With a more adult tone than most anime, this felt like Cowboy Bebop meets Matchstick Men in a bright, bold, modern style. Definitely worth checking out.
Jan 14, 2022 • Subscribe
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Great Pretender
*Note: This review has spoilers.* Great Pretender is an anime composed of four arcs, each centered around a different con a group of conmen are pulling off against…
Great Pretender
By Andrew Osmond. Great Pretender is a crime-caper series, not unlike Lupin III, but less cartoon-zany. This is a hardboiled show, with sex, drugs and real-world grit; it…
Great Pretender – 10
The first two arcs of Great Pretender were as different as chalk and cheese, and the series is the better for it. Read more
Great Pretender – 20
I still think Laurent is the cat. Read more
Great Pretender – 08
There are certainly plenty of unanswered questions here, and for me a lot of them involve Luis. Read more
Great Pretender – 21
This episode represented a resounding return to form for Great Pretender. Read more
Great Pretender – 09
For Makoto, who on some level is still trying to live a life he can be proud of, working with the likes of Laurent and Cynthia is a…
Great Pretender – 15
I'll say this for Laurent - he has no qualms when it comes to getting what he wants. Read more
Great Pretender, Human Love
As of this posting, the United States is just over three weeks from Election Day, and while every presidential election is significant, this one comes during a moment…
First Impressions – Great Pretender
This was really fun, really smart, and looked and sounded great - a thoroughly professional effort all around. Read more
Great Pretender – 04-05
It's not a hard and fast rule, but any time a series can get me to yell "F*ck me!" at the screen, it's pretty much a given that…

Great Pretender GN 1
The story of the Great Pretender is one of a good person trying desperately to be a bad guy in a world where everyone is out for themselves.
Great Pretender – 16-17
It's still not absolutely clear what Great Pretender intends to accomplish in this arc, but it's certainly off to an intriguing start. Read more
Great Pretender – 11-12
Great Pretender (fittingly) changes its skin with every arc, but somehow remains essentially itself. Read more
Great Pretender – 06-07
There's just an awful lot this show does right. Read more

Great Pretender – Episode 3
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’ll checking out the third episode of Great Pretender, where Edamura has at last proven his value to…
Great Pretender – Episode 1
A small-time con-artist, Makoto Edamura meets a charismatic Frenchman named Laurent Thierry and together they travel the world living a life of thievery.
Great Pretender – 07 – Skybrawl
Team Confidence heads to Singapore, where Makoto sees the Ibrahim brothers in action for the first time. While Clark plays the flashy playboy, Sam is the ruthless wheeler-dealer.…

Great Pretender – Episode 1
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’ll be exploring the first episode of one of 2020’s most impressive productions, the energetic and visually dazzling…

Great Pretender – Episode 2
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. You down for some Great Pretender? Personally, I’m pretty jazzed about it. The show’s first episode was an energetic…
Great Pretender – 13-14
So now I'm thinking - maybe Laurent is the cat? Read more
Great Pretender – 2-3
Attack on what, now? Read more
Great Pretender – 18-19
I can't shake the feeling that we've lost the personal touch to an extent. Read more
Great Pretender – 22 – PRETENCEPTION
The preparations for the 100-billion-yen swindle are complete; all that’s left is to execute. Everyone on the team who isn’t Laurent or Makoto are wise to assume that…
Great Pretender – 21 – Language Barrier
After learning how his last princess-trafficking job went south and cost Laurent the love of his life, we return to Cynthia’s island, probably not long after Makoto returned…

Great Pretender- Nearly Nailed It
Great Pretender is a Wit Studio original that released in 2020. I’ve reviewed most of their anime pretty positively, except for that god awful Koi wa Ameagari no…
Great Pretender – 09 – Shock & Awe
In Singapore Sky we’ve had two storylines running in parallel: the Thierry gang’s efforts to bilk the Ibrahims out of their fortune through air racing, and the slow reveal…
Anime Taste Testing: Great Pretender
With the new anime season now starting up (however scant the offerings this time around to due COVID-related scheduling issues), I would be completely remiss if I didn’t…

Fell for it– Great Pretender
View the trailer About a Tokyo conman who meets an American conman. This is an incredibly fast-paced anime. It’s unique to it’s kind. It also has a 1970s…
Anime Taste Testing: Great Pretender
With the new anime season now starting up (however scant the offerings this time around to due COVID-related scheduling issues), I would be completely remiss if I didn’t…
Great Pretender – 03 – Burrowing Deeper
Makoto manages to win Eddie Cassano over by first spending the night watching his movies at a motel, then intentionally getting caught by Eddie’s men. Once he’s before…
Great Pretender – 19 – The Interpreter
Laurent could hardly have envisioned that his failed revenge mission in Paris would set him on the path—and connect him with the people—that would define the rest of…
![Featured image for [Review] The Great Pretender (Netflix)](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211102/1635814955.24373.50953.jpg)
![Background image for [Review] The Great Pretender (Netflix)](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211102/1635814955.24373.50953.jpg)
[Review] The Great Pretender (Netflix)
I am SO excited to talk about this show on my blog!! I’m actually surprised I haven’t seen too much about The Great Pretender, or maybe I really…
Spring 2020 Review: Great Pretender.
I can see ‘Great Pretender’ easily become one of my top anime shows for 2020. A major factor may be that it had me reminiscing about one of…

The Con of Great Pretender
On a pure exterior level, there are many things to appreciate about Great Pretender: it’s an anime original production not tied into any future mobile game or idol…
Anime Series Like Great Pretender
After life turned him down the path of crime, Makoto Edamura cockily thinks himself the best swindler in Japan. However, after trying to swindle a tourist only for…
Bungo Stray Dogs, Cowboy Bebop, Durarara!!, Great Pretender, Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
Great Pretender – 06-07 [Singapore Sky]
This was a tale of two episodes for me. Number 7 was an excellent stage-setter for both the upcoming con on the Ibrahim brothers and Abby’s deteriorating psychology;…
Great Pretender – 04 – The Candyman Can’t
Let’s start with the basics: Makoto has no idea how to cook drugs, yet Eddie is now spending millions to renovate a lab where he’ll be…cooking drugs. Laurent…
Great Pretender – 11 – Mr. Nice Guy
After the high-rolling glitz and glamour of LaLaLand and Singapore, Great Pretender’s newest destination of Nice feels downright quaint … and that’s not a bad thing! Makoto may…
Great Pretender – 06 – Earning His Wings
After an enticing stinger in which a terrified Makoto is along for the ride in a plane piloted by a crazed-looking Abby—which then blows up—we rewind a bit…

Great Pretender Razbliuto Anime Movie Review
Your enjoyment of this new caper will heavily depend on how the ending of the Great Pretender anime series made you feel.
Great Pretender – 17 – Coward of Oz
Edamame is moving up in the Scarlet Company thanks, in part, to the Chinese lessons his late mother insisted he take. Back then, he idolized his valiant attorney…

Hey guys what is up welcome back to my blog I’m so thankful that you guys took the time out of your day to read my blog post.…
Great Pretender – 09-10 [Singapore Sky]
We’ve reached the conclusion to Singapore Sky, my least favorite of Great Pretender’s three cases thus far. I love origin stories, so Los Angeles Connection’s task of integrating…
Great Pretender Anime Review – 78/100
From an aesthetic point of view, Great Pretender is my favorite TV anime of 2020. I’ve spoken plenty about art director Yuusuke Takeda in previous posts, but since…

Hey guys what is up welcome back to my blog I’m so thankful that you guys took the time out of your day to read my blog post.…
Great Pretender – 06 [Singapore Sky, Part 1]
After concluding its first case on such an odd and intriguing note, my big fear for Great Pretender was that Edamura’s character reboot would alter the show’s DNA…

The Great Pretender: You Can Forgive Yourself
Hey everyone, I am here to complain about Netflix jail once again. Yeah, I still wish that it wasn’t a thing. In some ways it doesn’t matter. There…
Great Pretender – 01-05 [Los Angeles Connection]
In the realm of “Netflix Original” anime, my favorite remains 2019’s Rilakkuma and Kaoru (a stop motion ode to kindness and carefree living), but the much wilder and…
Great Pretender – 13-14 [Snow of London]
We survived the wait, everybody. Great Pretender episodes 15-23 are live on Japanese Netflix, and the raws are already floating around online. Now we just have to wait…