In This episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan prepares for New York Comic Con 2012, as well as gets a little classical as he reviews not a manga but a graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Kevin O'Neil, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen So enjoy as Xan drops some culture on you about the various classic characters from literature who are revealed in this novel of greatness by Alan Moore. Also check out our amazon store and buy stuff so we can keep the lights on. Hope you enjoy Music For Episode: Intro Music -The Dawn of A New Age by Trevor Jones ( The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen OST ), Background Music - Nautillus Sword of the Ocean by Trevor Jones ( The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen OST), Background Music - May This New Century Be Yours by Trevor Jones ( The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen OST ), Background Music - The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Trevor Jones( The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen OST),Ending Music - Kimi Sae Ireba by Trevor Jones ( The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen OST ) Our Website Our Forum Our Email Xan's Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Amazon Store Random Question of the Week: What Literary characters would you want to see appear in A league of Extraordinary Gentlemen Crossover?

Spiraken Review Podcast