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Across the Spider-Verse - Surpassing Perfection
Into the Spider-Verse raised the bar for Animation, Super-heroes in general, and Spider-man specifically. Let's look at how the sequel did it again, only harder. It's a metaphor for…

Across the Spider-Verse was BRAVE
Slightly longer version of this over on my TikTok as usual, if youre interested! Edited by @TeeHallumsYT SUPPORT US ON PATREON: FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: FOLLOW ME…
Episode 175 - Not GARP: Across the Spider-Verse
While we are still preparing for the next project, we might as well take some time to talk about another anime-adjacent movie. Following wha...

Spring 2023 Anime Week 10: Across the Anime-verse
June 12th, 2023 I just watched Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse in theaters, and damn, what a masterpiece that was. The thing is, I don’t even enjoy multiverse stories…

The Real Diversity of Street Fighter 6 and Across the Spider-Verse
WARNING: SPOILERS FOR SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE (and I guess Street Fighter 6?) I’ve had the pleasure lately of experiencing two of the finest works of media this…

Kobeni & Dabi's Dance | MHA x Chainsaw Man x BRADIO
April Fools presented the opportunity for me to create my most moronic Edit yet, so here it is! Hope you still enjoy it :^) Music: Flyers - BRADIO Programs used: Photoshop After…

Dance Dance Danseur Episode 2
Man, this was another mixed bag. I feel like I got this love/hate relationship with this show at the moment. And it goes without saying, the part I…

Dance Dance Danseur Episode 2 Review
Two episodes into it and gladly, Dance Dance Danseur continues a strong run. The attendance to the Snow Lake recital is pretty much what you’d expect – Miyako’s…

across the leijiverse
Japanese animation, anime, cartoons, manga, 1960-1990, Tezuka, Miyazaki, Ishinomori, Matsumoto, Yamato, Gatchaman, Star Blazers, Captain Harlock

Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse
This film would probably be a real delight for folks who like in-jokes and intertextuality. Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse (2018) It’s also nice – after 60-odd years…
Manga Pulse 495: Yankee Dance
Let’s see what we’ve got for another joke about twos. Hmm, perhaps something about wild deuces? That’s a sort of poker term, we think. Does that mean we’ve…

Dom/Sub Verse Introduction
There is seriously something wrong with me. I have, for the most part, scrupulously avoided the Omegaverse (also known as ABO, or Alpha/Beta/Omega) in yaoi, because I was…

Dance Dance Danseur
Dance Dance Danseur is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....
VTubers Across The Language Barrier
Here on Beneath the Tangles, we look at a huge variety of what could be considered “otaku media.” What makes things interesting is that, as time goes on,…

How To Dance Like Barbie - Dance! Workout With Barbie (Part 2)
BARBENHEIMER In anticipation for the upcoming live action Barbie movie, I decided to put together a series of mini shorts based on the original Dance Workout With Barbie HVS…

THE PSYCHO They like to watch dark and psychological stuff. They don’t like how colourful and straightforward real life is. FAV GENRE : Psychological PROS : Actually pretty…

Dance Dance Danseur – 02
Spring is really heating up now, and I don't mean the weather. Read more

Dance Dance Danseur – 06
I may not know a Plié from a Piqué but I know beauty when I see it. Read more

Dance Dance Danseur – 05
This series keeps blowing expectations to smithereens, so it's probably about time to stop doubting it. Read more

Dance Dance Danseur – 04
Patience, young grasshopper. Read more
Dance Dance Danseur – 02
「これはっ……友達になれないタイプだっ!」 (Kore wa...... Tomodachi ni Narenai Taipu da!) "He's... the Type I Can't Be Friends With!" Man vs. Monkey

Dance Dance Danseur – 07
It's Danseur's season, any other show is just borrowing it for 23 minutes. Read more
Dance Dance Danseur – 05
「死ね、ねーだろっ」 (Shine, nē Daro) "I Can't Die Now" Dances speak louder than words.
Dance Dance Danseur – 04
「俺、もうバレエ踊っていいんだッ、ぜっ」 (Ore, Mō Barē Odotte Iin da, ze) "I Can Do Ballet Now" The barre has been raised.
Dance Dance Danseur – 09
「俺だって、もっと上手くなりてぇんだよっ!」 (Ore Datte, Motto Umaku Naritēn da yo!) "I Wanna Get Better, Too!" Wow-I feel like I just returned from a long journey- there’s so much to unpack in this…
Dance Dance Danseur – 08
「あ―もっかいやりてぇーっ!!」 (Ā Mokkai Yaritē) "Oh, I Wanna Do It Again!!" Good for Junpei!
Dance Dance Danseur – 10
「都は、あいつの側に……いてやんなきゃ」 (Miyako wa, Aitsu no Soba ni......Ite Yannakya) "Miyako... You Need to Be by His Side" You take the blue pill, the story ends. You take the red pill, you…
Dance Dance Danseur – 06
「 俺、なんでバレエやってんだ?」 (Ore, Nande Barē Yatten da?) "Why Am I Doing Ballet?" Getting knocked down a peg (or ballet barre) or two sometimes is what it takes to re-evaluate yourself.
Dance Dance Danseur – 01
「やるわけねーだろ、バレエなんて!」 (Yaru Wake nē Daro, Barē Nante!) "There's No Way I'm Doing That Ballet Thing!" An overture to self-discovery.
Dance Dance Danseur – Recital
Dance Dance Danseur was surprisingly engaging for it's dancing but a little too melodramatic at times for my tastes.
Dance Dance Danseur – 07
「ひぃ〜、もうっ、恥っ」 (Hī, Mō, Hazu) "Ah, I'm So Embarrassed" Ballet and bonding

Dance Dance Danseur – 09
Dance Dance Danseur captures what it's like to be 14 so adroitly that it can uncomfortable at times. Read more

Dance Dance Danseur – 10
I agree with you 100%, Luou-kun. Read more

Dance Dance Danseur – 03
I have many thoughts. Read more
Dance Dance Danseur – 03
「男らしいって、なんだ?」 (Otokorashiitte, Nanda?) "What Does It Mean to Be Manly?" The power of dance

Dance Dance Danseur – 08
I can't imagine the challenge instructors face in corralling the hormones of 13 and 14 year-olds thrown into each others arms and asked to be professional about it.…

Taps Across America
Happy Memorial Day Everyone! To celebrate those troops who have fallen, I have decided to actually participate in Taps Across America this year. For those who don’t know,…
![Featured image for Dance Dance Danseur – 2 [I Can’t Be Friends With Someone Like Him!]](
![Background image for Dance Dance Danseur – 2 [I Can’t Be Friends With Someone Like Him!]](
Dance Dance Danseur – 2 [I Can’t Be Friends With Someone Like Him!]
Hello everyone and welcome to the first post of the first covered show of the new season! What I have here is Dance Dance Danseur, MAPPA’s latest attempt…

Kobeni is Not Your Waifu | Chainsaw Man
チェンソーマン #chainsawman #kobeni Kobeni is a much beloved manga character from Chainsaw Man that recently had her anime debut in Chainsawman episode 6. There was a mixed reaction…

Kobeni Sucks – Chainsaw Man Ep 6 Review
Kobeni drinks toilet bowl water and tries to kill Denji. Power aspires to become Prime Minister of Japan. Let’s admit Chainsaw Man is Mid already.
Review: Across the Furious Sea (2023)
Across the Furious Sea 涉过愤怒的海 China, 2023, colour, 2.35:1, 142 mins. Director: Cao Baoping 曹保平. Rating: 3/10. Overheated drama-thriller about a father hunting his daughter’s killer is ludicrously…

Dance Dance Danseur Episode 3
Just as when I thought we were finally having a break from characters annoying me, this series introduces to a set of new despicable characters to add to…

First Impression: Dance Dance Danseur
Junpei is your typical 13 year old boy, obsessed with looking cool and teetering on the edge of falling for the mysterious, beautiful transfer student with the mole…
Dance Dance Danseur – 11 (END)
「あ、俺、クラシックバレエ、好きかも」 (A, Ore, Kurashikku Barē, Suki ka mo) "Oh, I Think I Love Classical Ballet" Dance Dance Danseur takes its final bow and I don't feel like applauding but nor…

Dance Dance Danseur – Episode 1
It's a fantastic premiere that mixes dance with commentary on toxic masculinity.

First Impressions – Dance Dance Danseur
Never, never underestimate the impact of peer pressure in the life of a child. Read more

First Look: Dance Dance Danseur
After discovering an unexpected passion for ballet as a child, Junpei, now a middle-school student, has forsaken his childhood dream to follow in his deceased father’s footsteps as…

Seireitsukai no Blade Dance (Blade Dance of the Elementalers)
This light novel series starts off as a pretty standard harem battle academy, where the protagonist Kamito due to being the only male that can wield the power…

Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance – Episode 2
As usual everything makes me cringe. But hey hopefully something relatively cool will happen. Anyway, we get a description of what the blade dance even is. Blonde haired…
TeZuKa - The Dance Show.
The Sadler's Wells theatre in Islington, London, England will be holding a new stage production featuring music, dance, and multimedia, cel...