In this episode of Spiraken's Anime Review, Xan & Special guest Darius Washington (twitter @Dwashington999) discuss the second five episode of the new Wit Studio Anime series Great Pretender directed by Hiro Kaburagi and released in the US by Netflix. As they go over the second story arc of this amazing anime series, they discuss the many visual refences to other animation studios, they go on a tangent about the latest anime series and rant for a good 30 minutes on some cool topics. Even though Xan & Darius go all over the place in this review, they do bring up some great talking points in this second installment of our review of Great Pretender. Remember to follow us @spiraken or @DWashington999 on Twitter and @spiraken on Instagram, also if you would kindly, please go to and give us a great rating on Apple Podcasts. Thank you and hope you enjoy this episode. #spiraken #animereview #greatpretenderanime #seinenanime #witstudio  #netflix #manga #spirakenreviewpodcast Music Used in This Episode: Closing Theme-Kawaii by Bad Snacks (Youtube Audio Library) WHERE TO FIND US Our Instagram Our Email Xan's Email Our Discord Our Twitter Youtube Channel Our Amazon Store Random Question of the Day: Did you expect Abby's origin?

Spiraken Review Podcast