I have been watching an anime recently and thinking to myself, this would be great if it weren’t for the characters… Le sigh… That’s not exactly a flaw that’s easy to sweep under the rug. It reminded me of Demon Slayer. Not that the animes have anything in common. However, if I remember well, most...
Feb 23, 2023 • Subscribe
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Anime Characters that Only Work on Paper
I have been watching an anime recently and thinking to myself, this would be great if it weren’t for the characters… Le sigh… That’s not exactly a flaw…

What’s a great anime that sounds terrible on paper?
Great anime that sound strange or boring in abstract? Great anime that tackle yikesy tropes in a thoughtful way? How

Anime Characters That Look Alike 2.0
Here's the second batch of look alike anime characters. If you want to see the previous one, here it is. Anime Character…
Rumbling Hearts, The Familiar of Zero, Free! – Iwatobi Swim Club, Medaka Box, Oreimo

Anime Characters That Look Alike 1.0
Don't you ever get the feeling when you watch an anime with a familiar character, but you can't remember where you…
The Irregular at Magic High School, Future Diary, Angel Beats!, Gurren Lagann, Mayo Chiki!

You should animate on paper
Y'all should try animating on paper. Layout Template : https://drive.google.com/file/d/17Ggh0ZSBZWDDgb9tFWhua2XeXWE3wpJ-/view?usp=sharing Layout Template for Clip Studio Paint: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZaTfJf3dC1r_GLoxsH_WBt5sBgc7aZlD/view?usp=share_link Timesheet Template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iMmCox3gL2-2OWXRoBFj2Gu6rg15w2yl/view Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/lastanimator Check out my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/c.dong98 Support me on Patreon: http://patreon.com/dongchang

Are Characters that Grow on You Likeable or Relatable?
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21 Non-Binary Anime Characters That Eschew Gender Conformity
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Five Things That Only Otaku Understand
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Magic Paper
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The Anime That Revealed Japan's F$%ked Up Work Culture
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13 Best Sports Anime Rivalries That Push Characters To Grow
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The Anime That Surpassed K-On.
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On going back to work
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Work! Work! Work!
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Top 5 Supporting Anime Characters That Should Get Their Own Series
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Annoying Anime Characters
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Quick Thoughts on SpyxFamily Season 2: Keep Pushing Paper
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The Anime That Spent EVERYTHING on Animation
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One Piece Live Action: 11 Anime Characters That Didn’t Make The Cut
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That time Captain Britain and Shadowcat turned into poorly drawn anime characters.
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Anime Characters Smoking Compilation
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Adventurers: ISFP Anime Characters
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5 Things That Seem Way More Important to Anime Characters Than to Me
I just liked that gif I know a lot of it comes from culture clash and some are just old tropes, but anime characters sure get excited about…

What Could’ve Been — Anime Characters That Had Their Voice Actor Changed Over Time
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5 Things That Seem Way More Important to Anime Characters Than to Me
I just liked that gif I know a lot of it comes from …

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Japan Group That Funneled Women into Sex Work Busted
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Body Talk: Thoughts on Cells At Work!
© David Production & Crunchyroll Cells at Work! (はたらく細胞) (Anime 2018) Studio: David Production Cells At Work! is the most appropriate anime series to watch during a pandemic.

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Writing Prompt: Name a non-school anime that you think could work as a school anime!
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This Anime Should NOT Work.
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Anime World Order Show # 181 – Sophisticated Adults-Only Animation That Is NOT Kids’ Stuff
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Twelve Short-Lived Musical Acts That Hit Hard with Their Only Anime Part 1
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Top 5 Embarrassing Things That Only Happen to Anime Fans (Or Just To Me)
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Twelve Short-Lived Musical Acts That Hit Hard with Their Only Anime Part 2
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Top 5 OCD Anime Characters
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Best Anime Characters of 2024
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Best Anime Characters of 2023
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The Supervisors: ESTJ Anime Characters
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Anime Characters Are Not You
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