Bamnol - The Debt My granddaughter works hard! All you do is get drunk everyday! It has been roughly two months since my The Monk and T...
Jan 28, 2023 • Subscribe
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Zokki (2021) [Film Review]
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Cube (2021) [Film Review]
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The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl – Film Review
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A Restaurant of Many Orders - Short Film Review
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Short Movie Time: Honeymoon (2021) review [Japan Cuts 2021]
“A pleasing narrative about the arbitrariness of language and culture.”
An AI Short Film! Wow!
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Kick Heart (2013) Short Film
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Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes (2021) [Film Review]
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HOME! (2021) (Animenotane short)
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Baan Muay Thai (2021) [Film Review]
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Short Movie Time: The Fish With One Sleeve (2021) review
“Tokaibayashi Tsuyoshi delivers an important narrative that reveals how a societal system, which struggles with the newly-posed riddle of gender, problematizes the integration of the transgen…
Old Anime Short Film On Bullying..
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Lackadaisy is a Fantastic Short Film!
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Short Movie Time: Go Seppukku Yourselves (2021) review [Japan Cuts 2021]
“An enthralling audiovisual experience and a powerful critique of the Japanese political system.”
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The Mole Song: Final (2021) review [Fantasia Film Festival]
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Tokyo Revengers (2021) Review [Fantasia Film Festival]
“An exciting blend of satisfying violence, tensive moments, surges of pleasing lightheartedness, and touching emotional moments.”
A Man Called Otto — Short Report (Film)
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Dreams of Fire (2021) review [Fantasia Film festival]
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Short Movie time: Psychology counsellor (2021)
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The Imaginary Film Review
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Japan Foundation Film Tour 2021
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The Concierge Anime Film Review
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The Killer (1989) [Film Review]
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The Imaginary Anime Film Review
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Ichi The Witch Chapter 4 SHORT REVIEW
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“An absurd and crazy cocktail full of violence and funny twists and unexpected turns.”
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A pleasant comical romance narrative.
The Fish with One Sleeve: A Short Film on a Japanese Trans Experience
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One Piece Film: Red Film Review
My review of One Piece Film: Red is now up over on Anime News Network.