's Eye to retrieve their father's paintings.

AstroNerdBoy's Anime & Manga Blog


Another year, another ecchi OVA about cross-dressing from Knack. This time it's 1993's Mellow , which is based on a manga by Kasahara Rin th...

Collectr's Blog

Ai to Ken no Camelot

Some anime is great; some is awful. And some just leaves you scratching your head, not in confusion (like Genji, Part 1 ), but in bemusement...

Collectr's Blog

Heart Cocktail Vol 5

Heart Cocktail , based on a manga series by Watase Seizou, is a joint project between DarkWispers (Darkonius), Lonely Chaser (MartyMcflies...

Collectr's Blog

Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia – 02

「猫の⽬星 さそり座の二番星」 (Neko no Meboshi -Sasoriza no Nibanboshi-) "Mu Scorpii -The Cat's Eyes-" This is definitely the season of irresistible anime couples, and Ganta and Isaki rank right up there.

Random Curiosity

Rehab Assignment (Grimm Douwa: Kin no Tori Full HD)

When it came to Covid, I was pretty lucky, considering my age. No hospitalization required, no lingering after-effects. Still, it knocked me...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Lupin III vs. Cat's Eye ONABackground image for Lupin III vs. Cat's Eye ONA

Lupin III vs. Cat's Eye ONA

While Lupin III vs. Cat's Eye is a competent enough work in most respects, it is also ultimately far less than the sum of its parts.

Anime News Network - Views

Tengai Makyou

Our 300th release, or at least that's what is says on the release page. Orphan starts out 2023 on the right note with the first English-subt...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for “Lupin III vs. Cat’s Eye” Movie Coming 2023! (#LupinIII #ルパンVSキャッツ)Background image for “Lupin III vs. Cat’s Eye” Movie Coming 2023! (#LupinIII #ルパンVSキャッツ)

“Lupin III vs. Cat’s Eye” Movie Coming 2023! (#LupinIII #ルパンVSキャッツ)

AstroNerdBoy takes a look at the forthcoming anime movie, "Lupin III vs. Cat's Eye", which will be a global release on Amazon Prime in 2023.

AstroNerdBoy's Anime & Manga Blog

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - Guest Episode: Cat's Eye with the Zannen Canada Podcast

  Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode! Valentine’s Day may be over, but...

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast

Featured image for Classic Shounen Jump Anime | Cats Eye (1983)Background image for Classic Shounen Jump Anime | Cats Eye (1983)

Classic Shounen Jump Anime | Cats Eye (1983)

You can also check out the article we wrote on Cat's Eye here: We're back! Today we're taking a look at the 80s Lupin-esque anime, by the creator…

Anime Top Scholar

Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei – 02, 03

「ルビーの真実 / キャッツアイの慧眼」 (Rubii no Shinjitsu / Kyattsuai no Keigan) "The Ruby's Truth / Insight of the Cat's Eye" So far, The Case Files of Jeweler Richard has been giving…

Random Curiosity

The Other Half of the Golden Combo: Akio Sugino Interview – Establishing Annapuru (Part 4/6)

“When the production for Tomorrow’s Joe 2 was confirmed, we pleaded with the company president to let us just focus on Tomorrow’s Joe 2 instead of working on…

Heisei Etranger

Anime Boston 2019 City Hunter: Shinjuku Private Eyes Q&A

City Hunter: Shinjuku Private Eyes was screened at Anime Boston 2019. These are the transcripts of the Q&A sessions that took place, featuring director Kenji Kodama, screenwriter Yoichi…

Heisei Etranger

Featured image for Re-Post of Toward the Terra Lp, My Youth In Arcadia ( Drama )  DLP & more.Background image for Re-Post of Toward the Terra Lp, My Youth In Arcadia ( Drama )  DLP & more.

Re-Post of Toward the Terra Lp, My Youth In Arcadia ( Drama ) DLP & more.

Hi fans! This time I'm going to re-post some olde gems for you: Toward the Terra Lp, My Youth in Arcadia (Drama) DLP, Cat's Eye etc.…

The Old School Anime & Retro Cave

OtakuGeneration (Show #491) Ai-Mai-Mi

  Shownotes :: (show 491) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With The Tale of Princess Kaguya, recorded live October 12th, 2014. This…

otakugeneration's Podcast

OtakuGeneration (Show #473) Ouran Host Club

  Shownotes :: (show 473) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Ouran Host Club, recorded live June 29th, 2014. This week we…

otakugeneration's Podcast