In this episode of Spiraken Movie Review, Raze, Baz and the Mystery Girl join Xan to watch as immortals fight for the prize as they review the 1986 action adventure , Highlander directed by Russell Mulcahy and starring Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery, Roxanne Heart, Clancy Brown and Jon Polito. While Mystery Girl rants about how bizarre this film's plot holes are, Baz defends why he prefers Older Sean Connnery to his younger self, Raze comments on how the story still holds up to this day and Xan simply basks in the awesomeness of the Queen Soundtrack. Hope you enjoy Please send us any comments concerns and ideas on how to make this podcast better. Let us know so we can do something about it. Rate us on iTunes, check out the facebook fan group Spiraken Movie Review, purchase some stuff from our amazon store in order to fund this podcast and finally, listen to the primary podcast, The Spiraken Manga Review. Music For Episode: Intro Music - Princes of the Universe by Queen ( Highlander OST), Background Music - The Boy Is Mine by Michael Kamen ( Highlander OST), Background Music - The Quickening by Michael Kamen ( Highlander OST),Background Music - The Perfect Way To Start by Michael Kamen ( Highlander OST), Background Music -Training Macleod by Michael Kamen ( Highlander OST), Background Music -Who Wants To Live Forever by Queen ( Highlander OST), Background Music -New York, New York by Queen ( Highlander OST), Ending Music - The Prize by Queen ( Highlander OST) , Our Website Our Email My Email Co Host's Email Co Host's Email Co Host's Email Our Twitter Spirakenmovie Our facebook fan group Spiraken Movie Review Our Amazon Store Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Random Question of the Week: What would you do if you were immortal?

Spiraken Review Podcast