There are two kinds of isekai anime. In the first, the MC is fairly ordinary, and has to struggle and strive to achieve greatness. This is not that! Overlord is the second kind, where the MC is so …
Oct 3, 2022 • Subscribe
More like this
Probably one of the best, if not the best, series of the decade. Overlord is originally a light novel series which has yet to end in 2022 but…

Overlord IV
Welcome back to the story of a man completely out of his depth that is very much the living embodiment of ‘fake it till you make it’. Though…

Overlord IV
FINALLY! The pipe dream has come true! I’m talking about Overlord IV! Yeah! I suppose 4 years feels like a really long time to wait for another sequel…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Overlord IV
Overlord IV is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....
Overlord IV – 02
「リ・エスティーゼ王国」 (Ri Esutiize Oukoku) "Re-Estize Kingdom" It's a party to die for.
Overlord IV – 12
「王都侵攻」 (Outo Shinkou) "Invasion of the Royal Capital" I think we all know how this story ends.
Overlord IV – 11
「張り巡らされた罠」 (Harimegurasaseta Wana) "Well-prepared Traps" Actor meets dragon.
Overlord IV – 07
「霜の竜王」 (Shimo no Ryuuou) "Frost Dragon Lord" Dragon harem get!
Episode 18 Overlord
Hey there light novel fans! On this episode of the Light Novel Podcast we’re discussing the isekai series, Overlord. Now this one has had 3 cours of anime,…

Episode 18 Overlord
Hey there light novel fans! On this episode of the Light Novel Podcast we’re discussing the isekai series, Overlord. Now this one has had 3 cours of anime,…

Episode 18 Overlord
Hey there light novel fans! On this episode of the Light Novel Podcast we’re discussing the isekai series, Overlord. Now this one has had 3 cours of anime,…
Overlord IV – 03
「バハルス帝国」 (Baharusu Teikoku) "Baharuth Empire" Jircniv might want to start praying harder.
Overlord IV – 09
「滅亡への始まり」 (Metsubou e no Hajimari) "Countdown to Extinction" That's one way to make an entrance.
Overlord IV – 05
「ドワーフの国を求めて」 (Dowaafu no Kuni o Motomete) "In Pursuit of the Land of Dwarves" Neurotic vampires and dwarves mixing with the undead: there's a Warhammer joke in here somewhere.

Episode 221- Overlord
This week, Shaun has been thinking long and hard about our lovely editor and his aesthetic, contemplating how to utilize it in the podcast best, when EUREKA! He…
Overlord IV – 08
「計算外の一手」 (Keisangai no Itte) "An Unexpected Move" Stupidity knows no bounds.
Overlord IV – 04
「謀略の統治者」 (Bouryaku no Touchisha) "The Ruler of Conspiracy" Well that escalated quickly.

Overlord (Season One)
Momonga was still logged in when the Yggdrasil servers were shut down. However, the game continued. Well, it looked like the game except all of the NPCs were…

Episode 18 Overlord
Hey there light novel fans! On this episode of the Light Novel Podcast we’re discussing the isekai series, Overlord. Now this one has had 3 cours of anime,…
Overlord IV – 01
「アインズ・ウール・ゴウン魔導国」 (Ainzu Uuru Goun Madou Kuni) "Sorcerous Nation of Ainz Ooal Gown" Kingdom building one lap cuddle at a time.
Overlord IV – 06
「迫りくる危機」 (Semarikuru Kiki) "The Impending Crisis" Wait, there's dwarves which don't like alcohol?
Overlord IV – 10
「最後の王」 (Saigo no Ou) "The Last King" Heavy is the head which wears the crown.

Overlord: The Undead King
Overlord, Volume 1: The Undead King Japanese Title: オーバーロード 1 不死者の王 (Ōbārōdo 1: Fushisha no ō) Author: Kugane Maruyama (丸山くがね) Translator: Emily Balistrieri Illustrator: so-bin (@soubin) Publicatio…
Overlord IV – 13 (END)
「滅国の魔女」 (Mekkoku no Majo) "The Witch of the Falling Kingdom" Climb might soon regret thinking with the wrong head.
Overlord: Uniquely Un-Unique
Overlord has always been the Isekai I’ve struggled to get into the most. I tried three times to love it, and I couldn’t do it. Then buying the…
Episode 510: Overlord Euphonium
Round 1 of the Anime Pulse co-host selections have begun, our first participant is Adrien from Belgium. After introducing himself and giving us his life story till now,…

Overlord (Episode 6) – Journey
Momon is on a quest with Nabe and the Swords of Darkness. Their mission is to protect Nfirea Bareare which sounds easy enough. Of course, there are plenty…
Overlord II Anime Review
I had made a review about Overlord over a year ago, and yeah, it took me a long time to watch the 2nd season. I haven’t even touched…

Overlord IV Review — B-
Our favorite evil undead overlord is back.
Unicorn Overlord is Here!
Man, it was kinda hard getting a copy of Unicorn Overlord, but mine finally came in the mail.

Overlord IV Episode Guide
Overlord IV Episode Guide: Ains tries nation-building. Then a stupid nobleman in the Re-Estize Kingdom defied him. How ill Ains react?

Overlord IV (Season 4)
More interesting and with greater political intrigue than previous seasons. Still has some issues with direction and an abundance of seemingly unnecessary details.

Overlord (Episode 10) – True Vampire
Something happened to Shaltear that meant she no longer followed Lord Ainz’s commands. Albedo believes that she has turned against them, but Ainz thinks there could be something…

Overlord IV – 11 – Knocked Back
After a solemn scene of King Ramposa mourning Zanac’s sure demise and excusing the palace staff in hopes some might get away under cover of night, Ampetif Cocco…

Overlord (Episode 2) – Floor Guardians
Momonga meets with the floor guardians who instantly pledge their loyalty to him. Sebas returns and reveals that the Great Tomb of Nazarick has moved, forcing Momonga to…

Overlord IV: Jesus Christ Renner…
If you’ve read my blog, then you know that my time with Overlord has been a love-hate sort of relationship. I tried it, didn’t like it, tried it…

Overlord IV – 05 – Field Trip
I love it when Ainz isn’t around and the Floor Guardians just shoot the breeze. When Demiurge arrives to find Ainz is away, Albedo asks him why it’s…

Overlord (Episode 5) – Two Venturers
Lord Ainz Ooal Gown looks to expand his information network by becoming a high-ranking adventurer. Not long after getting into E-Rantel he is hired by Nfirea Bareare to…

Overlord IV – 04 – Away Game
As soon as Albedo departs from E-Rantel for her special envoy mission, Ainz takes a trip of his own, using Gate to slip into the Imperial capital of…

It's Time To Rewatch Overlord
Overlord season 4 comes out in July, it is time to rewatch Overlord. This series is easily one of the best isekai ever made. Ainz Oaal Gown is…
Level 1 Overlord #04 — PooCuber
That's what we're going with, huh? Impressions: And I'm deeply rethinking any desire to continue with this. It still wasn't as annoyingly shouty as the first episode,…

Overlord IV – 03 – Muddy Waters
I’m glad the show rewound a bit to show us Albedo setting off on her envoy mission, because it shows us how much Momonga cares about her, fussing…

The Biggest SIMP in Overlord
The biggest simp in overlord season 4, this man was so down bad for albedo. If you enjoyed the video leave a like and subscribe for similar content, thank…
5 Reasons To Skip: Overlord
Purpose? What’s that?

Ainz MOUNTS Cocytus! | Overlord Season 4
Ainz mounts Cocytus in Overlord season 4 episode 5, is this becoming simplord? First was Phillip and now Cocytus, lord have mercy for these men. If you enjoyed the…
Overlord Volume 4: Hardcore Lizardman Porn
Our look at the light novel series Overlord continues! We have now reached the point in the story where I pretty much lost interest in terms of the anime. How…
Level 1 Overlord #10 — Friends Forever!
I detest everything about this 'arc.' Impressions: It's incredible that this show's writing is somehow managing to go from bad to worse. Or maybe not since this…
Overlord Volume 2: What time? Clementine
Our look at the light novel version of Overlord continues! Now that all the introductions are out of the way, the story kicks off into high gear with…

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 5
My review of Overlord IV episode 4 is up over on Anime News Network. Click here to read it!