The animation is stunning, the voice acting flawless, and the soundtrack expansive, but what makes writer-director Makoto Shinkai’s latest film Suzume so very brilliant is the way it plays the hear…
Apr 10, 2023 • Subscribe
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Review: Suzume
Suzume is the latest movie from acclaimed director Makoto Shinkai, and it would be unmistakable as one of his projects even if you didn’t know the director going…

Review: Suzume
The animation is stunning, the voice acting flawless, and the soundtrack expansive, but what makes writer-director Makoto Shinkai’s latest film Suzume so very brilliant is the way it…

Mini Review – Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari)
Suzume (2022) Part of me worried that I wouldn’t buy a footstool as a second main character – but I quickly got used to it – and ultimately,…

Suzume Anime Review
“I return them to you!” Rating: 10/10 5 stars Disclaimer: spoilers ahead. Also, Daijin’s pronouns weren’t clear to me in the movie. It was assumed to be a…

Anime Review #116: Suzume
Ah yes, Makoto Shinkai: the man, the gift that keeps on giving the anime world something to fawn over every now and then. 3 years after his last…
In 2023, westerners who enjoy Shinkai can squarely divide into two camps: those who think 5 Centimeters is his best work, and everyone else. At the showing for…

Suzume no Tojimari Film Review
My review of Suzume no Tojimari is now up over on Anime News Network.
Makoto Shinkai's Suzume Movie Review
Makoto Shinkai's latest cinematic offering Suzume hits cinemas from Friday 14th April 2023 in the UK, Ireland and North America. It's releas...
#139 - Suzume
This movie kept us all on the edge of our three-legged seat. On this episode of the Third Impact Anime Podcast, we're reviewing the latest film from acclaimed…

REVIEW: Suzume Volume 1 – New Perspectives
The manga adaptation of Makoto Shinkai's Suzume offers fresh perspectives on Suzume and Shouta through stunning artwork.

Makoto Shinkai’s Japan: Suzume no Tojimari Review
A spoiler free review of Your Name fame anime director Makoto Shinkai’s latest movie Suzume no Tojimari, which just released in Japan.
Music: Shinkai’s Suzume
By Andrew Osmond. Makoto Shinkai’s new film Suzume isn’t in British cinemas yet – as of writing, it’s scheduled for release on 14th April. However, Anime Limited is…

Suzume Isn't "Different"
Hopefully Makoto Shinkai includes more McDonald's next time. PATREON POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: TWITTER: SOURCES FOR SUZUME REVIEWS USED AT BEGINNING: MUSIC: Serani Poji - 夜の喫茶店 Revolutionary Girl Utena OST - PASSIONATE (Apasionada) Revolutionary…

Suzume no Tojimari
Plot: On her way to school one day, Iwato Suzume stumbles upon Munakata Souta, a young man searching for abandoned areas. The high school girl directs Souta to…

Suzume no Tojimari
With Suzume, Shinkai Makoto follows in the footsteps of auteurs like Miyazaki and Ikuhara in reflecting on the 2011 Touhoku earthquake and its impact on Japanese society. Read…
Episode 255 - Suzume
This week, we’re staying topical, bay-bee! And by that, I mean Shaun and Rem go to the movies & wait until after most markets have stopped having screenings…

Suzume no Tojimari
Beautifully animated, emotionally resonate, and adeptly scored, Suzume no Tojimari's primary flaw is it feels too similar to Shinkai's previous works, your name. and Weathering With You.

Suzume Review: The Shinkai Formula At Its Best
Produced by CoMix Wave Films Directed by Makoto Shinkai Only In Theaters I don’t usually review anime films. These days, we’re fortunate enough to get wide theatrical releases,…

The LIVING CHAIR in Suzume has a FUNNY MEANING😁 | Suzume #shorts
In Makoto Shinkais new film Suzume (jap. Suzume no Tojimari), the living chair Munakata Sōta is a living chair. The chair is acutally inspired by the Pixar Lamp!…

Going to the Theater: Suzume
Having watched Your Name and Weathering with You, I am eager to see and support Makoto Shinkai’s Suzume by paying a visit to the theater tomorrow. I have…

A Noticeable Absence in Suzume
Suzume is a good anime movie to watch. Fans of animation are sure to be pleased with it, and even the English voice actors performed well. Suzume fits…

Fanart Friday, Too: Reflecting Suzume
Have you read our review for Suzume, now out in theaters in North America? We encourage you to rush out and watch the film. It could turn your…

Doki Doki News: Suzume Premieres!
Welcome to Doki Doki News, your source for updates in the world of anime, gaming, and otakudom, for the week of November 13th through 19th! Check out the…
Taking on Trauma — Suzume no Tojimari
9/11 fucked up a lot of people for good. And for my generation, the tragedy hit at a very impressionable time–essentially setting a dark tone for the rest…
Suzume: It’s an Alaskan BULL WORM!
Well this was a very pleasant surprise! I didn’t intend to watch this film, but fate dropped the chance in my hand and I was glad I did.…

Third Impact Anime Episode #139 – Suzume
Third Impact Anime reviews Berserk (1997)

Suzume (73rd Berlinale International Film Festival)
Or: The Indie director who found out that his niche was the mainstream.

“Suzume no Tojimari” Pilgrimage: Honshu Arc
This is the final post from the three-part Suzume pilgrimage series. We will begin with locations from around Kobe and end with the Ochanomizu Station in Tokyo. Kyushu…

Suzume – My First Makoto Shinkai movie.
Hey guys what is up welcome back to my blog I’m so thankful that you guys took the time out of your day to read my blog post.…

“Suzume no Tojimari” Pilgrimage: Kyushu Arc
Shinkai Makoto’s latest movie Suzume no Tojimari centers on a pair of “closers” who search Japan for open doors that invite calamity into this world. They set off…

Suzume: A Chair and Girl’s Roadtrip
The Theater and Quick Thoughts This latest Makoto Shinkai film finally came out in the United States. I saw it finally on a Friday in the afternoon at…

“Suzume no Tojimari” Pilgrimage: Shikoku Arc
In this post we will be making our way through Shikoku, the smallest of the four main Japanese islands. Last time we spent three days on Kyushu and…

Makoto Shinkai’s Suzume Review: Messy and Unfocused Yet Compelling and Beautiful
For the past couple of months, I’ve been writing a retrospective series of articles respectively focusing on each of the previous short…

Suzume no Tojimari: A New Shinkai Masterpiece?
Shinkai Makoto, director of Your Name, is back with yet another breathtakingly beautiful anime film. How does Suzume stack up?
Suzume no Tojimari is releasing in India!
Makoto Shinkai's Suzume no Tojimari is set to be released on April 21, 2023, in India.
Anime Limited To Distribute Suzume Movie Soundtrack
The good folks from Anime Limited have just sent us some news that they have the rights to distribute the Suzume soundtrack. Makoto Shinkai'...
Suzume UK DVD and Blu-ray Release Details
The good folks from anime giants Crunchyroll have sent us details for the UK home video release of Suzume. Makoto Shinkai's latest cinematic...

Shinkai Makoto’s Suzume Ends Impressive Run in Japan
"Suzume" has been another major hit for popular anime director Shinkai Makoto. See where it stacks up in both Japan and the world at large.

Suzume, a Heartfelt Disaster Film by Makoto Shinkai
Suzume Review Twelve years ago, Japan found itself wracked by the deadliest earthquake in its history. Tens of thousands lost their lives in the earthquake and tsunami. Hundreds of…
An Interview with Makoto Shinkai Director of Suzume
Makoto Shinkai's latest movie hits cinemas around North America, UK and Ireland from Friday 14th April 2023. We caught up the with the accla...

Suzume: when not to stick to the formula
I’ve started to think of the three most recent entries to Makoto Shinkai’s filmography as the “Natural Disasters” trilogy. your name and Weathering with You both tell very…
Makoto Shinkai's Suzume UK and Ireland Cinema Release Details
The good folks from anime streaming giant Crunchyroll have revealed that they have the UK and Ireland Streaming rights for Makoto Shinkai's ...
Makoto Shinkai's Suzume Hits Crunchyroll from 16th November 2023
The good folks from streaming giant Crunchyroll have sent us news that Makoto Shinkai's latest movie Suzume will be available on the streami...

Suzume is like no other Shinkai film... | An Analysis
Makoto Shinkai's new masterpiece Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) has a lot of parallels with his latest film Weathering With You (Tenki no Ko) and Your Name (Kimi no…
G20 Film Festival Showcases Suzume Anime Film in India
A summary of the G20 Film Festival, which screened Suzume, a popular anime film by Makoto Shinkai, in New Delhi on August 12, 2023.
Suzume – The Classic Story of a Girl and Her Chair
I had the opportunity to go see Suzume in theaters with a couple of really good friends. This is what we thought of it!

Makoto Shinkai Talks Suzume and the Earthquake that Inspired It
The acclaimed anime director discusses the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on his latest work and what sort of stories he's considering for the future.

Crunchyroll to Release Makoto Shinkai’s Suzume no Tojimari in Theaters Early 2023
Crunchyroll has announced that, in cooperation with Sony Pictures and Wild Bunch International, they will release Makoto Shinkai’s (Your Name, Weathering with You) upcoming anime feature Suzume no…
The Garden of Words, The Place Promised in Our Early Days, 5 Centimeters per Second, Suzume

This CRAZY anime film is inspired by GHIBLI🥰🏰 | Suzume #shorts
Makoto Shinkai's newest film Suzume (jap. Suzume no Tojimari) feels like it's inspired by Hayao Miyazaki's classic Howl's Moving Castle. The film has many similarities if you look…
Anime Limited to Distribute Vinyl and CD of Suzume Motion Picture Soundtrack
Director Makoto Shinkai reunites with RADWIMPS for the soundtrack of his latest feature film, as well as internationally acclaimed film composer Kazuma Jinnouchi GLASGOW, JANUARY 31, 2023 – …