In this, the 52nd episode of the Spiraken Movie Review, Xan & Zorro begin our theme month of Karate Kempo & Krazed Kung Fu Master (brought to you by Kung Fu & Titties) with an amazing Kung Fu Film from 1985, Barry Gordy's Last Dragon directed by Barry Gordy and starring Taimak, Vanity, Julius Carrey, Christopher Murney, Faith Prince, Ernie Rays Jr. with a cameo by William H. Macy In order to fully appreciate this theme month, Xan and Zorro discuss what exactly makes a good Kung Fu Movie There is also discussion on Chico DeBarge, why the bitch slap is not a good Kung Fu move, and Tangents galore. Remember to Check out our sponsor, the upcoming film "Kung Fu and Titties" directed by Spiraken guest host Joseph "Odie" McConnell, it's a movie that any red blooded man should see. Please send us any comments concerns and ideas on how to make this podcast better. Let us know so we can do something about it. Also check out the facebook fan group Spiraken Movie Review, And finally, listen to the primary podcast, The Spiraken Manga Review and check out Xan's sidekickery on the podcast. Also listen for a very special guest in our stinger. Hope you enjoy. Music For Episode:Background Music -Dirty Books by Faith Prince (The Last Dragon OST), Intro Music -The Last Dragon by Dwight David (The Last Dragon OST), Background Music -7th Heavan by Vanity (The Last Dragon OST), Background Music -Suki Yaki Hot Saki Sue by Raw Dog (The Last Dragon OST), Background Music -The Glow by Willie Hutch (The Last Dragon OST), Background Music -Inside You by Willie Hutch(The Last Dragon OST), Background Music -The Last Dragon by Dwight David (The Last Dragon OST), Ending Music -Rhythem of the Night by DeBarge (The Last Dragon OST) Our Website Our Sponsor Our Email My Email Cohost's Our Twitter Spirakenmovie Our facebook fan group Spiraken Movie Review Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Voicemail 206-350-8462 Random Question of the Week: How many goons did Eddie Arkadian Hire for the final fight?

Spiraken Review Podcast